
hǎi wài fēn hánɡ
  • overseas branch
  1. 代理行和海外分行是银行国际分销渠道的两种主要模式。

    The agency and overseas branch are two main models of distribution channels for the multinational banks .

  2. 本文重点研究在海外分行所在地发生政治风险时,如何在存款人与银行之间分配风险。

    The focal point of this thesis is how to allocate risk between depositor and bank when political risk arises at the place of overseas branch .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)去年夏天就警告,希腊银行海外分行的贷存比,远远高于位于希腊本国的总行,因而非常依赖总行提供资金。

    The International Monetary Fund warned last summer that Greek banks ' foreign subsidiaries had far higher loan-to-deposit ratios than in Greece itself , having relied heavily on parents ' funding .

  4. N银行作为中国国内银行八十年代初较早在国外金融中心开设的海外分行,在中外关系良好发展,经贸关系和人员往来高速增长的背景下,最初的发展势头可谓迅猛,业绩可谓喜人。

    As an oversea branch opened in the world financial center in 1980 's the initial progress was fast and performance of Bank N was satisfactory with the good relationship , the fast growth of mutual business and exchange of people between the two countries .

  5. 论跨国银行对海外分行的责任限免&英美实践与中国应对

    Liability of Transnational Bank for Its Foreign Branches

  6. 将从海外分行融资的长期借款从流动负债中予以扣减;

    Remove the net of long-term borrowings from overseas branches from the current liabilities ;

  7. 因此,倘若希腊银行缩小对海外分行的支持力度,东南欧可能会面临困境。

    So South-East Europe could face difficulties if Greek banks constrained their parental support .

  8. 并且,本系统正在逐步推广到亚洲、欧洲和美洲的海外分行上线。

    Besides , the system is put on live for oversea branch in Asia , Europe and America .

  9. 以前,中国大陆的银行也曾向美国投资者发行债券,但都是通过其海外分行和子公司发行。

    Previously , mainland lenders have sold debt to US investors , but only through offshore branches and subsidiaries .

  10. 然而,从海外分行融资的长期借款在中国被当作流动负债,因此这降低了流动性比率,虽然这时并没有立即偿债的需求。

    However , in China the net of long-term borrowings from overseas branches are treated as current liability , thus reducing the liquidity ratio although no immediate demand for repayment is given .

  11. 第二节探讨了政治风险的定义与类型、海外分行的作用和影响总行责任的主要法律等问题,并得出了影响总行责任的主要法律有国际法和国内法的结论。

    Section Two inquires into the definition and types of political risk , the function of overseas branch and major legal rules which might determine whether head office has a duty or not .

  12. 实际情况证明也应该如此,如国外著名的巴林银行的倒闭,我国C银行的海外N分行(以下简称N银行)的信贷损失都是操作风险引发的问题。

    As a matter of fact it was the operational risk that resulted in the credit loss of Bank N , an oversea branch of Bank C of China , and the crash of famous Baring Bank .

  13. 作为跨国银行海外机构最主要的海外分行和子银行形式,由于两者在设立成本、业务范围和监管责任等方面有较大差异,因而决定了两者不同的适用范围。

    Overseas branches and subsidiaries are the two main forms of foreign institution of multinational banks . They command diverse applications on the basis of the difference on the establishment costs , regulatory responsibility and the scope of business .