
  • 网络saturation state;Saturated state
  1. 结果显示:牛亚科不同物种间线粒体细胞色素b基因的转换/颠换比值为4.9,突变未达到饱和状态;

    The results showed that among different species the transition / transversion ( Ts / Tv ) of Cytochrome b gene was 4.9 , suggesting that the mutation was not saturation ;

  2. 传统的集中式备份解决方案依赖IP网络作为其数据路径,这样,仅传输的数据量就会使带宽处于饱和状态,结果备份周期经常超过预先计划好的备份时间。

    The traditional concentrated project for backup depends on IP network as data route , so only transmited data will cause bandwidth saturation . The result is period of backup often excesses preplanned time .

  3. 无线Mesh网络饱和状态下数据包传输延迟模型

    Modeling Packet Transmission Delay in Saturated Condition in Wireless Mesh Networks

  4. 这是由于氟基团在PU的表面已经趋于饱和状态所致。

    This is because the fluorine groups in the PU has become saturated due to the surface .

  5. 但由于固网资源融合率已经接近饱和状态,中国电信3G移动用户增长出现瓶颈。

    But as a result of fixed network resource fusion rate is close to the saturated state , China Telecom 3G mobile subscriber growth bottleneck .

  6. 结果表明:磁饱和状态Q值最高,退磁状态Q值居中,剩磁状态Q值最低,Q值随冷变形量增加而升高。

    The results show that Q value is highest in magnetic saturation state , medium in demagnetization and lowest in remanence . Also , Q value increases with the cold-forming deformation .

  7. 运用激光脉冲沉积法(PLD)制备了Ge(S90Se10)2薄膜,通过运用紫外汞灯对制备的薄膜进行不同时间的辐照,我们确定了达到饱和状态所需要的辐照时间(90分钟)。

    Using the pulsed laser deposition ( PLD ) technique , Ge ( S_ ( 90 ) Se_ ( 10 )) _2 films were prepared .

  8. 在MTS伺服压机上对不同饱和状态的砂岩、大理岩标本进行了垂直层理和平行层理两个方向的正弦波加载试验,研究了饱和岩石的各向异性及非线性黏弹性行为。

    Low-frequency uniaxial stress cycling tests were conducted on sandstone and marble in different saturation condition to find the possible anisotropic and nonlinear behavior .

  9. BDL模型在Chen模型的基础上作了改进,考虑了冷却水局部流动参数及饱和状态的影响,适用于局部流动传热计算。

    As an improvement of Chen model , BDL model takes into consideration the effect of local fluid state and heat flux saturation .

  10. 冬、春季黄海表、底层溶存CH4和N20处于轻度过饱和状态,海-气交换通量处于较低值。

    CH4 and N2O in the Yellow Sea are supersaturated slightly , and sea-to-air fluxes are low .

  11. IEEE80211eEDCF饱和状态下性能分析

    Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802_11e EDCF in Saturation State

  12. 本文分析了半导体激光放大器处于增益饱和状态下的自相位调制(SPM)效应,以及SPM效应对传输脉冲波形、相位及频谱的影响。

    In this pager , the self-phase modulation effect in gain saturated semiconductor optical amplifier and its affect on the shape , phase and spectrum of transmission pulse are analyzed .

  13. 本文在输出信号幅度及ASE噪声谱上都取得了与前期发表的实验相一致的仿真结果,证明了EDFABDE模块在高饱和状态下的实际可用性。

    The simulation results of the output signal level and ASE spectrum fit well with the previously published results , demonstrating the applicability of the EDFA BDE block for highly saturated cases .

  14. 通过分析各层节点的实际包到达率和平均服务时间,建立M/G/1的排队系统模型,准确地分析无线Mesh网络中饱和状态下数据包传输延迟。

    By analyzing the actual packet arrival rate and the average service time of the nodes at all levels , with the establishment of the M / G / 1 queuing system model , we accurately analyze packets transmission delay under the saturated condition in wireless mesh network .

  15. 使用网络模拟工具NS-2对比了DCF和EDCF的吞吐量,并对EDCF在饱和状态下以及站点慢速移动情况下的性能进行了详细的分析和比较。

    Then we compare the throughput of DCF and EDCF with network simulation tool NS-2 , and then thoroughly analyze the throughput of EDCF in saturation and slow-moving states .

  16. NDVIΔT空间中的湿边基本与横坐标平行,表明当土壤水分处于饱和状态或植被完全无水分胁迫条件下,植被和土壤对缓冲环境温度变化的能力大体相当;

    From NDVI - Δ T spaces , we found that the wet edges are all parallel to the abscissa and the wet soil has the same power to hold back temperature change with the vegetation non-water stress .

  17. 最初用于一本喜剧书籍,后来,ComicSans字体逐渐被滥用到令人眼睛充血的饱和状态,现在,在被动的具有攻击性的疏忽的办公室便条之外已经很少使用。

    Initially intended to be a quick comic book substitute , Comic Sans quickly found itself over used to the point of eye-bleeding saturation , and is now rarely seen outside the realm of ignorant passive aggressive office notes .

  18. BillThompson:“即使野生的鳕鱼储备达到饱和状态,也仍然不能满足全世界的需求。所以,水产养殖就是未来的趋势。由一个家庭来经营一个企业是可行的。”

    BILL THOMPSON : " the wild stocks came back to their fullest capacity , they still wouldn 't be able to feed the world . So I think this is the way of the future . And it 's for a family to run a business . "

  19. 本文提出一种在同步流饱和状态下对称FDDI网络平均吞吐量分析方法,分别讨论了在无优先级对称系统和多个优先级对称系统中吞吐量与承载信息量之间关系。

    This paper presents a method for analysing the mean throughput of a symmetric FDDI network with saturated synchronous stream , which discusses the relationship between throughput and offered load the multiple priority symmetric system respectively .

  20. H2S等还原剂的存在是环境Eh值下降的主要原因,从而使水中的UO2+2在氧化还原过渡带处于过饱和状态,加速了铀的吸附和沉淀。

    The existense of reductants such as H 2S is the basic factor leading to the decrease of Eh in environments and the oversaturation of UO 2 + 2 at the redox front in groundwater , thus accelerating the adsorption and the precipitation of uranium .

  21. 计算表明,在中等饱和度下单裂隙渗透率REA较小,而在低饱和度及接近饱和状态下单裂隙渗透率REA较大,文中从饱和度变化与沟槽流发育程度的关系对这一变化趋势进行了合理解释。

    The results show that the REA for permeability of a single fracture under middle saturation degree is relatively small , and that for permeability of a single fracture under high or low saturation degree is relatively large .

  22. 本文分析了现有的几种802.11网络分析模型,其中Bianchi模型很好的描述了饱和状态下802.11DCF的性能;

    This paper introduces several analytical models of IEEE 802.11 under saturation condition . Bianchi 's model provided a good performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF .

  23. 卡塞尔大学太阳能研究机构ISET的KurtRohrig预测有些夸大德国的风能将在2038年之前达到饱和状态。

    Kurt Rohrig of ISET , a solar-research institute at the University of Kassel , predicts somewhat heroically that wind power in Germany will reach saturation by2038 .

  24. 黄海混合水区域虽然Chla浓度偏低,但DO饱和度较高,可能是浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食作用导致Chla的现存量低;剧烈的生物活动致使此区的pCO2处于欠饱和状态。

    Although the Chla density is somewhat low in the Yellow Sea mixed water , but the DO saturation is high . The reason possibly is that zooplankton feeds on phytoplankton , resulting the low value of Chla existing .

  25. 在110℃以下,几乎为零的铟原子的粘着系数是由于4×1-In结构的原子排列使表面呈现价键饱和状态所致;

    At temperatures below 110 ℃, the sticking coefficient for In atoms is close to zero due to saturation of valence bonds resulting from the arrangement of In atoms in the 4 × 1-In overlayer .

  26. 通过实验研究验证了方案的可行性,通过交叉偏压调制使EAM处于非饱和状态下工作,实现了10Gbit/s速率的NRZ数据信号全光波长变换,并同时实现了10.2nm宽的全光波长变换范围。

    Experimental study on the feasibility of scheme through the experimental research , through XBM make EAM at unsaturated state , realize 10Gbit / s NRZ data all-optical wavelength conversion . The wavelength converter is experimentally demonstrated at 10Gbit / s rate over up-conversion range 10.2 nm . 5 .

  27. 盆地中心气藏(BCGA)不同于常规圈闭气藏,其呈区域性分布,具有烃源区域性普遍成藏、储层处于气饱和状态和异常压力、缺失下倾的水接触面及渗透率低等特点。

    Different from conventional accumulations , the BCGA is characterized by regional distribution in adjacent source rocks , gas-saturated , abnormally pressured , and low permeability reservoirs and lack of any downdip water interface . The Qi ( vital energy )

  28. 过饱和状态下交叉口车辆延误和排队长度模型研究

    Study on Models of Delay and Queue Length at Saturated Intersections

  29. 叶子周围空气处于饱和状态。

    Air existing around the leaf is found to be saturated .

  30. 非饱和状态下IEEE802.11DCF的性能分析

    Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in the non-saturation state