
  1. 日本少林寺拳法体系及其对中国武术发展的启示

    The System of Japanese Shaolin Temple Boxing and Its Message for Development of Chinese Wushu

  2. 印度阿近他窟,我国敦煌石室,日本法隆寺金堂等之壁画,均系类似手法。

    India A near his cave , China 's Dunhuang sarcophagus , Japan Horyuji Jintang , such as the murals , are in a similar way .

  3. 这栋美丽的建筑是日本大阪四天王寺寺庙的一部分

    This beautiful building is part of the Shitennoji Temple Complex in Osaka , Japan .

  4. 我曾经想过要去日本,到永平寺修行,

    At one point I was thinking about going to Japan and trying to get into the Eihei-ji monastery ,

  5. 作为日本国宝的仁和寺本《黄帝内经太素》,1981年影印出版前,其原书在我国从未得见。

    Ren He Temple 's edition of " Huang Di Nei Jing Tai Su ", a national treasure of Japan , was not available to the public until it was photo printed in1981 .