
lòu dǒu
  • funnel;hopper;infundibulum;filling funnel
漏斗 [lòu dǒu]
  • [funnel] 一种器皿,一般为空心圆锥状,具有一从圆锥尖端伸出的管子

漏斗[lòu dǒu]
  1. 他用一个漏斗把汽油灌入汽车。

    He poured the petrol into the car through a funnel .

  2. 结果慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉CT表现分4型:(1)漏斗型21例;

    Results CT features of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps were divided into 4 types : ( 1 ) funnel type ( 21 cases );

  3. 这些火焰造成了对流漏斗,把许多微粒抛向上层大气。

    These fires create convection funnels , and throw a lot of particles into the upper atmosphere .

  4. 出口澳大利亚C(35)型粮食漏斗车

    The C_ ( 35 ) Type Grain Hopper Car Exported to Australia

  5. 螺旋CT在儿童漏斗胸中的应用

    The Application of Spiral CT in Pectus Excavatum in Children

  6. 方法对我院2004-03&2005-07间经手术治疗的35例患漏斗胸的患儿胸部CT检查进行回顾性的分析。

    Methods Chest CT images in 35 cases of pectus excavatum from 2004-03 & 2005-07 in our hospital were retrospectively analysed .

  7. II类:仅位于第三脑室底,累及视交叉、漏斗、垂体柄、视神经和视束,共15例;

    Type II was only at the bottom of the third ventricle , and 15 cases in all .

  8. 双向CATV网中的漏斗噪声与干扰

    Noise and Interference in Two Way CATV

  9. HPLC法测定健脾颗粒中橙皮苷的含量陶瓷球颗粒在圆形漏斗中下落速度的PIV研究

    Determination of Hesperidin in Jianpi Granules by HPLC Measurement of Spherical Ceramic Particles Flowing from Three-dimensional Hopper by Particle Image Velocimetry

  10. 巴布亚新几内亚Muller高原的大漏斗

    Giant dolines of the Muller plateau , papua New Guinea a big cheater

  11. 爆破漏斗形成过程的DDA模拟分析

    Simulation of the process of explosion funnel formulation by means of discontinuous deformation analysis

  12. K(13NA)型石碴漏斗车

    The K_ ( 13NA ) Type Ballast Hopper Car

  13. 漏斗势中的超冷玻色气体进入TG区域,随着囚禁原子数的增加,动量分布的峰值变得越尖。

    Ultracold Bose gas enter the TG region in funnel potential , the peaks of momentum distribution become sharper with the number of atoms increasing .

  14. Nuss微创漏斗胸矫形术后并发症及其处理

    Complication and treatment for correction of pectus excavatum with Nuss procedure

  15. K(18DA)型煤炭漏斗车中梁制造工艺分析

    Analysis of the Manufacture Technology for the Center Sill of K_ ( 18DA ) Coal Hopper Car

  16. HFC网络中上行信道的漏斗噪声是制约上行信道提高传输速率的主要原因。

    In the HFC network , the funnelling effect of noise is the main restrict matter of raising the rate in the up stream channel .

  17. Muller高原漏斗的形成环境与其它大漏斗有许多相似性。

    The Muller Plateau dolines have formed in an environment that has many similarities to the other giant dolines .

  18. 目的探讨高分辨力CT扫描对额窦引流通道(鼻额管、额窦窦口、筛漏斗、中鼻道等)解剖结构的显示及其扫描技术。

    Objective To study the scanning technique of HRCT for demonstrating the anatomical structures of the frontal sinus and its drainage channels , including ostium of frontal sinus , nasofrontal duct , ethmoid infundibulum , middle nasal meatus , etc.

  19. 介绍了KM(70)型煤炭漏斗车的研制过程、主要技术参数、技术特点、结构、试验情况及应用前景。

    Described are the development process , main technical parameters , technical fea - tures , structure , testing and application prospects of the KM_ ( 70 ) coal bopper car .

  20. 作者推荐FI和AP/LR作为评估小儿漏斗胸心功能的指标。

    The authors recommend that FI and AP / LR be used as an index in the assessment of cardiac function of the children with pectus excavatum .

  21. 通过划分单独的VLAN、全网实施DiffServ,结合令牌桶、漏斗桶算法来实现端到端的QoS保证。

    Port to port QoS guarantee can be realized by separating individual VLAN , implementing DiffServ in the whole network , combined with token bucket and leaky bucket arithmetic .

  22. 漏斗森林的均匀度指数J最大,为0.825,其次为槽谷森林,为0.816,坡地的相对较小,为0.814。

    The evenness index ( J ) in funnel forest was the highest ( 0.825 ), Valley forest was the second ( 0.816 ) and hillside forest ( 0.814 ) was the lowest .

  23. 44例VSD中30例缺损右室侧呈不同形态,其中漏斗形13例,瘤形8例,不规则6例,管形3例;

    Thirty of 44 VSD had different shapes on right ventricular side , including 13 funnel , 8 aneurysm-like , 6 irregular , and 3 pipe-shaped types .

  24. 结论Haller指数和心脏旋转角是评价儿童漏斗胸的2个重要指标。

    Conclusion Haller index and cardiac rotation angle are important CT signs in diagnosing pectus excavatum .

  25. 除5例漏斗型和6例管型PDA超声心动图与血管造影所见一致外,其余44例(80%)PDA类型超声心动图所见均与血管造影不一致。

    Except 5 funnel shape PDAs and 6 tubular shape PDAs , the shapes of PDAs in the remainder of 44 ( 80 % ) patients were not consistent between echocardiography and angiography .

  26. 小儿漏斗胸Nuss手术对胸廓影响的研究电视胸腔镜辅助胸壁小切口与开胸肺癌根治术比较

    Biomechanical Effects of Nuss Procedure on Thoracic Wall Comparison of Thoracoscopy-assisted Mini-incision and Traditional Open Surgery for Lung Cancer

  27. 目的探讨胸腔镜下Nuss手术治疗小儿漏斗胸的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of the Nuss procedure in the treatment of pectus excavatum in children .

  28. 利用I-DEAS软件对铁路漏斗车底架组对夹具进行了三维设计和机构仿真,并验证组对夹具中夹紧装置设计的合理性。

    With I-DEAS software complete the3D design and mechanism simulation about undercarriage group jigs of the railway hopper car , and verify the rationality of the mechanism design .

  29. 方法胸腔镜直视下Nuss技术治疗45例漏斗胸。

    Methods Thoracoscopic sternum elevation with an internal steel bar ( Nuss procedure ) was performed in 45 children with pectus excavatum .

  30. 目的探讨Haller指数和心脏旋转角对漏斗胸的应用价值。

    Objective To study the value of Haller index and cardiac rotation angle by observing spiral CT features in petus excavatum .