- 名nociceptive stimulus

The study of the expression of Fos in Vc of rats induced by the pulpal inflammatory and mechanical noxious stimulation
[ Conclusion ] The hypoxic preconditioning can lead an increased endogenous EPO expression and decrease the threshold of EPO expression against subsequent lethal stimulation during a certain period .
According to the recent studies , the trauma of peripheral organs can induce the expression of HO-1 in the brain tissue , which indicated that there might be some relationship between HO-1 / CO and the modulation of injury stimulus .
The activation of thalamo-cortical neural network by noxious mechanical stimulation : a multichannel recording study
[ Conclusions ] ( 1 ) Propofol has antinociceptive effect on visceral nociception induced by CRD .
As harmful stimulation , hypoxia can lead to the relevant response from the whole body level to the cell level .
The method that microelectrode is used to record unit discharge of spinal dorsal horn to respond to nocuous stimulus and its computer processing is described .
When the central nervous system suffered damage stimulus , as the innate immune cells present in the central nervous system , microglia are rapidly activated and play a dual role .
Injuries and intense noxious stimuli result in pain hypersensitivity , which is contributed by peripheral sensitization ( increased sensitivity of primary sensory nociceptors ) and central sensitization ( increased sensitivity of spinal dorsal horn and other CNS neurons ) .
The results also indicated that stimulus with 6 % ethanol did not increase the ability of cells to resist the injury of noxious agents ( 0.6N HC1 , HCl-ethanol and so on ) . And the blood flow and microcirculation of gastric mucosa were not improved .
P-substance has strong vasodilative activity and is involved in the sensation of the skin to traumatic stimulation and the modulation of local vascular function .
Peripheral substance P receptor mediating c-fos gene expression in the spinal dorsal horn induced by peripheral noxious stimulation
Noxious stimulation to stomach effects on neurons containing SP mRNA in premamillary region of rat hypothalamus
CGRP in posterior horn may be related to noxious stimulation conduction .
Expression of Fos in NOS-positive neurons in rat brain following visceral noxious stimulation
The Expressions of VEGF in the Spinal Cords of Rats with Neuropathic Pain and the Facilitating Effects on Noxious Stimuli
Methods In SD rats CRD was used as noxious visceral stimuli .
Noxious dental pulp stimulation induced Fos expression in the medulla oblongata of the rat
Empirical study of the rat peritoneal noxious stimulation inducing expression of c-fos in central nervous system
C-fos expression within central nervous system of the rat following gastrointestinal ( visceral ) noxious stimulation
Expression of SOM mRNA and Coexistence of SOM mRNA and 5-HT in Nucleus Raphe Dorsalis Following Noxious Stimulation and Electroacupuncture Analgesia
Expression of preproenkephalin mRNA and its coexistence with FOS in rat ar-pag-rvm following tail nociceptive stimulation and acupuncture in Quanliao point
Results ( 1 ) When the noxious stimuli were administered , the frequency of evoked discharge of PEN was increased ;
Expression of GFAP in rat brain stem astrocytes induced by stomachic nociception and relationship to neurons
Morphine-3-glucuronide ( m3g ) potentiates noxious stimulus-evoked FOS protein-like immunoreactivity in the rat spinal cord
Gastrointestinal noxious stimulation induced expression of Fos protein in the cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons of dorsal raphe nucleus
The gastrointestinal noxious stimulation induced Fos expression of brainstem neurons projecting to the central amygdaloid nucleus in the rat
Peripheral noxious stimulation-induced c-fos expression in neurons of cervical cord and caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus projection to the dorsal raphe nucleus
Effect of morphine on expression of c-fos induced by innoxious touch-stimulus in the spinal cord in CCI rat
Conclusion : The function of PVN and NTS could be affected by the GI / RI noxious stimulation .