
  • 网络WeChat QR code
  1. 人们只需用智能手机相互“扫描”对方的微信二维码,新的朋友关系便可以马上建立。

    Many a new relationship is sealed with the ritual smartphone " scan " of one anothers " WeChat QR code .

  2. 这样一来,中国出境游客结账时用微信扫描二维码即可支付。微信将通过与银行合作实现人民币支付自动转换为外币与境外商家结算。

    The move will enable Chinese outbound travelers to pay bills by scanning the quick-response codes on WeChat , which will partner with banks to automatically convert renminbi payments into a specific type of currency that foreign stores can accept .

  3. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)利用微信内置的二维码扫描器,在中国发起了歌词瓶活动。

    Coca-Cola tapped into Weixin 's built-in reader for QR codes , two-dimensional bar codes , to start its Lyric Coke campaign in China .

  4. 腾讯表示,用户只需在微信中通过扫描二维码或搜索的方式打开这些程序,享受订票或在线购物服务。

    Users just need to scan the QR code or search from their WeChat accounts to open these apps , where they could book tickets or do shopping , Tencent said .