
lù xù
  • one after another;in succession;constantly;continually;all the time
陆续 [lù xù]
  • [constantly;continually;all the time;one after another; in succession] 表示有先有后,时断时续

  • 散会后,大家陆续回去了

  • 方陆续退出。--《广东军务记》

陆续[lù xù]
  1. 客人们陆续来了。

    The guests came one after another .

  2. 欢迎光临我公司的网站,我们将竭诚为您服务!乐爵士产品资料陆续更新中

    Welcome to the website of our company , we will serve you faithfully ! RoJazz products one after another update

  3. 有关一起恶性交通事故的报道开始陆续传来。

    News of a serious road accident is just coming in .

  4. 选举结果陆续传来,失败的情绪越来越重。

    The gloom deepened as the election results came in .

  5. 客人们终于陆续到达了。

    At last the guests began to arrive .

  6. 许多年轻点的人陆续离开农村到城市去找工作。

    Many younger people are leaving the land to find work in the cities .

  7. 礼拜仪式开始前几分钟,大部分教堂会众陆续到来。

    Most members of the congregation begin arriving a few minutes before services .

  8. 很多好机会陆续向他招手。

    A series of fortunate opportunities opened to him .

  9. 我的3把吉他陆续都坏了。

    My three guitars broke one after the other

  10. 一些捐赠已经陆续到来。

    Some donations are already trickling in .

  11. 委员会的其他成员陆续走了进来,想要趁关门前喝上一杯。

    Other members of the committee drifted in for a quick one before closing time .

  12. 昨天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。

    All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square .

  13. 过去5年时间里,约200艘老式军舰和潜艇陆续退役。

    Some two hundred obsolete warships and submarines have been taken out of service during the past five years .

  14. 当局称直升机搜查该地区时尸体仍在陆续被发现,他们无法提供具体数目。

    The authorities say they are not able to keep count of the bodies still being found as helicopters search the area

  15. 新一批年轻女性一一所谓千禧一代的成员们一一在过去的十年中陆续进入职场。

    A new batch of young women — members of the so-called Millennial generation — has been entering the workforce for the past decade .

  16. 我们陆续收到了很多投诉。

    We 've been getting lots of complaints .

  17. 中国东部浙江省初三和高三将于4月13日开学,其他年级陆续开学。

    Students in Grades 4-8 and Grades 1-3 will return to school after April 20 , and after April 26 respectively , while kindergartens will reopen after May 6 .

  18. 国内其他旅游景点,比如武汉的黄鹤楼和青岛的天主教堂等地标,也陆续加入了这场社交媒体狂欢,推出各自的产品,吸引游客纷纷拿着他们的冰棍产品在对应的景点前拍照。

    Other tourist destinations in China soon joined the social media carnival with their own offerings , from Wuhan 's Yellow Crane Tower to the catholic church in Qingdao , attracting tourists to take pictures of the ice pops in front of their prototypes .

  19. 接下来我将陆续介绍JSON编码的几种技巧。

    I will offer several different techniques for JSON encoding .

  20. 开发旅游目的地APP,扩大免费无线WIFI覆盖区域等举措也陆续出现。

    Developing tourism destination APP , expanding the free wireless wifi coverage have emerged .

  21. 我国正式加入世界贸易组织后,经济法律法规与WTO规则的衔接与清理工作陆续展开。

    China Entered WTO in due from on November , 2001.The job that China 's economic rule of law links up with WTO rules will be evolved .

  22. 除了OECD原来规定的传统方法以外,又陆续出现了很多无形资产转让定价调整的新方法,各有利弊和适用的条件。

    Besides the traditional methods that fixed by OECD originally , new methods are put forward successively .

  23. 自从预言和证实AB效应以来,人们陆续发现在物理系统中其他的几何效应。

    Since the AB effect was predicted and justified , some other geometric effects have been dis-covered in physical systems .

  24. 虽然市场大多聚焦于中国公司的上市,但印度和韩国也有一系列实力雄厚的企业陆续进行IPO。

    While much of the focus has been on Chinese listings , India and South Korea also have a strong pipeline of IPOs .

  25. 抗SEAIgG检测,5只双性感染仔兔有4只于出生后57d起陆续呈阳性,其余16只始终为阴性;

    Of 5 baby rabbit with double-sex infection displayed positive anti-SEA IgG on different days after birth .

  26. 联想将拿出8000万美元用于TOP,等值于6亿多人民币的费用将从2005年到2008年分成4年、陆续支付给国际奥委会。

    Lenovo will pay 80 million dollars for TOP . The expense equal to RMB 6 hundred million will be paid as four times to international Olympic Committee from 2005 to 2008.These are landmarks of Chinese gym marketing .

  27. 伴随着国内中央空调市场的高速发展,SL集团快速扩张,陆续在全国二十几个大城市设立了分公司或办事处,年营业额达3亿元。

    With the rapid development in China central air conditioner market , SL has now established more than 20 branches and offices around major Chinese cities .

  28. 随着便携式多媒体播放器在个人数码领域的强劲发展势头,基于各种32位RISC芯片的多媒体解决方案都陆续出台。

    With the fast development of PMP ( portable media player ) in personal digital domain , various solutions using 32-bit RISC processor have been proposed .

  29. 这些细节会在阿里巴巴IPO的过程中陆续公布,而在阿里巴巴在纽交所上市之前,这一过程会持续3-4个月的时间。

    Those details will emerge as the IPO progresses , a process is likely to take three to four months to complete before Alibaba 's shares begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange .

  30. Rodale的高管陆续出走已有时日。

    Those departures are the latest in a long , slow Exodus .