
  • 网络national key university
  1. 西南交通大学以工科为主,工、理、管、经、文、法等多学科协调发展的全国重点大学。

    Southwest Jiaotong University is a national key university giving priority to engineering , with balanced development of engineering , science , management , economy , arts and law .

  2. 无独有偶,前些年,曾看到过一则报道说一个全国重点大学的学生当街擦鞋,后成为一个一元擦鞋连锁店的老总。

    During former years , I have read a report that a graduate of national key university polishes shoes in the street , and became the boss of the One Yuan shoe brushing chain .

  3. 1960年,大连海运学院被确定为全国重点大学;

    to 1960 , DMU was designated a national key institution of higher education .

  4. 作为全国重点大学,大连理工大学有着良好的网络条件。

    As a key university in China , Dalian University of Technology has good network conditions .

  5. 中国人民大学是一所以人文社会科学为主的综合性研究型全国重点大学。

    Renmin University of China is a national comprehensive key university mainly specialized in social science of human culture .

  6. 大连海事大学(原大连海运学院)是中国著名的高等航海学府,是交通部所属的全国重点大学,是被国际海事组织认定的世界!

    Dalign Information Maritime University ( DMU ) is one of the largest and best maritime universities . It is a key maritime institution under the Ministry of Communications .

  7. 北京科技大学成立于1952年,是教育部直属全国重点大学。

    University of Science and Technology Beijing ( USTB ) , founded in 1952 is a nationai key university under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education of China .

  8. 中国农业大学是教育部直属、进入国家“211工程”和“985工程”建设的全国重点大学。

    China Agricultural University directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education and is a state key university listed in the nation " Project 21 t " and " Project 985 "

  9. 北京理工大学是“理工为主,工理文协调发展”的全国重点大学。

    Beijing Institute of Technology ( BIT ) is a state hey university , and an open , international and research-oriented university of science , engineering and humanities with science and engineering as the focus .

  10. 北京化工大学成立于1958年,是教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家“211工程”重点建设院校。

    Beijing University of Chemical Technology ( BUCT ) founded in 1958 is a state key university affiliated to the Ministry of Education and is also one of the first group of universities admitted to " Project 211 "

  11. 四川大学是教育部直属全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建一设的大学。

    Sichuan University ( SCU ) is a national key university under the direct administration of the State Ministry of Education and one of the State " Project 2 d s " and " Project 985 " universities enjoying privileged construction

  12. 中国科学技术大学是中国科学院所属的一所以前沿科学和高新技术为主、兼有特色管理和人文学科的综合性全国重点大学。

    The University of Science and Technology of China ( USTC ) is a state key comprehensive university under the leadership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) with the emphasis on up-to-day science and high-tech , supplemented by characteristic administration and liberal arts .

  13. 北京大学是一所以文理教学和研究为主的综合性全国重点大学,是国家首批“211工程”建设的高校。

    Peking University is a national key comprehensive teaching and research orientated university emphasizing the liberal arts and science , and is also one of the first group of universities aamitted to " project 211 . " peking the former Jing Shi Da Xue Tan ( the Metropolitan University )

  14. 上海交通大学是教育部直属,由教育部和上海市共建的全国重点大学其前身为盛宣怀先生创办于1896年的南洋公学,是中国历史最悠久的高校之一。

    Shanghai Jiaotong University ( SJTU ) , directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education , is a icey university in China , jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.Shanghai Jiaotong University , formerly the Nan Yang Public School , was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai .

  15. 中国矿业大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”重点建设的高校之一。中国矿业大学是中国第一所矿业高等学府。

    China University of Mining and Technology ( CUMT ) is a state key university under direct administration of the Ministry of Education and one of the universities listed in the state " Project 211 . " CUMT is the first institulion of higher learning in mining and technology of China .

  16. 浙江大学是一所具有一悠久历史、教育部直属的全国重点大学,前身求是书院成立于1897年,为中国人自己创办最早的高等学府之一。

    Zhejiang University is a state key university with a long history and under the direct administration of China 's Ministry of Education . Qiushi Academy , the predecessor of Zhejiang University , was founded in 1897 and is one of the earliest institutions of higher learning ever established in China . Reputed as " the East Cambridge "

  17. 它的创办被称为“我国教育史和科学史上的一项重大事件”。中国科学院实施“全院办校,所系结合”,支持学校的发展。建校第二年即被列为全国重点大学,成为最年轻的全国重点大学。

    The establishment was hailed as " A Major Event in the History of Chinese Education and Science . " CAS has supported the Universify by combining most of its institutes with the departments of the University.USTC is listed in the top 16 national key universities by the Central Committee of the CCP , becoming the youngest national key university .

  18. 其前身是1940年创办的延安自然科学院,是我国首批颁布的全国重点大学,是全国首批建立研究生院的高校是“一七五八五”和“九五”期间国家重点投资建设的学校,也是国家首批“211工程”建设的高校。

    It was founded in Yan'an in 1940 asYanan Academy of Natural Science , It is oneof the first universities to run a graduate school and receive privileged fund from the central government in " the 7th , 8th and 9th Five Year Plan.8th is also one of the state Project 211 " universities receiving preferential support from the state .

  19. 全国重点农业大学学报信息密度统计分析与比较

    The Statistic Analysis and Comparisons of Information Density from Journals of Key Agricultural University

  20. 经过86年的建设,哈工大现已发展成为一所理工为主,理、工、管、文、经、法结合,在国际上享有一定声誉的研究型全国著名重点大学。

    universities in 1996 to receive preferential support for development.Affer 86 years of development , HIT has developed into a large multi-disciplinary nationally renowned univercity with science and engineering and research as its core , the combination of science , engineering , administration , economics and law .

  21. 研究背景山东大学是一所国内外具有重要影响的教育部直属全国重点综合性大学,是国家211工程和1985工程重点建设的高水平大学之一。

    Background Shandong University is one of country " 211 projects " and " 985 projects " high level universities which are key construction projects . And it is also one of universities directly under the Ministry of Education that take an important role at internal and abroad .

  22. 山东大学是一所历史悠久、在国内外具有重要影响的教育部直属全国重点综合性大学,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学之一。

    Shandong University is one of the oldest and prestigious universities in China and a state key comprehensive university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education . It is listed among the national key construcLion first-class universities in the nation " Project 211 " and " Project 985 "

  23. 吉林大学是教育部直属的一所全国重点综合性大学,是首批进人国家“211工程”建设的高校,2001年被列入“985工程”国家重点建设的大学之一。

    Jilin University ( JLU ) is a state key comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education . JLU is one of the first national " Project 211 " universities and one of the universities listed in the state " Project 985 " for key construction .

  24. 今天,她已发展成为具有雄厚基础和实力、有较高学术水准与重要国际影响的全国著名重点综合性大学。

    Today 's Nanjing University , one of China 's major comprehensive universities , develops its academic tradition atop its historical foundation to become an educational institution of global influence .