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  • 网络chinese ancient ideological history
  1. 中国古代思想史研究路径探略&以墨子思想研究为例

    Analysis of the Research Approaches to the Chinese Ancient Thoughts History

  2. 老子《道德经》是中国古代思想史上的一座丰碑。

    " The moral " is a monument of ancient intellectual history .

  3. 荀子的论著内容丰富、体系严整,在中国古代思想史上具有重要的地位。

    His book has abundant content and integrate system , it took a important place in the Chinese traditional culture history .

  4. 而先秦礼法之争内容之广泛,理论之深刻,影响之深远,在中国古代思想史上无与伦比。

    The wide contents , deep theory and profound effect of the argument between them in ideology in ancient China are incomparable .

  5. 董仲舒及其政治伦理思想,在中国古代思想史上占有重要的地位。

    Dong Zhongshu and his political and ethical thoughts play an important role in the history of the ancient thoughts of China .

  6. 《论衡》是一部著名的唯物主义哲学著作,对于研究中国古代思想史和哲学史具有重要的价值。

    Lun Heng is a famous materialist philosophical work and is of great value for studying ancient Chinese historical thoughts and philosophy .

  7. 张载作为北宋五子之一,其思想在中国古代思想史上占有重要的地位。

    As one of the five persons of North Song dynasty , Chang Tsai occupies an important position in the history of chinese philosophy .

  8. 它的出现丰富了魏晋时期思想领域的内容,同时在中国古代思想史上也占据着重要的历史地位。

    It enriches the Wei and Jin dynasties during the content of thought , as well as in the ancient Chinese history of thought also has an important part .

  9. 黄老学在中国古代思想史和政治实践中都曾产生过重大影响,但对于其根本思想特征学界并没有一致的看法,以致于引起许多思想家关于其学派归属的争论。

    The Huang lao thought was significantly influential in the history of Chinese thought as well as in political practice . However , it is controversial how to draw the essential outline of the thought .

  10. 中国古代心理学思想史研究刍议

    On the research of Chinese traditional psychological thoughts

  11. 略论中国古代农学思想史的研究

    The Chinese ancient agronomic thought

  12. 魏晋无君思想是中国古代政治思想史上的一朵奇葩。

    It is well know that Wei-jin non-emperor thought is the ancient Chinese history of political thought .

  13. 和谐是中国古代伦理思想史上的一个重要范畴,也是中国传统文化的根本精神。

    Harmony is an important category of Chinese ancient ethics and the basic sprit of Chinese Culture .

  14. 因此,我们应科学地界定张载在中国古代辩证思想史上的地位。

    Therefore , we should bound his position in the history of China 's ancient dialectical idea scientifically .

  15. 本文就中国古代农学思想史研究的一般问题及研究思路进行了探讨。

    This paper has discussed the generat problem and researching idea of the history of chinese ancient agronomic thought .

  16. 在中国古代政治思想史上,民本思想发端甚早。

    The origin of the people-based thought is very early in the history of political thought in ancient china .

  17. 他的的政治哲学思想在中国古代政治思想史上占有重要的地位,并对后世产生了深远的影响。

    His political philosophy holds an important position in ancient Chinese history of political thought , and makes a far-reaching impact .

  18. 跨文化比较研究方法在科技史上的应用&从李约瑟《中国古代科学思想史》谈起

    The Application of Cross-cultural Comparison Method in the History of Science and Technology & from The History of Chinese Ancient Science

  19. 孔子作为儒家的代表,其在中国古代文学思想史上有着重要的地位。

    As a representative of the Confucian Confucius , ancient Chinese literature in the history of thought has an important position .

  20. 司马迁的《史记.货殖列传》在中国古代经济思想史上独具特色。

    Record money and commerce , a part of Records of the Grand Historian , written by Sima-qian , is noted for its peculiarity during the ancient economic thought history of China .

  21. 《盐铁论》开启了儒学内部的义利之争,因而在中国古代学术思想史上具有不可低估的重要地位。

    To sum up ," On Salt and Iron " sparks a controversy over justice and interest in Confucianism , thus playing a very important part in the academic history of ancient China .

  22. 在中国古代思想发展史上,东汉魏晋时期是社会思潮转型的一个重要时期,即传统的神学化的经学向崇尚清谈的玄学转变。

    In the history of the development of ancient Chinese thought , the Eastern Han , Wei and Jin Dynasties period is an important period of social trends which changed from the traditional Confucian classics to the metaphysics .

  23. 第二章主要介绍中国古代复仇思想史,分为汉朝之前、汉朝至唐朝、唐朝和唐朝以后时期四个时间段进行介绍。

    The second chapter is mainly introduced of history of Chinese ancient revenge , divided into the han dynasty , the han dynasty to tang dynasty , tang dynasty , after tang dynasty , four time period of to .

  24. 中国古代将帅思想发展史概述

    Development of Military Thoughts of Ancient Chinese Generals

  25. 二是中国古代思想政治教育史的研究具有完善思想政治教育理论的价值。

    Secondly , the study of Chinese ancient ideological and political education has the value of consummating the theory of ideological and political education .

  26. 三是中国古代思想政治教育史的研究,能够为思想政治教育的实践和教学提供教材和参考。

    Thirdly , the study of Chinese ancient ideological and political education can provide the teaching material and the reference for the practice and the teaching of ideological and political education .

  27. 二是学科建设的需要,思想政治教育学科中不能没有中国古代思想政治教育史的支撑。

    Second , the needs of discipline construction , that is , discipline of ideological and political education must contain the support of Chinese ancient history of the ideological and political education .

  28. 问题一,为什么研究中国古代思想政治教育史?主要基于两个理由:一是中国古代有思想政治教育,我们需要从中借鉴有益的东西。

    The first question , why do we study Chinese ancient history of ideological and political education ? This mainly based on two reasons : First , it does have the ideological and political education in Chinese ancient times . We needed the beneficial things from it .

  29. 其成果不仅对中国古史研究作出了科学的结论,而且对研究中国古代思想史、古代文学史、民族学史、民俗民间文化史的研究打下良好的基础和提供了科学方法。

    He not only draws a scientific conclusion about the study of Chinese ancient history , but lays a solid foundation and provides a scientific approach for the research into the history of Chinese ancient thoughts , literature , ethnology , customs and folk culture .

  30. 这一部分意图说明中国古代的禅宗思想对现代西方乃至整个现代人类社会所可能有的积极意义,以此表显中国古代思想史研究的现代性和世界性意义。

    It aims to display all the possible positive meanings for the modern west and the whole society from the Chinese ancient Zen .