
  • 网络grain-injured;disease with improper noodle
  1. 结果:139例患者共有骨折172处,颏部骨折最为多见,占全部骨折数的51.74%;最易伴发的合并伤为面中部骨折;

    Results : Among the 172 fractures happened in the 139 patients , 51.74 % was symphysis fractures , which was the most popular fracture , and the most of associated systemic injuries was midface fracture .

  2. 目的:观察颌面部爆炸伤后兔面神经中转化神经生长因子β(TGFβ)蛋白表达的变化,了解TGFβ在爆炸伤后面神经损伤修复过程中所起的作用。

    AIM : To study the changes of transforming growth factor beta ( TGF β) expression in rabbit facial nerve suffering maxillofacial blast injury .

  3. 神经断伤表明为面神经的完全切断。

    Neurotmesis designates complete transection of the facial nerve .

  4. 结果显示,伤后1天面神经轴突广泛断裂,外膜延续性尚好,面神经核内神经元变性、坏死,炎细胞浸润;

    One day after the injury , the facial nerve axons were found to be disrupted extensively , although the epineurium was still in continuity . There were degeneration and necrosis of neurons with infiltration of inflammatory cells in the facial nerve .

  5. 结论1.面神经部分损伤时,无论是部分切断伤还是挤压伤,面神经再生修复和功能的恢复都要比完全切断伤充分且明显提前。

    The regeneration and function recovery of facial nerve either in the partial neurotomy injury or in the squeezing injury is far better and earlier than that in the complete injury . 2 .