• a kind of edible gourd
  • 〔~子〕a.一年生草本植物,茎蔓生,夏天开白花,果实长圆形,嫩时可食;b.这种植物的果实。

  1. 盘瓠文化反映出“社会崇拜”的性质。

    Panhu culture shows the characteristics of " society worship " .

  2. 而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。

    Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship .

  3. 沅陵龙舟竞渡是为了祭祀苗族先祖盘瓠,它远远早于祭祀屈原的龙舟竞渡。

    The Yuanling dragon boat race was for sacrificial purpose to Pan Hu-the ancestor of Miao minority group .

  4. 平地瑶是作为瑶族的一个分支而存在的,其文化不可避免地打上了瑶文化的烙印,因而对瑶族本民族图腾――盘瓠的信仰是平地瑶文化产生的心理基石。

    Ping-Di Yao , as a branch of Yao nationality , is inevitably impacted by Yao nationality culture .

  5. 苗、瑶、畲也都有盘瓠崇拜,但是苗族的盘瓠神话已经衰落,且流传范围很小;

    The Miao , the Yao and the She also worship the Panhu , but Panhu myth of the Miao already declined .

  6. 盘古不是盘瓠。盘古神话研究的现代性:一、开创和谐社会,倡导献身精神;

    The modernity of research on Pangu is : firstly , to build a harmonious society and propose a spirit of devotion ;

  7. 盘瓠与盘古氏是不同时代的两个人物,代表着原始社会不同阶段的社会状况。

    Panhu and Pangu were two different people in different times , standing for social situations in different stages in the Primitive Society respectively .

  8. 张潮曾为褚人获题《坚瓠戊集序》,而褚人获也为张潮保留了的小说名作《楮先生传》等多篇作品。

    Zhangchao composes The preface of Jianhuwuji , Zhurenhuo preserves Zhangchao 's many works , such as the novel masterpiece The biography of Chu sir .

  9. 农艺性状的聚类分析结果显示,华瓠杂3号、黑籽南瓜、黄瓜自根苗聚为一类。不同砧木嫁接黄瓜品质无显著差异。

    Grafting had no obvious effects on fruit quality . Fig-leaf-gourd , Bottle gourd Hua No.3 and self-rooted cucumber can be classified into one group by cluster analysis of characters .

  10. 文章从阶级社会初始阶段的社会特征,从盘瓠神话的性质、盘瓠族群的族源和社会历史状况等方面加以确证,对盘瓠族群的社会历史和文化心理,作出独到的理解和阐释。

    Compared with the social characteristics of the early stage of class society of Ancient Han in this essay , the nature of Panhu myths is explained in a new way .

  11. 剖之以为瓢,则瓠落无所容⑥。非不呺然大也⑦,吾为其无用而掊之⑧。

    Profile control of that scoop , then the gourd off nothing Yung ⑥ . not that I do Hao-Ran of China also ⑦, I and the break up of their useless ⑧ .

  12. 结果表明:试验所用的砧木嫁接后成活率均在90%以上,华瓠杂3号嫁接苗的产量极显著的高于黑籽南瓜、中国南瓜品系做砧木的嫁接苗以及黄瓜自根苗。

    The results showed that , surviving rate of different grafted plants is above 90 % , yield of bottle gourd Hua No.3 was significant higher fig-leaf-gourd , Chinese pumpkin strains and self-rooted cucumber .

  13. 说明华瓠杂3号做砧木并没有影响黄瓜的生长,但是显著提高了黄瓜的产量,是黄瓜丰产栽培的好的砧木品种。

    These results indicated that bottle gourd Hua No.3 had no obvious effects on the growth of cucumber , but significant improved the yield of cucumber , bottle gourd Hua No.3 were good stocks of cucumber . 2 .