
  • 网络microblog marketing;Micro-blog marketing;Micro-blogging Marketing;WEIBO
  1. 继政府采取一系列措施收紧对社交媒体的审查,同时微博营销成本飙升导致盈利能力下降后,新浪股价已从去年4月19日142.83美元的高位下跌54%。

    Following a series of government moves towards tighter censorship of social media , and falling profitability because of the soaring cost of marketing Weibo , Sina shares have lost 54 per cent since their peak of $ 142.83 on April 19 last year .

  2. 并针对LSH公司的微博营销策略提出具体的实施方案,以及风险的防范和控制。

    According to micro-blog marketing strategy of LSH , the company must make the specific implementation plan , to prevent and control the risk .

  3. 最后是Sz公司微博营销策略研究。

    Then research the strategy of SZ Company Micro Blog marketing .

  4. 对企业进行微博营销具有现实的指导意义和启发。

    It suggests some practical guidance and inspiration for microblogging marketing .

  5. 确定了品牌信任的维度后,文章对微博营销因子进行提取。

    After the determination of brand trust dimension , the paper extracted microblog marketing factors .

  6. 第三章,微博营销与其他营销方式的对比分析部分。

    The third chapter is the comparative analysis section of microblog marketing and other marketing methods .

  7. 最后通过实践证明微博营销能够为服装企业带来利益,值得企业引起足够重视。

    Finally , by practice and proved enterprise micro-blog marketing for the clothing enterprise benefits worth sufficient attention .

  8. 当然,世界上万事万物都具有两面性,微博营销同样具有一些劣势。

    Of course , everything in the world has its two sides , microblog marketing also has some disadvantages .

  9. 微博营销应运而生,其重要的一个需求就是最大化用户影响力。

    Micro-blog marketing arises at the historic moment , and one of its important requirements is to maximize user influence .

  10. 最后,针对企业微博营销的局限性,给出了相应的对策建议。

    Finally , in view of the limitations of enterprise microblog marketing , give out the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  11. 通过对这些信息展开情感分析,可以实现微博营销、品牌宣传、客户关系管理、舆情监控等。

    Analyzing emotion hidden in these information can benefit microblog marketing , branding , customer relationship management and monitoring public opinions .

  12. 而微博营销以其在互动交流和信息传播上的优势成为了当下酒店最热门的网络营销方式之一。

    The micro blog marketing has been the most popular network marketing mode due to its advantages in interactive communication and information transmission .

  13. 第四,大力发展新型网络营销方式,如开展对手机互联网用户进行移动营销、发展微博营销等,以达到降低消费者的感知风险的目的。

    Fourth , vigorously develop the new network marketing , mobile marketing , mobile Internet users , development micro blogging marketing , reduce consumers ' perceived risk .

  14. 传统的营销方式开始逐渐落后与时代发展的脚步,一种全新的新媒体营销方式-微博营销已经开始悄然兴起。

    Traditional marketing methods began to lag behind the pace of development of the times ; the new media marketing of micro-blog marketing has been rising quietly .

  15. 通过实际案例分析,以期为中国企业开展微博营销提供一定的思路和建议。

    In a word , with the analysis of actual case , the author wants to provide suggestions on how to carry on enterprise microblog marketing in China .

  16. 其次,要构建企业微博营销的模式,包括制定微博营销计划、合理科学的营销战略选择以及微博营销的效果反馈。

    Secondly , we should build the model of enterprise microblog marketing , including setting microblog marketing plan , reasonable scientific marketing strategy selection and microblog marketing effect feedback .

  17. 重点侧重于旅游区网站的建设、微博营销平台的推广及微电影营销时代的来临等方面展开阐述。5、体验营销。

    Key focus on the construction of tourist site , Microblogging Marketing platform promotion and the coming of the era for Micro movie marketing . 5 、 the experience marketing .

  18. 根据消费者人群的变化趋势,奢侈品微博营销在消费环境及大众消费行为模式的转变中应运而生。

    In the accordance of the trend of consumer groups , luxury twitter marketing arises at the historic moment as the consumption climate and the pattern of public transmission behavior changed .

  19. 因此,在这个时候探讨微博营销,尤其是探讨微博对企业营销创新的影响、价值及运作格外有益,是现时代的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , such a probe into marketing by means of micro blogs ( especially their influence on marketing innovation , value and operation ) ranks an important issue in times now .

  20. 首先,要发挥微博营销的优势,微博营销的信息成本低廉、精准度高、时效性强,而且微博的粉丝忠诚度高。

    First of all , we should exert the advantage of microblog marketing information , for example , low cost of microblog marketing , high accuracy , timeliness strong and microblog fan loyalty high .

  21. 最后展望了微博营销未来的发展前景,强调企业结合自身切实情况将微博营销纳入整体营销战略是大势所趋。

    Finally the prospect of micro-blog marketing prospects for future development , emphasize enterprise combined with their own practical situation the micro-blog marketing into the overall marketing strategy is to represent the general trend .

  22. 企业微博营销成为业界和学界的热点话题,企业正在成为营销传播的主体,并且全程参与信息传播管理的全部过程。

    Enterprise micro blogging marketing has become a hot topic in industry and academia area , enterprises are becoming the main marketing communications , and full participation in the whole process of information dissemination management .

  23. 并通过对BY酒店微博营销的营销案例分析,进一步阐述了酒店如何运用微博进行网络营销的具体操作实例。

    Meanwhile , according to the analysis on the case of micro blog marketing performed by BY Hotel , the paper has further expounded the specific operating instance that hotel performed network marketing through micro blog .

  24. 本文对于中小企业微博营销的探索突出了微博在网络营销时代的巨大作用,为中小企业微博营销未来的发展提供了依据与思路。

    The exploration of micro-blog marketing in this paper highlights the huge role of micro-blog in the era of network marketing , and provides basis and ideas for micro-blog marketing development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the future .

  25. 消费者购买行为除了受微博营销的主要因素影响外,也受到消费者个人因素的影响。

    The participate of micro-blogging opinion leaders and friends determine the reference system of consumers purchasing behavior . ( 3 ) In addition to the major factors of micro-blogging marketing , consumers purchasing behavior also effected by their individual factors .

  26. 如信息的易逝性和效果难以监测等等,因此使用微博营销要注意规避风险。

    Such as information perishable and effects difficult to monitor . Therefore , using microblog marketing should pay attention to avoid risk . Finally , this paper analyzes and summarizes the successful experience and specific means on some companies , like the Yili and Dell .

  27. 在市场经济浪潮中,微营销成为出版企业集团化发展的新路径,借新媒体技术之力,打造微博营销模式,掀开微传播环境中集团化发展之路的新篇章。

    In the tide of market economy , micro marketing has become a new path of publishing enterprise group development of new media technology , by force , to create micro-blog marketing mode , open a new chapter in micro propagation environment development group of the road .

  28. 自从戴尔在Twitter上的营销获得成功后,全世界范围内都掀起了一场微博品牌营销的浪潮。

    Since Dell achieved the success of brand marketing on Twitter , there has set off a wave of microblogging brand marketing in the worldwide .

  29. 第三:品牌关系质量正向影响消费者购买意愿。最后,根据实证研究的结果,对微博互动营销提出了一些比较有意义的建议。

    Thirdly : brand relationship quality positively influence on consumer purchase intention . Finally , according to the result of empirical study , the microblogging marketing some more meaningful Suggestions are put forward .

  30. 商家们,尤其是那些紧盯年轻消费群体的商家们,已经意识到微博的市场营销价值。

    Enterprises , especially those targeting young customers , have realized the value of marketing on micro blogs .