
  • 网络A Happy Life
  1. 快乐的人生在于不断成功。

    Constant success makes a happy life .

  2. 在这样的心境下,人生也就成为快乐的人生了。

    In such a state of mind , the life has become a happy life .

  3. 只有睡觉时才做噩梦的一段快乐的人生阶段。

    A happy period of life when nightmare occurs only during sleep .

  4. 他度过了一个又长又快乐的人生。

    He has lived a long and happy life .

  5. 老龄阶段会是一个快乐的人生阶段。

    Old age should be a happy period .

  6. 如何拥有阳光快乐的人生?

    How do we live a sunny life ?

  7. 你能做出的最佳选择就是去成为自己生活的主宰,主动地去过一种快乐的人生。

    The best thing you can do is lead your own life and be happy .

  8. 因为你以为你拖累了我害我无法拥有快乐的人生

    because you thought you were holding me back from having , a full and happy life .

  9. 相反,我们能用它做为跳板去发掘我们最大的潜力,从而有个更快乐的人生。

    Instead , we can use it as a springboard to unleash our best qualities and lead happier lives .

  10. 勇敢地站在舞台中央,跳一曲快乐的人生芭蕾。

    To protect the dreams at your heart and standing on the stage , dancing in pretty ballet of life .

  11. 愿每个人都能把握人生中宝贵的学习经验,好好的增长快乐的人生。

    May everyone appreciate this precious learning experience , and take it to the extreme to create your own happiness .

  12. 美国作者宣称它将是快乐的人生价值,是生活的基本权利之一。

    The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living .

  13. 欢迎每一位对如何呵护爱情、经营婚姻以及如何拥有阳光快乐的人生感兴趣的朋友前来彩虹阳光人生之旅空间赐教!

    Any friend who is interested in how to fresh a love , run a happy home and living a sunny life will be welcomed to visit Rainbow 's Sunny Space !

  14. 人们常问自己是希望快乐的人生还是有意义的人生,两者不可兼得,因为相去甚远。

    It always comes to the time that people ask themselves do they want a life of happiness or a life of meaning , but they cann 't have both , two very different path .

  15. 培养出优秀+长的幼儿,为孩子拥有幸福快乐的人生奠定坚实的基础。美国斯塔福德更是一种开朗、活动能力强、性格稳定、并且非常自信的优秀家庭宠物。

    Educate our young children to become excellence + special skills individuals , and set up a solid foundation for children 's promising future . The American Staffordshire Terrier is a happy , outgoing , stable , and confident dog who makes a wonderful family pet .

  16. 对吧,那样一定可以收获一个快乐充实的人生的!

    In that case , you can harvest a happy life !

  17. 在经历了理想信仰的幻灭之后,越来越多的人开始转向对世俗生活的关注和对个人欲望的满足,活在当下、快乐至上的人生态度得到了人们的普遍认同。

    After the disillusionment of ideal and faith , more and more people began turning to secular concerns of life and satisfaction of individual desire , the attitude to live in the supreme happiness of life got people generally recognized .

  18. 扩大自己的生活圈子,用快乐和正确的人生观去感染周围的人!

    Expand your life atmosphere , with joy and correct outlook on life to infected people around !

  19. 学习《弟子规》的第二个理由是,正如上文所说过,这样做会帮助我们过一个快乐和成功的人生。

    The second reason for studying Di Zi Gui is that , as previous mentioned , doing so will help us live a happy and successful life .

  20. 的确,我认为今天要过一个快乐和成功的人生,追随这些信条、价值和准则最为有效。

    In fact , I believe that to live a happy and successful life today , these precepts , values , and norms are the most useful ones to follow .

  21. 秘诀就是放下拖慢我们脚步的艰难困苦,勇往直前的享受这快乐而又短暂的人生旅途。

    The trick is to keep moving forward to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon .

  22. 智者接着说:“如何获得快乐的秘诀以及人生的智慧全在于你自己。你现在可以离开了。”亲爱的朋友们,你是否经常会因为工作或生活的压力深陷困境?

    The wise man then said : " The Secret of Happiness and living an Inspired Life lies within you . You may leave now . " Dear friends , do you often get bogged down by work or the pressures of life ?

  23. 拥有快乐,拥有美好的人生。

    Have fun , have a good life .

  24. 除了让我们感觉良好,快乐还对我们的人生有帮助,对人际关系有帮助。

    Happiness can be helpful to our life and interpersonal relations besides the fact that it makes us feel good .

  25. 他们看重是否愉快,但是最终抵达快乐的途径是到达人生目标。

    They wanted to be happy , but the last way to be happy is to make it your objective in life .

  26. 过快乐及有尊严的人生,那麽,当你回想过去的岁月时,就可以再一次快乐地享受人生。

    While being you to remember past years so over the life of ( with ) the happiness and the dignity , can enjoy life again and happily .

  27. 本色人生和快乐人生所组合的人生由人的智商、情商、胆商和健商共同建构,并在更为广阔的领域展示着人的风采。

    The life with the true life and the happy life combined is constructed together by IQ , EQ , courage quotient and health quotient , and demonstrates on a broader scale man 's elegant demeanor .

  28. 提出建立快乐的课堂氛围对教学是非常必要的,它使学习成为一种快乐的人生体验。本系统的经验可以在开发设计其他相关系统时所借鉴。

    It is very necessary to have a lively class atmosphere in teaching , which makes study a happy experience of life .