
  • 网络project review
  1. 项目审查指导委员会审核委员会〔电影检查〕

    Project Review Steering Committee Board of Review [ Film Censorship ]

  2. 方案和项目审查委员会

    Programme and Project Review Committee

  3. 用粗集理论挖掘项目审查(评估)中的专家共识

    Mining of Common Decision Knowledge of Specialists in Project Evaluation Using Rough Set Theory

  4. 项目审查指导委员会

    Project Review Steering Committee

  5. 里程碑审查确保了价值的连续交付,而项目审查使您能够从整个经历中学习。

    Milestone reviews ensure continual delivery of value , and project reviews enable you to learn from your overall experience .

  6. 1983年12月,我晋升为目前所干的项目审查主管。

    I was promoted to be the Principal Investigator of The project that I am currently working on , in December 1983 .

  7. 学校必须建立起建设项目审查制度,保证新建建筑项目要严格执行有关建筑节能节水标准。

    Schools must establish a review system for construction projects to ensure that new construction projects should be strictly enforced building energy saving standards .

  8. 项目审查,包括里程碑审查,是在迭代模式或在其他管理里程碑处进行的定期审查。

    A project review , including milestone reviews , is a periodic review held at the end of an iteration or at other management milestones .

  9. 在这种情况下,个体应该请教项目审查人员、中立的管理人员甚至一位监管人员来解决这一冲突。

    This would be a situation in which the individual would consult a project reviewer , an independent manager , and perhaps even a supervisor to resolve the conflict .

  10. 介绍公路项目安全审查体系的框架、主体内容、要点与应用方法。

    A Highway safety Evaluating system is introduced in this paper .

  11. 浅谈广西河道管理范围内建设项目的审查与管理

    Examination and administration of construction projects within river management area in Guangxi

  12. 这个石油管道项目的审查时间已超过四年。

    The pipeline has been under review for more than four years .

  13. 参与技术部门所进行的技术项目的审查工作。

    To take part in auditing activities jointly carried out with technical departments concerned .

  14. 客户项目或者审查小组。

    Customer project or review group .

  15. 检察人员目前正在对所有由信托基金提供资金的公共建设项目进行审查。

    Prosecutors are now scrutinising all public-works projects financed by trust funds similar to the one used for the pipeline .

  16. 二是银行应加强对贷款对象和项目的审查,严格规定归还贷款的数目、年限;

    The bank should attach more importance to the examination of projects and institu ˉ tions which apply for loans ;

  17. 加拿大联邦政府被要求要对所有重大的外国投资项目进行审查以判定项目对加拿大的净效益。

    Canada 's federal government is required to review any significant foreign investment to determine ' net benefit ' to Canada .

  18. 各地商务主管部门要切实加强涉及外汇流入类房地产项目的审查。

    Competent commerce departments of all regions shall effectively strengthen the examination of real estate projects with inflows of foreign exchange .

  19. 如果我们将三个透视图都考虑到,并假设在其它生命周期阶段的成本依然不变,那个在这些限定条件下我们项目的审查成本将会降低。

    If we consider all three perspectives and assume the cost to remain constant during the other lifecycle phases , the cost of inspections for our project falls within these limits .

  20. 通过项目部门审查后提交的项目,由代表处研究决定是否立项,对已立项的项目申请专项运作费用。

    The delegating office makes a decision on whether the item , through investigation of item department , has finally got passed , if yes , then applies for operation expenses .

  21. 论述了企业兼并中的风险项目及审查内容,提出了控制兼并风险的措施,论证了控制兼并风险是实现兼并资本运营效益的保证。

    ? Presents the risk items and the examination contents in enterprise annexation , raises the measures to control the annexation risks , and proofs that the controling of annexation risks is the guaranty of realizing the annexation capital operating benefits . 〔

  22. 浅析地质调查项目设计预算审查

    Analysis on planing , budget and examine of geological survey projects

  23. 区域住户调查项目三方审查会议

    Tripartite Review Meeting on the Regional Household Survey Project

  24. 选定项目执行情况审查

    Selected Projects Implementation Review Exercise

  25. 外派劳务业务管理功能包括:登记新项目、项目审查管理以及招收备案管理。

    Assignment services business management functions including : registration of new projects , project review management and recruit record management .

  26. 第4个文档类别是一个更基础的文档类别,用于支持项目计划和审查反馈等文档。

    The fourth document class is a more basic document class to support documents such as project plans and review feedback documents .

  27. 财政投资评审工作的展开上,主要内容有项目预算,审查和竣工决算。

    The commencement of the assessment of financial investment , the main contents of the project budget , review and completion of final accounts .

  28. 经过对审查标准的调整,以现有评价技术力量能承担全部评价任务,卫生行政部门的审查周期也将大大缩短,建设项目职业卫生审查情况将得到根本改善。

    Construction project occupation health inspection will be improved fundamentally if the health administrative department shortened its inspection periodicity and the inspection norms were regulated according to the current evaluation technique organization ` s ability for all evaluation task .

  29. 现阶段我国保障性住房在目标制定、项目实施、审查分配等三个环节存在诸多问题,如资格较难有效审核、夹心层住房困难问题等。

    However , Chinese urban affordable housing has many problems in the target setting , project implementation , and the allocation review , such as the rigid pricing mechanism , difficulty to effectively audit qualification , and sandwich class housing problems .

  30. 我国的医院伦理委员会自提出构想到现在履行职责已历经21年,在辅助生殖、器官移植、临床药理及有关科研项目的伦理审查、伦理教育培训、伦理咨询等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    Ethics Committee in our nation existed 21 years , since conceiving the concept , and plays an important role in the assisted reproductive technology , organ transplantation , clinical pharmacology and related ethical review of research projects , ethics education and training and ethics consultation .