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  1. 但他佛教思想为主。第三章是诗僧皎然的诗歌创作生活。

    The third chapter is his creative writing life .

  2. 第四章是佛教与皎然的创作与理论。通过分析皎然作品,清理了他的文学活动中所受到的佛教影响。

    The forth chapter is the connection between the Buddhism and his creative theory .

  3. 第二章是皎然的儒道释思想。

    The second chapter is an introduction of his theory about Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  4. 《诗式》和《韵光》&中、印诗歌艺术理论话语的嬗变皎然《诗式》与中国诗学之转型

    Poetic Mode and Rhyme and Light & the Evolution of the Discourse of the Artistic Theory of Poetry in China and India

  5. 智旭对天台佛学与《周易》之会通谈皎然文论中儒家中庸之道与佛家中道思想的沟通

    Talk about the Mutual Promotion of the Confucian 's Golden Mean and the Buddhism ' Happy Medium in the Literary Theory of Jiao Ran

  6. 皎然是一个生活于中国传统文化氛围中的僧人,因此,他的人生思想是儒、道、释三者的混合。

    Since he lived in the traditional Chinese culture , his human theory is the combination of those three ones and especially focus on Buddhism .

  7. 皎然认为钟嵘缺乏史识,又不是诗人,因而不具备批评家的资格。

    Jiao Ran believed that Zhong Rong lacked qualifications for being a critic because he neither had much knowledge of history nor was he a poet .

  8. 皎然诗歌诗论中高的诗学美学观形而上之诗学和人之戏剧&马拉美诗学与戏剧观

    Loftiness : the aesthetic standpoint of poetics of Jiao Ran in the Tang dynasty ; Metaphysical Poetry and Human Theatre : Mallarm é 's Poetry and Theatre

  9. 《全唐诗》收录的皎然诗共474首,绝大部分都是他写湖州或在湖州所写的。

    474 of his poems are included in the Complete Works of the Tang Dynasty , most of which are written about Huzhou or written in Huzhou .

  10. 由皎然与高仲武对江南诗人的评论看大历贞元诗风之变

    A Study of the Changes in the Style of Dali and Zhenyuan Poetry by Poets in the Area South of the Changjiang River as Seen in the Reviews by Jao Ran and Gao Zhong-wu

  11. 研究皎然的生平、皎然的湖州诗和皎然成就的形成原因,对宣传湖州、建设浙江文化大省和弘扬中华民族文化意义重大。

    To study the life of Jiao Ran , his poems about Huzhou and the reasons of his achievements are of great significance for the propaganda of Huzhou , the construction of Zhejiang cultural province and the expanding of Chinese national culture .
