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  • calcium tablet
钙片[gài piàn]
  1. 高锰酸钾滴定法测定钙片中钙的含量

    Determination of Calcium Content in Calcium Tablet with Potassium Permanganate Titration

  2. 多种维生素,鱼油,亚麻籽油,钙片,维生素B,镁,葡萄糖胺,还有维生素E。

    A multi-vitamin , fish oil , flaxseed oil , calcium , B-vitamins , magnesium , glucosamine and vitamin E.

  3. 多种维生素片,鱼油,亚麻油,钙片,维生素B,镁,葡(萄)糖胺和维生素E。这些都很昂贵,但是她相信这是在为健康投资。

    A multi-vitamin , fish oil , flaxseed oil , calcium , B-vitamins , magnesium , glucosamine and vitamin E. It 's expensive , but she believes it 's an investment in her health .

  4. 以2种制剂服药后4h的尿钙总排泄量相比,碳酸钙片的相对生物利用度为(102.92±13.21)%。

    The relative bioavailability of calcium carbonate tablet was ( 102 . 92 1 13 . 21 ) % .

  5. 对照组口服葡萄糖酸钙片0.5g,每天3次,疗程均为3个月。

    The course of treatment in both groups was 3 months .

  6. 单剂量分别口服500mg进口羟苯磺酸钙胶囊(R),国产羟苯磺酸钙片剂(T1)和胶囊剂(T2)进行人体生物等效性研究。

    Subjects received a single oral dose of 500 mg calcium dobesilate capsule and tablet produced by imported ( R ) and domestic ( T1 , T2 ) .

  7. 结论:阿法骨化醇胶丸联合碳酸钙片治疗慢性肾衰继发SHPT早期患者安全、有效、经济。

    CONCLUSION : Alfacalcidol soft capsules combined with calcium carbonate tablet to treat early SHPT is safe , effective , and economic .

  8. 方法:(1)肌注氢化可的松制备骨质疏松大鼠模型,分组后分别灌胃给予碳酸钙、维生素D3、复方碳酸钙片、生理盐水,并设立正常大鼠生理盐水对照组。

    Methods : ( 1 ) Hydrocortisone-induced rat osteoporosis models were made and were divided into groups and then intragastric infusion individually with calcium carbonate , vitamin D3 , normal saline and CTCC . We also send a normal control group .

  9. 服用维他命服用优质的维他命来补充营养,食用omega-3代替鱼油营养品。小贴士:如果你是一名严格素食主义者,吃钙片来代替喝牛奶以补充骨密度。

    Step 6 Take vitaminsBuy a good multi-vitamin to supplement your diet and take omega-3 pills to replace the nutrients you would get from fish.Tip : If you 're a vegan , drink milk substitutes enriched with calcium to maintain bone density .

  10. 6种改善枸橼酸钙片崩解度的方法比较

    Comparison of Six Methods Ameliorating the Disintegration of Calcium Citrate Tablet

  11. 目的研究制定四维钙片定性鉴别和定量分析方法。

    OBJECTIVE Study the identification and quantitative analysis method of Siweigai Tablets .

  12. 用平衡代谢法在儿童体内对鳗钙片进行钙的吸收代谢试验。

    Study on absorption and utilization of calcium from eel bone in children .

  13. 国产与进口瑞舒伐他汀钙片在健康人体的药代动力学及生物等效性

    Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of domestic and imported rosuvastatin calcium tablets in healthy volunteers

  14. 佐芬普利钙片治疗原发性轻中度高血压的疗效和安全性

    Efficacy and safety of zofenopril in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension

  15. 尿钙法评价碳酸钙片的人体相对生物利用度

    Evaluating Relative Bioavailability of Calcium Carbonate Tablet with Urinary Calcium in Healthy Volunteers

  16. 亚叶酸钙片剂对肿瘤化疗的增效减毒作用

    Effect of Calcium Folinate tablets on Tumor Combined chemotherapy

  17. 米格列奈钙片治疗2型糖尿病的安全性及有效性的临床研究

    Clinical study on efficacy and safety of mitiglinide on type 2 diabetes mellitus

  18. 复方活性钙片剂的制备及其稳定性的研究不同工艺生产的活性钙,其活性基本相同。

    The activities of calcium preparations prepared by different technology are roughly the same .

  19. 提出了一种用于保健钙片中过氧化氢快速测定的新方法。

    A novel method for determination of hydrogen peroxide in calcium tablets was developed .

  20. 那钙片小子为什么不能有呢?

    So why shouldn 't the calcium kid ?

  21. 每晚睡前一片钙片就足以避免休息抽筋了。

    An additional dose of calcium before bed will suffice and help prevent cramps .

  22. 没有我,就没有拳击,就没有钙片小子了。

    Without me , there is no fight , there is no calcium kid .

  23. 速崩钙片剂的研究

    The studies on rapidly disintegrating calcium tablets

  24. 吲哚美辛钙片剂的制备

    Preparation and dissolution of indomethacin calcium tablets

  25. 阿托伐他汀钙片引起肝功能异常

    Hepatic dysfunction produced by atorvastatin calcium tablets

  26. 目的:比较几种改善构橼酸钙片崩解度的方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To compare several METHODS : ameliorating the disintegration of calcium citrate tablet .

  27. 结论:碳酸钙泡腾颗粒的口服生物利用度高于碳酸钙片。

    Conclusion : The bioavailability of calcium carbonate effervescent granules was higher than calcium carbonate tablet .

  28. 钙制品:把一些钙片放进凤头鹦鹉的笼子里这是毫无意义的。

    Calcium Block : It 's pointless to put a calcium block into some cockatoo cages .

  29. 麦胚钙片的研制

    Development of wheat germ calcium tablets

  30. 叶酸补充率最高,其次孕妇奶粉、钙片。

    Highest rate of folic acid supplementation , followed by maternal milk , calcium . 3 .