
  1. 为了获得外国的特殊目标的军事运动。

    A military campaign designed to achieve a specific objective in a foreign country .

  2. 我们建议中央,用大力做军事运动。

    We recommend that the Central Committee should devote great effort to military work .

  3. 构建军事运动生物力学的思考

    On the Construction of Military Sports Biomechanics

  4. 马上比武一种中世纪的军事运动,两组骑在马上戴有盔甲的武士用钝长矛和剑互相战斗。

    A medieval martial sport in which two groups of mounted and armored combatants fought against each other with blunted lances or swords .

  5. 结果,当地局势日益失控,反对派通过自身的军事运动对政府予以回击。

    The result has been an increasing loss of control on the ground , and the opposition has turned to its own military campaign to fight back .

  6. 这项运动起源于北欧的斯堪的纳维亚半岛,于上个世纪八十年代作为一项军事运动传入我国,并在学生中间广泛开展。

    The campaign originated in Northern Europe the Scandinavian peninsula , in the eighties of last century as a military movement into our country , and extensively conducted among the students .

  7. 镭射野战已成为当今一项非常时尚的军事体育运动。

    The laser field operation has become now a very fashionable military sports movement .

  8. 对战是一种在模拟战场里进行集体对抗射击的军事体育运动。

    Is one kind in simulates in the battlefield to the war to carry on the collective resistance fire the military sports movement .

  9. 结论:生物学因素、环境因素及训练因素是军事体育运动训练伤病的易发因素。

    CONCLUSION : The biology factors , training environmental factors , and training factors are the easy inducing factors of training injuries of military sports .

  10. 采用心理测量法,个案分析法、实验法,对8名沈阳市军事体育运动学校的青少年射击运动员进行了41周心理训练。

    By using the method of mental measure , case analysis and experiment . The study carries on the mental training of the teenage shooting athletes of Shenyang military sports academy .

  11. 介绍了军事实体按照运动属性分类的方法。

    Classes of military entity classed by maneuverable attribute is introduced .

  12. 军事训练中运动性损伤发生一般规律研究

    An Analysis of the General Rules of Athletic Injuries in Military Training

  13. 对我国陆军军事五项运动几个问题的灰色建模分析

    Analysis on Some Problems of Chinese Army MilP . with Grey Module

  14. 影响军事五项运动成绩因素的理论框架

    Conceptual framework of factors affecting performance of military pentathlon

  15. 结论:影响军事五项运动成绩的因素是多方面的。

    CONCLUSION : There were various positive and negative factors influencing the performance .

  16. 因此,延缓疲劳的发生和促进疲劳的恢复一直是航天医学、军事医学和运动医学等学科的研究热点。

    Therefore , delay fatigue and promote fatigue recovery has been space medicine , military medical and sports medicine discipline research hotspot .

  17. 目的通过服用抗疲营养饮,解决高原环境下军事三项运动集训队员的运动性疲劳。

    Objective To solve the motor fatigue of the athletes Under 3 - military-event training in altitude conditions by taking Anti-fatigue Nutritious Drink .

  18. 疾病谱与地方同年龄段人群相似,呼吸系统和消化系统疾病是主要的疾病,由军事训练引起的运动系统疾病是部队特有的疾病;

    The disease spectrum was the same that respiratory system diseases and digestive system diseases were the major diseases .

  19. 背景:日常生活、军事训练和体育运动中关节韧带损伤非常多见,移植重建修复受损的韧带是主要治疗手段。

    BACKGROUND : Injury of articular ligaments is very common in daily life , military training and sports activities . It has been a consensus that the injured ligaments should be reconstructed by the transplantation .