
jù lónɡ
  • Giant Dragon;hadrosaurus
  1. 巨龙竹cDNA文库的构建

    Construction of cDNA Library from Leaves of Dendrocalamus sinicus

  2. 巨龙竹种下不同变异类型的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Different Variant Types of Dendrocalamus sinicus

  3. 还有个最差的FinFangFoom(钢铁侠中巨龙)

    And worst of all , Fin Fang Foom .

  4. 在调查中,智能照明和省事巨龙收到了SEC的摘牌通知。

    China Intelligent Lighting & Electronics and Century Dragon Media have been delisted by the SEC due to their financial problems .

  5. 印度没有这样的巨龙它建立了印度竞争委员会(competitioncommissionofindia),最近还设立了竞争上诉法庭(competitionappellatetribunal),听取针对印度竞争委员会的指令提起的上诉。

    India has no such dragon , having set up the Competition Commission of India and , more recently , the competition appellate tribunal to hear appeals against the orders of the CCI .

  6. 吉尼斯女发言人莱拉·王(LeilaWang,音译)说,1999年,它的纪录被香港的另一座霓虹招牌超过,那是一座299英尺×151英尺的巨龙招牌。

    It was eclipsed here in 1999 by a giant dragon sign , about 299 feet by 151 feet , Leila Wang , a Guinness spokeswoman , said .

  7. 再次,运用价值链理论以及内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵对巨龙公司产品所处的内部环境进行了分析,并在以上研究结果的基础上运用定量规划评价矩阵确定巨龙公司产品的竞争战略;

    On the basis of the above result of study , the competitive strategy of the products of " Julong Company " has been confirmed by using quantitative program evaluation matrix .

  8. 云南省西南部特产的珍稀竹种巨龙竹(Dendrocalamussinicus),是世界上秆型最为高大的竹种,其秆高可达30m以上,径粗可达30cm以上。

    Dendrocalamus sinicus is a endemic species in Southwest Yunnan , China . It is the largest bamboo in the world , which can grow to more than 30 m tall with 30 cm diameter .

  9. 在这个名符其实的“雷龙之国”(DrukYul,“LandoftheThunderDragon),热气球上饰着巨型金龙,而高压气缸因点火而发出的阵阵轰响酷似巨龙之雷霆之怒。

    As befits a country known as Druk Yul , or " Land of the Thunder Dragon , " the balloon is emblazoned with huge golden dragons , and the occasional blasts of flame from its gas cylinders resemble nothing so much as a dragon 's fiery breath .

  10. 巨龙日益觉醒,知识产权保护即将步入正轨?

    Is the Middle Kingdom getting serious about protecting intellectual property ?

  11. 龙窑就像是一条要下山的巨龙。

    The Dragon Kiln looks like a giant dragon climbing downhill .

  12. 同时,有很多人讨论正在崛起的巨龙。

    Meanwhile , there is much talk about the rising dragon .

  13. 那些奥运会的成就足以证明中国这条巨龙已经觉醒了。

    Those Olympic achievements illustrate how the Chinese dragon is waking .

  14. 看,那位老伯伯的是一只巨龙风筝。

    Look , the old man 's kite is a dragon .

  15. 帕夫,不可思议的巨龙,住在大海边。

    Puff , the magic dragon , lived by the sea .

  16. 科学计算巨龙腾飞&一个中国人的梦

    Science Computing and Dragon Prancing & the Dream of a Chinese

  17. 长春巨龙公司信息平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Changchun Great Dragon Company Information Platform

  18. 如同一条巨龙,横卧在虎山之上。

    It crawls on the mountain like a giant dragon .

  19. 她派永远保持警惕的巨龙拉冬盘绕在树上作守卫。

    Ladon to coil around the tree AS its guardian .

  20. 我希望有一天能去看看这神秘的东方巨龙。

    I hope I will visit this mysterious oriental dragon one day .

  21. 该是巨龙继续睡觉的时候了。

    It 's time for the dragon to go back to sleep .

  22. 英雄:莫绰克在英雄模式巨龙之魂中击败莫绰克。

    Heroic : Ultraxion Defeat Ultraxion in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty .

  23. 英雄:死翼之疯在英雄难度巨龙之魂中毁灭死亡之翼。

    Heroic : Morchok Defeat Morchok in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty .

  24. 但当你将它同泰坦巨龙相比根本是小巫见大巫。

    That 's nothing when you compare it to Titanosaur .

  25. 这只泰坦巨龙是一只年轻的成年恐龙,性别尚未确定。

    This titanosaur was a young adult , gender undetermined .

  26. 吾落神笔精神爽,巨龙腾飞诗篇现。

    I pen down the spirit of God cool dragon poems are off .

  27. 它似一条巨龙蜿蜒穿过中国的大地。

    Like a snake , it winds across China .

  28. 长城看上往像一条巨龙。

    The Great Wall looks like a giant dragon .

  29. 中华民族,是乾坤傲然的巨龙腾飞。

    The Chinese nation , is a heaven and earth dragon proudly off .

  30. 唉难道就没人能杀了这可怕的巨龙

    Alas ! Will no one slay this fearsome dragon