
  • 网络Corporate Blog;Corporate Blogging;Enterprise Blog;business blogging
  1. 在选择企业博客服务器时,传统的考虑因素包括成本、可维护性和实用性。

    Traditional decision points when you select a corporate blog server are its cost , maintainability , and usability .

  2. 多数准备投资Enterprise2.0战略的公司都以建立企业博客为起点。

    The starting point for most organizations looking to invest in an Enterprise 2.0 strategy is the creation of a corporate blog .

  3. 基于Web数据挖掘的煤炭企业博客营销模式

    Mode of Blog Marketing of Coal Corporation based on Web Data Mining

  4. 企业博客是用于围绕企业构建社区的一个极好的Web2.0工具。

    A business blog is an excellent Web 2.0 tool to use to build a community around your business .

  5. 随着电子商务、网络营销、博客营销的兴起以及数据挖掘、Web挖掘技术的日渐成熟,Web挖掘在企业博客营销以及顾客信息分析中的应用研究变的得重要并且急迫。

    With the fast development of electronic commerce , network marketing , blog marketing and the skills for data mining and web mining , web mining becomes more and more important and urgent in application research of enterprise blog marketing and customer information analysis .

  6. 企业博客使得企业形象与企业本身都更加平易近人。

    It makes the company-person and the corporation more approachable .

  7. 企业博客鼓励作者和读者之间的对话。

    It encourages the writer and the reader to be involved in conversations .

  8. 而且企业博客也不是上述概念的简单扩展。

    Also , corporate blogging is not so much an extension of any prior concept .

  9. 改善博客营销环境、制定企业博客规则。

    The environment of blog marketing should be improved ; the enterprise blog rules should be made .

  10. 企业博客提供作者与企业以更大的透明度,这在经济不景气的情况下,也是一件好事。

    It provides the author and the company greater visibility , which even in bad times is a good thing .

  11. 企业博客提供了一种人性化的声音。在听惯了企业的陈腔滥调之后,这是一种人人都喜欢的新鲜的改变。

    A blog provides a human voice , which after hearing stale corporate voices is a fresh change that everyone appreciates .

  12. 虽然有不同类型的企业博客,但主要分为外部企业博客和内部企业博客。

    Although there are many different types of corporate blogs , they are mostly categorized as either external or internal corporate blogs .

  13. 企业博客就是由组织发布,或者由组织支持的,为达到组织的某种目的而设立的博客。

    A corporate blog is a blog published by , or with the support of , an organization to reach that organization 's goals .

  14. 正如任何的目标营销(企业博客是营销手段),它需要直接思考,以及始终如一的组织和运营方式。

    Like any targeted marketing ( and blogging for companies is marketing ), it needs to be thought through , organized and delivered consistently .

  15. 这项功能极大地简化了将博客从内部企业博客传输到外部企业博客的过程。

    This functionality makes it extremely easy , for example , to transfer a post from an internal enterprise blog to an external corporate blog .

  16. 本文运用社会统计分析、网上问卷调查、社会网络分析、个案研究等方法,对企业博客间的话语互动进行了研究。

    Applying social statistic analysis , Internet survey , social network analysis , case study and other methods , this thesis studies discourse interaction between biz-bloggers .

  17. 随着博客用户量的迅速增加,企业博客作为新兴事物而出现,并且日益发挥其营销作用。

    As an emerging thing , the emergence of corporate blog and marketing role is closely related to a rapid growth of the volume of blog users .

  18. 企业博客并不是适用于所有企业信息类型的完美交付机制,但它们奠定了现代企业通信和讨论的基础。

    Enterprise blogs are not a perfect delivery mechanism for all types of corporate information , but they can become a cornerstone of modern enterprise communication and discussion .

  19. 而博客的另一个极端则是企业博客。它由一个团体,比如一个广播电台或者音像商店来负责维护。

    And then at the other extreme , there 's the corporate blog , maintained by an institution , such as a radio station or a music store .

  20. 阿里巴巴在企业博客中表示,公司计划招募300人成立打假团队,以强化监管人员的力量。

    In a post on its corporate blog , Alibaba said it planned to hire 300 people to form an anticounterfeiting task force to bolster its policing staff .

  21. 基于博客营销优势,文章最后讨论了企业博客营销对于企业带来的实际价值,包括成本价值和广告价值。

    Based on blog marketing superiority , finally discussed the blog marketing the actual value which brings regarding the enterprise superiority , including cost aspect and advertisement aspect .

  22. 对企业博客进行有效管理,博客营销需定好位、专业化、特色化,综合利用博客资源与其他营销资源。

    Enterprises blog should be managed effectively . Blog marketing should be set the right position , professional , and characteristics of . Blog resources and other marketing resources should be taken advantage of comprehensively .

  23. 研究表明,企业博客话语权的建构依赖于主体、话语、他博客三要素间的关系耦合。

    Analysis in the thesis shows that the formation of discourse authority in biz-blog depends on the relation coupling of the three elements in biz-blog , which are subjects , discourses , and other bloggers .

  24. 企业博客通常是有多位作者和贡献者的多用户博客,或者是由多个分属于组织中不同用户的博客组成的平台。

    A corporate blog will often be a multi-user blog with multiple authors and contributors , or it will be a platform made up of many different blogs , each individually owned by a different person in the organization .

  25. 接着是企业博客营销中的模块设计:包括公司基本状况模块、企业家博客、员工博客、技术与产品博客、服务与客户博客、事件行销博客。

    Then , the modules of business blog marketing have been designed . Modules include the basic conditions of companies , entrepreneur blog , staff blog , technology and products blog , services and customer blog , event marketing blog .

  26. 典型情况下,企业使用博客来创建一组与客户的对话,并解释他们的产品和服务的特色。

    Typically , corporations use blogs to create a dialogs with customers and explain features of their products and services .

  27. 企业内部博客通常包含与业务相关的讨论和信息,必须由组织的IT人员管理。

    Inward-facing enterprise blogs usually contain business-sensitive discussions and information and must therefore be hosted by the organization 's IT staff .

  28. 第二章从理论上分析企业知识博客的作用、机理、运作模式等,分析了企业知识博客的自组织现象,建立了企业知识博客功能模型和企业知识博客无比例网络模型。

    In the second paragraph , this paper analyzes the effect , mechanism , and running model of the blog , and studies the self-organization of knowledge blog in enterprises .

  29. 随着实际提供更新和有用信息的企业和行业博客的成功推出,人们越来越注重将博客作为企业内部的通信和讨论机制。

    The success of corporate and industry blogs that actually provide updated and useful information has increased interest in blogs as a communication and discussion mechanism within the enterprise .

  30. 本文正是在博客浪潮的背景下,研究博客与消费者购买意愿之间的关系,探讨消费者的购买行为,为企业如何利用博客提供管理建议。

    Base on the blog wave , this paper focuses on analyzing the relation between the blog and factors affecting intentions to purchase , studying the purchasing behavior of consumers , and giving suggestions to company on the use of the blog .