
lán bái sè
  • blue and white color
  1. Turney穿了一件蓝色夹克和一个蓝白色头巾。

    Turney wore a blue jacket and blue-and-white head scarf .

  2. 我感觉到广州百特医疗用品有限公司(后简称Baxter)的天空是蓝白色的。

    I felt after the Guangzhou hundred special medical service thing limited company ( is called Baxter ) the sky is the blue white .

  3. 中国最大搜索引擎百度(Baidu)旗下的蓝白色自主驾驶汽车已被发现出现在北京北部的公共道路上,似乎在进行中国首次全自主驾驶汽车公路测试。

    Tell-tale white and blue self-driving cars belonging to Baidu , China 's largest search engine , have been spotted on public roads in northern Beijing , in what appear to be the first public road tests of fully autonomous cars in China .

  4. 该材料在紫外光激发下,发出很强的蓝白色荧光,发射主峰位于470nm附近,可用于蓝白光显示等领域。

    Under excitation with irradiation of UV rays , these nano-phosphors exhibit strong blue-white luminescence , which peaks at about 470 nm .

  5. 镀锌层三价铬蓝白色钝化工艺的研究

    Study of Trivalent Chromium Bright Blue Passivation Process for Zinc Coating

  6. 花哨的家鸽,蓝白色羽毛,脚毛厚密。

    Fancy domestic pigeon having blue-and-white plumage and heavily muffed feet .

  7. 白色装服英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。

    white trim England are playing in the blue and white strip .

  8. 高耐蚀性三价铬蓝白色钝化膜获得方法

    Preparation Process of Trivalent Chromium Blue White Passivating Film with High Corrosion Resistance

  9. 花茶则要用带盖子的青瓷或蓝白色瓷器中泡;

    scented tea with celadon or blue and white porcelain with a cover ;

  10. 卧室里的墙上涂有蓝白色的条纹。

    The walls in the bedroom were painted with blue and white stripes .

  11. 在一个波利尼西亚岛上,蝴蝶用蓝白色眼状斑点装饰它天鹅绒般的黑色翅膀。

    Blue-and-white eyespots adorn the velvety black wings of butterfly on Polynesian island .

  12. 椅子上已放着高雅的小丑服装,是用蓝白色的绸缎做的。

    On chairs were laid elegant masquerade costumes of blue and white satin .

  13. 单瓣蓝白色铃铛花。中绿色和白色组合的斑叶。迷你悬垂型。

    Single white and blue bell . Variegated medium green and white . Miniature trailer .

  14. 北美年生或终年草本植物,有长的蓝白色花穗。

    Annual or perennial of eastern North America with long spikes of blue or white flowers .

  15. 他们穿着红白相间的衣服。英格兰队穿着蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。

    They 're in red and white . England are playing in the blue and white strip .

  16. 一种有毒的二价金属元素,软质、蓝白色,有延展性,与锌矿石共生。

    A soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element ; occurs in association with zinc ores .

  17. 荷兰陶瓷之都代尔夫特崛起的历史动因与现实意义代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。

    The Historical Motivations and Actual Significance of the Rise of Delft , Holland 's Capital of Pottery ;

  18. 蚀像处发光现象明显。4、样品的紫外荧光以蓝白色、黄白色为主。

    Light phenomenon is obvious in corrosion part . 4 UV fluorescence of samples is mainly in blue-white , yellow-white .

  19. 一种软而重的有毒金属,可延展,刚切下时呈蓝白色,但易失去光泽而变成暗灰色。

    A soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element ; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull gray .

  20. 样品主要显示蓝白色、黄绿色的阴极发光,局部出现紫色、粉红色发光区。

    Samples mainly display a blue and white , yellow green cathode luminescence , local appears purple , pink light district .

  21. 重瓣,蓝白色的花,中绿色叶,小巧。迷你型。这些窗帘的图案是蓝底白花。

    Double blue and white . Medium green , tiny . Miniature . The curtains have white flowers on a blue ground .

  22. 焦磷酸钙菱形结晶在红感光板偏振光下呈蓝白色(弱正双折射)。

    This rhomboid shaped crystal of calcium pyrophosphate , which appears bluish-white ( weak positive birefringence ) by polarized light with red plate .

  23. 当Eu2+浓度为0.005mol-1时,样品呈现很亮的蓝白色发光。

    When the Eu ~ ( 2 + ) concentration is 0.005 mol ~ ( - 1 ), the sample presents intense blue-white emitting .

  24. 本文提出了与工艺相配套的彩色、白色、蓝白色钝化工艺。

    This thesis introduces the process for getting a color , white and blue - white passivation coating that corresponds to the electroplating process .

  25. 炽热的蓝白色大质量恒星群遍布整个星系,散布在众多充满尘埃略带红色的恒星诞生区中。

    Hot bluish white clusters of massive stars are scattered throughout the galaxy , interspersed with numerous dustier reddish regions of current star formation .

  26. 粉霜,粉衣用蓝白色的蜡或粉末涂在类似一种李子的植物表面上。

    A waxy or powdery whitish to bluish coating sometimes occurring on the surface of plant parts , such as on the fruits of certain plums .

  27. 简要介绍镀锌后彩虹色钝化处理、军绿化钝化处理、蓝白色钝化处理、黑色钝化处理和三价铬钝化处理。

    This paper simply introduced these methods of rainbow passivating , military green passivating , blue-white passivating , black passivating , Cr3 + passivating for galvanizing .

  28. 随著一声煎蛋似的爆裂声,一丝波浪状的蓝白色强光跃过了两个金属棒尖的狭窄空间。

    With a crackling sound like that of frying eggs , an undulating thread of intense , blue-white light dances across the small space between the tips of two metal rods .

  29. 开展白内障防盲教育是预防本病的重要手段。一种多价金属元素,坚硬、易碎、蓝白色,防腐防锈。

    Expanding the education about cataract is an important means to prevent blindness caused by phacolytic glaucoma . a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element ; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing .

  30. 有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。皇室蓝:鱼身深蓝无杂色。有时腹鳍尖端有白或黑斑。

    Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points . Royal blue : deep dark grain-flower-blue without other colour portions . The ventrals may have white or black peaks .