
  • 网络british red cross;British Red Cross Society;BRCS;BRC
  1. 英国红十字会已向灾区发送了4架飞机的救济物资。

    The British Red Cross has sent four planeloads of relief supplies to the stricken areas .

  2. 安托万霍夫曼是英国红十字会这个人道机构的成员,这次调查是英国红十字会委托进行的。

    Charles Antoine-Hofmann is with the British Red Cross , the humanitarian agency that commissioned the survey .

  3. 1887年,英国红十字会成立约翰救护车队。

    St John ′ s Ambulance Brigade was formed by the Red Cross in Britain .

  4. 这辆救护车被派遣到了消防队。1887年,英国红十字会成立约翰救护车队。

    The ambulances were detailed to the fire station . St John ′ s Ambulance Brigade was formed by the Red Cross in Britain .

  5. 英国红十字会进行的一项新的调查发现,大部分英国人除了知道英国部队参与的伊拉克和阿富汗战争以外,他们不知道世界上其他的重大冲突。

    A new survey by the British Red Cross finds most Britons are unaware of major conflicts in the world , besides Iraq and Afghanistan where the British military is engaged .

  6. 安托万霍夫曼表示,这次调查是英国红十字会为了提高人们对所有这些冲突区域的了解而开展的一次新的运动,同时也让人们意识到这些冲突对一般人产生的残酷影响。

    As Antoine-Hoffman says , the survey is part of a new British Red Cross campaign to raise awareness about all conflict zones and the brutal impact they are having on ordinary people .