
zhuān xiànɡ dài kuǎn
  • Special loans;special purpose loan;specially utilized loan;special deposit
  1. 专项贷款不会立即影响相关国家在IMF的投票权(这种投票权是由另一套贡献程序决定的),并将由各国酌情提供。

    Ad hoc loans would not immediately affect countries ' voting power in the IMF , which is determined by a separate contributions process , and would be at the countries ' discretion .

  2. 安排专项贷款,开展残疾人扶贫。

    Offering special loans to alleviate poverty among the disabled .

  3. 从1992年起,国家设立康复扶贫专项贷款,对贫困残疾人予以扶持。

    In 1992 , the state established a special rehabilitation and poverty alleviation loan to aid the impoverished disabled .

  4. 应加强银行信贷支持,建立银行环保专项贷款与国际间合作贷款机制;

    And loans to support investors from various banks , and international banking loans , should be strengthened as well .

  5. 粮食收购资金贷款是我国农业政策性银行&中国农业发展银行对从事粮食购销业务的企业发放的,主要用于支持其向种粮农民收购商品粮食的专项贷款。

    The loan granted by Agricultural Development Bank is special fund for the enterprise which dealing in cereals from the farmer .

  6. 本周末,国务院公务一条计划,刺激大学毕业生就业市场,包括启动创业培训以及创业启动资金的专项贷款。

    China 's State Council announced over the weekend a plan to provide incentives to job-seeking college graduates , including professional training and preferential loans for start-ups .

  7. 中国人民银行将中央银行专项贷款额度提高了3000亿元,即460亿美元,为面临困难的企业提供更有力的支持。

    The People 's Bank of China has raised the quota of special central bank lending by 300 billion yuan , or 46 billion U.S. dollars , to provide stronger support for enterprises facing difficulties .

  8. 银行在安排收付贷款以换取货物单据时,充当一个重要的角色。&安排专项贷款,开展残疾人扶贫。

    The banks have a vital role to play in arranging the making or receiving of payments in exchange for the documents relating to the goods . & Offering special loans to alleviate poverty among the disabled .

  9. 中东欧国家基础设施建设需要资金保障,中方愿与各国协商,灵活用好中国中东欧国家合作100亿美元专项贷款,共同支持中东欧大项目建设。

    CEE countries need financing support for the building of infrastructure . China is ready to explore with CEE countries a flexible way to use the US $ 10 billion special credit line for China-CEE countries cooperation to support major projects in the CEE region .

  10. 前言阐述了我国内河港口目前的投融资模式机制存在的问题,即随着内河港口管理体制改革的深化,内河港口主要筹资方式&港口专项贷款将遇到严峻的挑战。

    In the preface of this paper , the problem existing in the current financing mechanism of china 's inland ports , that the main fund-raising - the port tied loan will meet a severe challenge with the promotion of the management system reform , is studied .

  11. 为积极支持灾后农房重建工作,金融机构,尤其是作为农村金融主体的农村信用社,挑起了灾后农房重建的支撑大梁,抗震救灾专项贷款的开展极大地促进了农房重建工作。

    To actively support the post-disaster reconstruction of rural housing , financial institutions , especially as the subject of rural credit cooperatives , played an key role in the rural housing reconstruction after the disaster , special loans to carry out had greatly promoted the rural housing reconstruction .

  12. 前述责任免除也不适用于因为欺诈性的隐瞒或专项(个人贷款)担保而造成的损失的情况。

    Neither does the said exclusion apply in the case of damage attributable to fraudulent concealment or despite specific guarantees .

  13. 个人住房公积金贷款是指以住房公积金为资金来源,向参加住房公积金制度的职工发放的,定向用于购买、建造、翻建、大修自有住房的专项住房消费贷款。

    Personal housing accumulation fund loan means a special housing consumption loan lent to any employee participating in the housing accumulation fund system taking the housing accumulation fund as its fund source , and orienting its use at purchasing , building , rebuilding , or overhauling its self-owned housing .

  14. 农业专项资金,包括预算安排的农业专项支出,预算外农业专用资金,政策性农业专项贷款,以及外资运用农业项目的资金。

    Agricultural Special Funds include budgetary agricultural special expenses , extra-budgetary agricultural special funds , agricultural special credit of policy and the funds of foreign investment on agricultural project .