
  1. 从地主阶级知识分子睁眼看世界起,政治文化变迁的趋势已经注定。

    With looking at the world from the intellectuals from the landlord class , the trend of the change of the political culture has been doomed .

  2. 龚自珍作为与睁眼看世界第一人魏源同时代的知识分子,和后者一样,早在鸦片战争爆发之前,就深刻地认识到了大清帝国所面临的巨大危机。

    As an intellectual of the same time of Weiyuan , the first person to fix his eyes on the western world , Gong Zizhen was aware of the numerous crises the Great Qing Empire was encountering .

  3. 列强入侵,山河破碎,晚清王朝面临着前所未有的困局,特殊的历史条件使得中国的有识之士开始睁眼看世界,近代出国旅游活动产生并发展起来。

    The latter Qing dynasty was facing the unprecedented predicament , the special historic condition caused Chinese of insight to start to open eyes to look at the world , the modern tourism activity came into being and developed , it was studying abroad .