- 网络LLR;Lender of the last resort;LOLR;the lender of last resort

After all , the European Central Bank has repeatedly said it has no mandate to act as the lender of last resort and has refused to print money .
The role of lender of last resort was classically defined by Walter Bagehot .
The Federal Reserve then extended its lender-of-last-resort support to systemically important broker-dealers .
A Study on the Question that If the IMF Can Be the Final International Creditor
It is not necessary , because the Federal Reserve is able to manage illiquidity through its many lender-of-last resort operations .
In the 1930s the critical mistake was the Federal Reserve 's failure to recognise its lender-of-last-resort responsibilities .
The lesson was not lost : a few years later , in 1913 , the Federal Reserve System opened for business , ending 80 years in which the US had done without an official lender of last resort .
Instead we have the European financial stability facility , a curious off-balance sheet lender of last resort .
The European Central Bank would argue that Greek banks no longer possess good collateral , which would prevent it from operating as a lender of last resort .
Interest rates are only high in some eurozone countries , because the European Central Bank is not allowed to act as lender of last resort to the government .
Together , the ECB and the EFSF could do what the ECB cannot do on its own : act as a lender of last resort .
Also , as long as the European Council sets in stone tough new rules , the European Central Bank should become a proper central bank , a lender of last resort that underpins the credibility of the entire eurozone .
The IMF wants the facility to be largely preventative , encouraging countries to draw on its money early rather than waiting until a full-blown crisis drives them into the hands of the lender of last resort .
For the future , regulators should stick to the current liquidity framework whose cornerstone is the role of lender-of-last-resort performed by central banks rather than following the FSA .
It could take years to negotiate the terms of independence , during which time the Bank of England would remain lender of last resort for Scottish banks .
Lender of Last Resort : Experience and Revelation from Hong Kong On Private Institutes ' Function as the LLR in the Bailout of Financial Crisis
Any new structure must win the confidence of voters and investors alike . It should also acknowledge the real monetary risks of the European Central Bank being coerced into acting as a sovereign lender of last resort for the entire region .
His argument is that the lender-of-last-resort activity of the European System of Central Banks , in favour of banks unable to fund themselves in the market , is financing payments deficits .
Lender of Last Resort Policy Supporting for the Problem Bank
That authority would have access to a lender of last resort facility .
In none of these was a lender of last resort effectively present .
A Research on the Lender of Last Resort and Its Application in China
The government , they say , could function as lender of last resort .
Value Proposition of China 's Lender of Last Resort in Dealing with Financial Risks
The key one is the presence and performance of a lender of last resort .
The lender of last resort is an indispensable part of the financial safety network .
A Research on the Perfection of Central Bank 's Lender of Last Resort System of China
The first part is " the lender of last resort legal system general analysis " .
The Last loaner of Central Bank
Lender of Last Resort and the withdraw from the financial market policy camera to choose .