
  1. 他不愿听一个征服者对被征服者说教。

    He would not listen to a conqueror preaching to the conquered .

  2. 听一个政客发表自己的观点太乏味了。

    It 's so uninteresting to listen to a politician delivering himself of his views .

  3. 在他的研究中,有两组人在一个嘈杂的房间里听一个人说话。

    In his study two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room .

  4. 有些学生可能听一次对话就听懂了,这样就可以节省做其他事情的时间。

    Some students might listen to a dialogue only once and understand it , so they can save time for doing other things .

  5. 来听一个使用了“there'snodenyingthat…”的例句。(不可否认,他的音乐激励了一代又一代人。)

    There 's no denying that his music has inspired many generations .

  6. 来听一个例句。(我们在回家路上发现了一只受伤的小狗。)

    We found an injured puppy on our way home .

  7. 跟他说话,犹如听一架老掉牙的八音盒子丁冬响

    To talk to him was like listening to the tinkling of a worn-out musical-box .

  8. 活动开始后,观众分成若干小组,每个小组去听一个人的演讲。

    Once proceedings start , the audience splits up into groups and each group goes to one of the presenters .

  9. 我们来趁热打铁,听一个例句。(我今天早上尝试向老板提出一个想法,但她当时没时间听我讲。)

    I tried to pitch an idea to my boss this morning , but she didn ’ t have time to listen .

  10. 我妻子经常听一位叫Epo的日本歌手。

    There 's a Japanese singer named Epo that my wife listens to a lot .

  11. 去听一场音乐会而不是下载MP3。还有,请千万别让发热又闪烁的显示器将你烤黑。

    Attend a concert instead of downloading the MP3.And please , please don 't get a sunburn from the warm glow of your monitor !

  12. 离婚唱片DivorceMusicAlbum离婚的人总会觉得有点难过,所以听一张囊括了各个时期各个种类音乐的离婚唱片是个不错的选择。

    During divorce everyone feels a little depressed . That 's why hearing a CD with the greatest divorce music may be a good option . It combines music from all genres and eras into one package .

  13. 每天听一小时Pandora约消耗十亿字节,但是这意味着你必须办每月20亿字节流量的套餐,并且不再使用其他消耗数据的应用程序。

    One hour a day of Pandora consumes nearly a gigabyte , which you can afford if you 're on a2-gigabyte plan and don 't use other data-hogging apps .

  14. 养殖渔民SofianAhmad蹲坐在养殖中心附近一处被破坏的堤岸上,听一名粮农组织官员解释划分区域如何会给他带来好处。

    Fish farmer Sofian Ahmad squats on a damaged bank near the Aquaculture Centre as an FAO official explains how zoning might work to his advantage .

  15. 一天晚上,我去听一篇将自己献给上帝的演说。

    I went one night to hear an address on consecration .

  16. 我听一个越南士兵说的。

    I heard soldiers who went to Vietnam liked it later .

  17. 都在重复听一句话。

    Of the entertainer over and over for a full hour .

  18. 为何要听一个迟到的人说话?

    Why should I listen to a person who 's late ?

  19. 在来听一下同一个故事的另外一个版本。

    Have a listen to this version of the same story .

  20. 听一段地质学课程。

    Listen to part of a lecture in a geology class .

  21. 听一个人的声音,你可以知道很多。

    You can tell a lot from persons a voice .

  22. 你不跟我一起去听一次音乐会吗,就这一次?

    Won 't you come with me to a concert-just this once ?

  23. 你到底在说些什么?我听一个卧底说的。

    What are you saying ? I got it from an undercover .

  24. 我不愿听一个征服者对被征服者说教。

    I would not listen to a conqueror preaching to the conquered .

  25. 听一首歌曲,将相应的图片编号写在横线上。

    Listen to a song and fill in the letters of pictures .

  26. 听一段学生和生物系教授的对话。

    Listen to a conversation between a student and her biology professor .

  27. 听一段商业管理课的讨论。

    Listen to part of a discussion in a business management class .

  28. 请听一段企业管理课上的演讲。

    Listen to part of a lecture in a business management class .

  29. 听一段海洋生物课。

    Listen to part of a lecture in a marine biology class .

  30. 那么我就留下听一首了。

    Guess I 'll just have to hang out till your next set .