
  • 网络central chamber;Central compartment
  1. 结论ANH使TCI异丙酚的中央室和周边室分布容积增加,周边室向中央室的转运速率减慢。

    Conclusion The distribution volume of central and peripheral compartment increases and transfer rate from peripheral compartment to central compartment decreases during ANH .

  2. 后端圆盘状后吸器由1个中央室、8个辐射小室、56个边缘乳突及三叉形指状突组成。

    On the end of the worm , disc - like haptor is composed of 1 central loculus , 8 radial small loculi , 56 marginal papillae and tri - lobed finger - like projections .

  3. 实时频率数据将通过Internet采集在中央控制室的服务器中。

    The time stamped frequency data will be collected at the center server via internet .

  4. 以下列出得是建造安装DCS系统的中央控制室的估算费用,包括地方税费。

    Listed below are estimated costs of constructing the CCR ( central control room ) for DCS , including local taxes .

  5. 自动工序工艺运行的全部参数,都可以在中央监控室通过控制网络重新设置到PLC自动控制程序中,从而生成全新的污水处理工艺流程,以适应污水成分、气候、进水流量等的变化。

    All parameters of automatic working procedure can be reinstalled in PLC control software through control network of Central Monitoring Room to generate a new wastewater disposal process flow so as to adapt changes of wastewater components , climate , inflow , etc.

  6. 脊髓前脚运动神经元和中央管室管膜细胞、肺内小支气管至肺泡管上皮及肺泡Ⅱ型细胞HCY2均高表达;

    The expression of HCY-2 in motor neurons of anterior crus in spinal cord was fierce . Simultaneously HCY-2 fiercely expressed in epithelium from small bronchial to alveolar duct and type ⅱ alveolar cells .

  7. 中央控制室设置独立的工程师工作站。

    Independent engineer station shall be set for central control room .

  8. 大英图书馆中央阅读室,伦敦。

    The reading room of the British Library , UK .

  9. 完善中央控制室温度控制系统设计的新方法

    New method of improving the design of temperature control system of CCR

  10. 电气控制采用中央控制室集中监控。

    The electric control adopts central chamber and main work site control .

  11. 脊髓中央管室管膜上皮呈弱阳性反应。

    The ependymal cells of central canal of spinal cord showed weak positive reaction .

  12. 康复服务中央档案室〔前称伤残人士中央档案室〕

    Central Registry for Rehabilitation [ formerly known as Central Registry of the Disabled ]

  13. 管理中心中央控制室效果图。

    Effect picture of future Central Control Room .

  14. 水电站中央控制室;

    Central control room of hydropower station ;

  15. 水泥厂中央控制室的建筑设计

    Architecture Design for CCR of Cement Plant

  16. 本文对某现代发电厂中央控制室的照明灯具进行分析;

    This paper analyses on the luminaire of control center in one of modern power plants ;

  17. 中央设计室的核心团队成员将完成所有区段的初步设计。

    Core team personnel in the central design office will complete the preliminary design for all segments .

  18. 煤化工工程中央控制室自动探火灭火系统设置

    Discussion on setting fire trace automatic fire detection system in central control room of coal chemical industries

  19. 给用户提供了一个直观而方便的窗口界面,只要点击相应的按钮或选择简单的菜单,就可以在中央监控室对渗碳炉进行热处理操作。

    The operator controls carbon potential furnace by clicking button or choosing menu in central control room .

  20. 现场总线是用于现场设备和中央控制室控制设备间的一种全数字、多变量、双向、多站的通信系统。

    The Field Bus is a full digital , multiple variable , and bi-directional communication system with multiple stations .

  21. 创造高效安全的工业建筑空间&南海石化项目抗爆中央控制室建筑设计

    Creation of efficient and safe industrial building space & design of blast-resistant central control building in Nanhai petrochemical project

  22. 供水系统通过中央控制室实施远程控制,减少了现场人员配备的必要。

    The waterworks is controlled by remote from a central control room to eliminate the need for onsite manning .

  23. 大鼠脊髓中央管室管膜上皮细胞及其分泌吸收的超微形态特征

    Ultrastructural characteristics of ependymal cells on the central canal of the spinal cord and their secretion and absorptive function in rats

  24. 意外的是,保护伞的安保系统关闭了,爱丽丝逃出了保护伞的中央控制室。

    Out of the blue , the computer security system shuts-down and Alice flees to the central control room of the facility .

  25. 水井,自来水厂和泵站全部通过中央控制室实施远程控制,这就减少了现场人员配备的必要。

    Wells , waterworks and pumping stations are controlled by remote from a central control room to eliminate the need for onsite manning .

  26. 一具有监测,报警及控制所述喷淋头开启和关闭能力的中央控制室;

    A central control room with the performances of monitoring , alarming and controlling the switching of the spraying head is also provided .

  27. 输液结束或异常时,在中央监控室发出声光报警,并自动阻断液体。

    Infusion or abnormal end , the issue at the central control room sound and light alarm , and automatically block the liquid .

  28. 另外,即使采集到车辆信息,采用何种方式送至中央监控室。

    Besides , even we collect the information of vehicle , how to transfer it to the central monitoring room is a big problem .

  29. 文章介绍了近年来水泥厂一种新的建筑类型&中央控制室的设计。

    The article gives us an introduction to the new architectural design in cement plant the design of central control room ( CCR ) .

  30. 根据需要,通过键盘将信息输入中央管理室,根据情况可随时调节环境。

    Dependent on needs , information is sent to central control part by keyboard so that the environment can be regulated at any time .