
  1. 这是我一生中最美好的一天。

    It was the best day of my life .

  2. 真是太棒了——这是我生命中最美好的一天。

    It was magic — one of the best days of my life .

  3. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:星期五是一周中最美好的一天,我们很高兴你能花费一点时间来收听CNN学生新闻。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : It 's the most awesome day of the week , and we 're glad you 're spending part of it with CNN Student News .

  4. 哇,今天真是我生命中最美好的一天。

    Wow , this is the best day of my life .

  5. 酷毙了这是我一生中最美好的一天

    Hands down , this is the best day of my life ...

  6. 今天真是最美好的一天。

    This is the greatest day of my life .

  7. 这是我生命中最美好的一天!

    This is the greatest day of my life !

  8. 或许是我职业生涯里最美好的一天。

    Probably the best day of my career .

  9. 你生命中最美好的一天是?

    The most beautiful day of your life ?

  10. 哈哈哈哈我可能渡过了很长时间里最美好的一天

    I probably had the most fun that I have had in a long time .

  11. 最美好的一天,是我伯父带我到摄影棚的那天。

    Best of all was the day my uncle took me to the film studio .

  12. 今日可以是你最美好的一天。

    It can be your best day .

  13. 可后来赢回来了那是我人生中最美好的一天

    It was a comedown . Only to get it back . Best day of my life !

  14. 他说:“人生中最美好的一天,是你能够欢笑、痛哭,并且能够用心去爱的那一天。”

    He said ," a good day is when you have laughed , cried and loved . "

  15. 今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因我和你在一起。

    This is the most wonderful day of my life , because I 'm here with you now .

  16. 即使是最美好的一天,也不能使我在早上5:00起床时感觉到更轻松一点。

    But even the greatest days didn 't make it any easier to get up at5:00 in the morning .

  17. 记住:今天上你一生中最美好的一天,因为昨天已经过去,明天还在路上。

    Remember , today is the best day of your life because yesterday was and tomorrow may only be .

  18. 我想你的答案会是:“我想让它成为我一生中最美好的一天。”

    I think your answer will be : " I would like it to be the best day of my life . "

  19. 这首歌是关于他想出院的愿望,他觉得出院的那一天将是他最美好的一天。

    It 's also about his longing to get out and the day he got out of the hospital would be the best day ever .

  20. 谈到结婚当天,新娘说:“那一天很美好,我们觉得这是一生中最美好的一天。”

    As for the wedding day , the bride said : " It was fantastic , we couldn 't have wished for a better day .

  21. 艾比的妈妈还在艾比的脸书上说,女儿告诉自己这是她生命中最美好的一天。

    According to Abby 's mother , her daughter told her that it was the best day ever , as posted on the Amazing Abby Facebook page 。

  22. 当天有100多名男人、女人和孩子参观了凯恩的游乐场,凯恩说这是他生命中最美好的一天。

    More than one hundred men , women and children visited " Caine 's Arcade " that day . Caine called it the best day of his life .

  23. 想要谢谢你在我身边,这就已经给了我最美好的一天。

    Because you 're near me And I want to thank you For giving me the best day of my life Oh , just to be with you Is having the best day of my life

  24. 我会忘记发生在昨天的那些已经远去的是是非非,满怀信心迎接新的太阳,这就是我最美好的一天。

    I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone , whether they were good or bad , and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life .

  25. 有个笑话这样讲,生日有时被叫做一年内最美好的一天,生日后一天则是一年最糟糕的一天,因为到下一次生日还有一年呢!

    There is a joke I say , birthday , sometimes called the best day within a year , the birthday is the day after the worst day of the year , because there are birthday next year ?