
Research on the Sustainable Development of China 's Agricultural Science-technology Demonstration Park
Factors Affecting the Application of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Achievements in China
Study on the Construction of Agricultural Science and Technology Database System in China
Suggests on the Chinese Agricultural Sci-tech Documents Database
Study on Problems and Strategies of Investment in China 's Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation
Study on Chinese agricultural technology development strategies from the point of view of sustainable development
Innovation Analysis on the Operational Mode of Transformational Fund of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Achievements in China
Priority and Orientation for Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology for the years 2000 , 2010 and 2030
Research on the Development of Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology from the Perspective of Capital Investment and Allocation of Resource
The 4 potential database construction models as well as the utilization model for the agricultural STI databases were given .
But , as compared with countries with advanced agriculture , china 's agricultural science and technology lags fairly far behind .
The Achievements , Revelations and Challenges in the Process of Agricultural Science and Technology Development since the Reform and Opening up in China
The history of agricultural STI database development in China was systematically reviewed and the major problems confronting agricultural STI database construction were identified .
The construction of the System is a typical non-profit cooperation model , which will accumulate important experiences for the further development of agricultural STI database in China .
The paper used the national key project , Construction of Basic Agricultural STI System and Sharing Service in China , undertaken by SDIC / CAAS as case study .
Agricultural technological enterprises are important components in the innovatory system of agricultural technology and the main basics of the development of agricultural technological undertakings in 21st century in China .
The development of agricultural journals , whose information offered is not up-to-date or sufficient ad whose publication quality is far from standard , does not cohere with the development of agriculture in China .
This paper has discussed the current status and challenges of the Chinese Agricultural Sci-tech Bibliographic Database and expounded the exploration potential and development trend of agricultural sci-tech bibliographic information resources under new situation .
This study provided scientific basis for the development of agricultural STI database and its system in China , and will play important reference role for the government in planning and managing agricultural STI database system .
According to the present status of Agricultural Science-Technology Area , this article discussed about program , principles and methods to set up the evaluating criterion system , took Zhangzhou National Agricultural Science-Technology Area for example .
The extension work of agricultural science and technology in China is given new higher requirement by the constant development of agriculture and rural economy , and the progress of agricultural science and technology under the new situation .
Through analysis the state of innovation to science and technology and transformation to achievement , thought that the basic agricultural science and technology unit was the important strength , in innovation to science and technology and transformation to achievement in the china .
To coordinate with the formulation of The National Programme for Agricultural Science and Technology Development and forestry programme during the period of the Tenth Five Year Plan , the author looked into ten main issues of forestry science and technology in the world in the 21st century .
A Target Goal Analysis of Agricultural Scien-tech New Revolution in China
The agricultural science and technology of China is being developed toward to marketization and industrialization , the agricultural production and management is being developed toward to marketization and industrialization , which at links science and technology and produce and manage certainly will be developed toward marketization and industrialization ;
Establishment of scientific and technical system for agricultural disaster reduction in China
Chinese Agricultural Sciences calling for Scientific and Technological Review Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1947 births , the China Agricultural University associate professor with the Institute of Animal Science .
This is the website of College of Animal Science and Technology , China Agricultural University .
At last , some suggestions on establishing Chinese scientific and technical disasters reduction system in agri - culture were presented .