
  • 网络Abenomics;Abeconomics
  1. 安倍经济学是一系列旨在解决日本宏观经济问题的政策措施,包括货币政策、财政政策以及鼓励私人投资的经济增长策略。

    Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan 's macroeconomic problems . It consists of monetary1 policy , fiscal2 policy , and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment .

  2. 到目前为止,安倍经济学是成功的,他坦承。

    What Abenomics has achieved so far has been successful , he concedes .

  3. 没有通胀的安倍经济学就像是没有鬼魂的《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)。

    Abenomics without inflation is like Hamlet without the ghost .

  4. 安倍晋三则将TPP与他的安倍经济学(Abenomics)改革议程、以及他恢复日本经济增长的努力直接挂钩。

    Mr Abe has also linked the TPP directly to his Abenomics reform agenda and his efforts to restore growth to Japan .

  5. 她还警告说,随着安倍经济学(Abenomics)的初期提振效果减退,日本需要采取更多措施来战胜通缩这个食人魔。

    She also warned that Japan needs to do more to overcome the ogre of deflation as the initial boost from Abenomics weakens .

  6. 自去年11月中旬市场第一次嗅到“安倍经济学”(abenomics)的气息以来,日本新任首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)推出的政策已推动日本股市上涨32%。

    Since the market had its first whiff of abenomics in mid-November , the policies of new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have driven it up 32 per cent .

  7. 对“安倍经济学”(Abenomics,日本新政府采取的通货再膨胀信条)的一种反驳观点就是,它将侵蚀人们勤苦攒下的储蓄。

    One objection to " Abenomics , " the reflationary creed adopted by Japan 's new government , is that it will erode hard-earned savings .

  8. 对于喜爱甜食的日本人来说,现在的日子有点不好过,该国正抱怨安倍经济学(Abenomics)的一个最新副作用:巧克力价格飙升。

    Times are hard for Japanese with a sweet tooth as the country bemoans the latest side effect of Abenomics : a surge in the price of chocolate .

  9. 迄今为止,很多日本人并未感受到安倍经济学(Abenomics,该计划旨在让数十年垂死挣扎的日本经济恢复增长)的正面效益。

    As yet , many Japanese citizens have not felt the positive benefits of Abenomics , the programme designed to restore growth to an economy that has lain moribund for decades .

  10. 自从9个月前推出“安倍经济学”(Abenomics)后,日本公司重拾信心,股市也大幅飚升,大大增加了柳井正的账面财富。

    Since " Abenomics " was launched nine months ago , corporate confidence has crept back up and the stock market has surged , greatly adding to Yanai 's paper wealth .

  11. 日本需要着眼于财政、环境和人口结构的可持续性,而不是短期复苏&这就是安倍经济学(Abenomics)的三支权宜之箭将不足以修复日本经济的原因。

    Japan needs to aim at fiscal , environmental and demographic sustainability rather than on short-term recovery & which is why the three quick-fix arrows of Abenomics will not be enough to mend the economy . So is Europe becoming more Japanese ?

  12. 安倍经济学的三大支柱放在一起很有意义。

    Taken together , the three pillars of Abenomics make sense .

  13. 在他看来,安倍经济学只不过加快了那一天的到来。

    Abenomics , in his opinion , merely hastens that day .

  14. 这很可能是安倍经济学能够做出的最佳贡献。

    It is probably the best contribution Abenomics can make .

  15. 然而,安倍经济学的核心目标仍是驱散通缩。

    However , the core target of Abenomics remains deflation .

  16. 安倍经济学目前处于一个特别棘手的阶段。

    Abenomics is now in a particularly delicate phase .

  17. 现在已经是这政策实施的第三个年头,所谓的安倍经济学显示出了一些积极的作用。

    Now in its third year , so-called Abenomics is showing some positive results .

  18. 但是安倍经济学还没有使每个人都收益。

    But Abenomics has yet to benefit everyone .

  19. 要使安倍经济学奏效,安倍就需要做得更漂亮。

    If Abenomics is to work , Mr Abe needs to go one better .

  20. 无论他在什么时候下台,问题都将是安倍经济学是否取得了成功。

    Whenever he steps down , the question will be whether Abenomics has succeeded .

  21. 换言之,安倍经济学的新颖之处在于重新拾起了货币政策。

    The novelty of Abenomics , in other words , is to reclaim monetary policy .

  22. 他的经济政策后来被称为安倍经济学,对这一政策的期待为证券市场的复苏提供了帮助。

    Expectations for his economic policy , later dubbed Abenomics , helped rejuvenate the stock market .

  23. 然而,这种被称为安倍经济学的政策带来的益处并不均衡。

    Yet the benefits of Abenomics , as the program is known , have been unevenly distributed .

  24. 安倍经济学成了一个家喻户晓的说法,至少在对全球经济感兴趣的家庭里是这样。

    Abenomics became a household term , at least in households that are interested in international economics .

  25. 换言之,当安倍经济学实现其宣称的目标时,恰好是它将开始崩溃之时。

    In other words , it is precisely when Abenomics reaches its stated aim that it will begin to unravel .

  26. 他还表示,安倍经济学似乎在日本发挥了作用,日本的衰退风险已经消退。

    He also said Abenomics appears to be working in Japan , and the risk of a recession has receded there .

  27. 在财政政策稳健性和央行独立性方面,安倍经济学对传统的经济观点提出了重大挑战。

    Abenomics is a great challenge to conventional economic wisdom regarding the soundness of fiscal policy and the independence of central banks .

  28. 不过,安倍经济学的核心是一个简单而十分正统的见解:通货紧缩是一种货币现象。

    Yet at the heart of abenomics lies a simple , and entirely orthodox , proposition : that deflation is a monetary phenomenon .

  29. 但对其他人来说,通过放松货币政策来提供短期刺激只是安倍经济学的第一部分,而且是最不重要的部分。

    But to others , short-term stimulus delivered via monetary easing is merely the first , and least significant , part of Abenomics .

  30. “安倍经济学”给日本经济带来了时断时续的复苏,尽管利润已经处于历史高点,索尼仍保持着防御型思维模式。

    While Japan 's economy is fitfully recovering under ' Abenomics , " with profits at record highs , Sony remains in a defensive mindset .