
  1. 你看过塔伦蒂诺最新的电影吗?

    Have you seen the latest Tarantino movie ?

  2. 为了她最新的电影《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》(MadMax:FuryRoad),塞隆才狠心剃掉了一头长金发,加入了“为戏剃头”的女星阵营。

    Theron shaved her head for the upcoming film Mad Max : Fury Road .

  3. 考斯-瑞德最新的电影是一部名为《鬼吹灯》(Ghouls)的僵尸动作片,涉及他的镜头将在内蒙古的荒野拍摄1个月。

    Kos-Read 's latest film - an action-packed , zombie movie called Ghouls - involved him shooting for a month in the wilds of Inner Mongolia .

  4. 他们邀请我们尝试一种新的桔子汁,x-brand穿牛仔裤或观看最新的电影。

    They invite us to try a new type of orange juice , wear X-brand jeans or watch the latest film .

  5. 影评界把他最新的电影数落个够。

    The critics really went to town on his latest film .

  6. 请欣赏来自梦工厂动画部最新的电影集锦吧!

    Enjoy this highlight reel of recent films from DreamWorks Animation !

  7. 2.影评界把他最新的电影数落个够。

    The critics really go to town on his latest film .

  8. 他们也以实操的方式教中国的技术人员目前最新的电影技术。

    They also teach Chinese technicians the very latest movie techniques in a hands-on way .

  9. 我刚在McQuillanator最新的电影里植入了广告。

    I just scored a product placement for our brand in the latest McQuillanator movie .

  10. 最新的电影是什么?

    What is the latest movie ?

  11. 马丁:我要上电影院看科尔.基曼最新的电影。

    Martin : I 'm just off to the movie theater to see the latest Nicole Kidman movie .

  12. 在查了伍迪艾伦最新的电影情节之后,我非常期待!

    After looking up the plot of Woody Allens latest movie , Im really looking forward to seeing it !

  13. 这是那些深夜播放的艺术节目之一,人们在该节目中讨论最新的电影和书籍。

    It 's one of those arts programmes late at night in which people discuss the latest films and books .

  14. 你们真的有必要去看下他最新的电影,《深海异形》。不可思议的电影。

    You really do have to go and see his latest film , Aliens of the Deep . It 's incredible .

  15. 在成为好莱坞最新的电影大亨之后,快要退休的佩尔穆特将不得不适应人们对他更多的关注。

    The retiring Mr Perlmutter is going to have to get used to a little more scrutiny after becoming Hollywood 's newest movie mogul .

  16. 我还记得在中学时我是怎么逃学,怎么从一个电影院赶到另一个电影院去看最新的电影。

    I still remember how I played hooky in high school and made tracks from one movie theater to another to see the latest movies .

  17. 这部最新的电影一定要让少女粉丝的芳心大乱,因为漂亮的演员扮演吸血鬼,带着六块腹肌和脱毛的胸肌。

    The latest film is sure to set girl fans'hearts a flutter as it is packed with good-looking actors playing vampires with waxed pecs and six-packs .

  18. 最新的电影,根据漫画人物,看到蜘蛛侠(托比马奎尔)打两场新的坏人,毒液和睡魔。

    The latest film , based on the Marvel comic character , sees Spider-Man ( Tobey Maguire ) fighting two new baddies , Venom and sandman .

  19. 在他最新的电影《霍元甲》中,李连杰全面展示了他的武打特色&从头到尾的打斗,激烈而流畅。

    In Fearless , Li 's new Chinese-language film , the star gets to showcase the full range of his action characterization & all while kicking butt in cathartically violent ways .

  20. 强森最新的电影《速度与激情8》已于4月上映,其全球票房超过10亿美元。

    Johnson 's most recent film , The Fate of the Furious ( titled Fast and Furious 8 outside the US ) , was released in April and has grossed over $ 1bn at the global box office .

  21. 科特尔出现在汤姆·克鲁斯最新的电影《侠探杰克》以及美剧《斯巴达克斯》中,但是他将在下个月成为焦点,出演《虎胆龙威5》中布鲁斯·威利斯的儿子。

    Courtney appeared in the recent Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher and on the TV show Spartacus , but he 'll take center stage next month as Bruce Willis ' son in A Good Day To Die Hard .

  22. 在他的新戏《原来是美男》以及他最新的电影《梨泰院杀人事件》陆续上映的同时,22岁的他也十分享受他作为大学生的校园生活。

    With his new drama " You 're Beautiful " as well as his latest film " Murder of Lee Tae Won ," the22 year-old enjoys his campus life ; studying hard and being one with other University students .

  23. 除非你刚从一部被搁置已久的动画片里醒过来,或者忙于其他的事情,否则毫无疑问,你一定听说过了现在上映了最新的Batman电影。

    Unless you 've just come out of a suspended animation or something , you have doubtless heard that the latest Batman movie is out today .

  24. 这个影评人对汤告克鲁斯最新演出的电影很赞赏。

    The movie critic lauded the latest film starring Tom Cruise .

  25. 今晚我准备去看最新上映的电影。

    I 'm going to see the new movie tonight .

  26. 有很多网站免费提供最新的宝莱坞电影在线。

    There are lots of free sites offering latest Bollywood movies online .

  27. 他们瞧见那个可怖的面容活象一具尸首。可能是最新的恐怖电影。

    They beheld in that fearful countenance-the very image of a corpse !

  28. 这可不是最新的好莱坞电影。

    This isn 't the latest Hollywood movie .

  29. 在黑泽明最新的武士电影里,你担任什么样的角色?

    SW : What is your involvement with Akira Kurosawa on his new samurai film ?

  30. 是另一个网站,提供了良好的质量和最新的宝莱坞电影是免费的。

    BollyClips-BollyClips-BollyClips is another site which offers good quality and latest Bollywood movies for free .