
  • 网络calcium store;calcium pool
  1. SOC的开启是由钙库耗竭所激发,然而,钙库耗竭如何开启SOC仍不十分清楚。

    However , the process of SOC opening after the calcium store depletion is still unclear .

  2. 在大鼠胰腺β细胞中,胞外ATP主要通过动员胞内钙库释放而引起胞浆内Ca2+浓度显著增高;

    It suggestes that extracellular ATP elevated intracellular Ca ~ ( 2 + ) by mobilization of calcium store in rat pancreatic β cells .

  3. 大鼠星型胶质细胞的IP3-和非IP3-敏感钙库的特征和相关性

    Property of IP_3-sensitive and non-IP_3 - sensitive calcium stores in rat astrocytes and their relationship

  4. 结论:通过激活胞内的磷酯酶C,去甲肾上腺素使C6细胞的胞内钙库释放钙离子。

    CONCLUSION : Norepinephrine induces calcium mobilization from internal stores by activation of phospholipase C in C6 cells .

  5. 钙库调控钙离子通道(store-operatedcalciumchannel,SOC)是一种在多种细胞中存在的钙离子通道。

    Store-operated calcium channel ( SOC ) is a kind of calcium channels existing in many cell types .

  6. 基于S2细胞建立钙库调控钙离子通道特异分子的筛选模型

    Drosophila Schneider 2 Based Cellular Assay Model for Screening Special Molecules Against Store Operated Calcium Channels

  7. 多种刺激剂诱导胞内钙库释放钙而同时激活钾通道〔IK(Ca)〕和氯通道〔ICl(Ca)〕。

    Both potassium channel and chloride channel are activated by several kind of activators induced calcium releasing from calcium store .

  8. 目的:探讨大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞是否存在钙库操纵性通道(SOC)。

    Aim : To study whether store-operated Ca ~ ( 2 + ) channel ( SOC ) is present in rat colonic smooth muscle cells .

  9. 这表明,电刺激必导的卵内游离Ca2+升高主要来源于细胞外Ca2+内流。乙醇则可诱发细胞内钙库Ca2+释放。

    This suggests that inflow of extracellular Ca2 + may be the main source of electro-induced intracellular Ca2 + increase and ethanol could induce the release of Ca2 + from internal calcium store .

  10. 结论:在酶解分离的大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞上,存在胞内钙库耗竭激活的SOC通道,为支持在电兴奋性细胞上存在库容性Ca2+内流提供了实验和理论依据。

    Conclusion : SOC activated by store depletion are present in rat colonic smooth muscle cells . And we further prove the existence of such Ca ~ ( 2 + ) channels in excitable cells .

  11. 钙库膜上的钙释放通道(ryanodine受体和三磷酸肌醇受体)受许多因素调控,其中之一就是新近研究得相当多的FK506结合蛋白。

    The activities of calcium release channel on these calcium stores , ryanodine receptor and inositol trisphosphate receptor , are affected by several factors .

  12. 据此推论ASG作为细胞内钙库,借某种机制调控其中钙的释放而参与ANP的刺激分泌耦联过程。

    Therefore , it is considered that ASG as an intracellular Ca store participates in the stimulus-secretion coupling of ANP through the release of Ca ions .

  13. PIP2是细胞信号转导通路中的关键调节因子,经磷脂酶C(PLC)水解后可生成DAG及IP3,二者可作为第二信使,分别激活PKC与促使细胞内钙库释钙。

    PIP_2 is a pivotal regulator in cell signaling pathway . DAG and IP_3 , which are generated from PIP_2 hydrolysis by PLC , act as second messengers to activate PKC and induce intracellular Ca release , respectively .

  14. 本课题的主要研究结果和结论如下:(1)在大鼠胰腺β细胞上,胞外ATP通过引起胞内钙库释放而触发较强的分泌活动。

    Main results of the study are as follows : ( 1 ) Extracelluar ATP could trigger vigorous exocytosis under resting condition via intracellular Ca ~ ( 2 + ) store release in rat pancreatic ? cells .

  15. 高水平的铅可促进小鼠海马细胞内IP3敏感和非IP3敏感的两种内质网钙库释放,致海马细胞在胞外无钙静息状态下[Ca2+]i升高。

    High level of Pb ~ ( 2 + ) facilitated release of intracellular free calcium from IP_3 sensitive and non-IP_3 sensitive calcium store and induced the increases of intracellular free calcium in mouse hippocampal neurons .

  16. 以前结果表明,ryanodine受体(ryanodinereceptors,RyRs)门控的咖啡因敏感的钙库和钙引钙释放(Ca2+inducedCa2+release,CICR)机制存在于鲫鱼视网膜ON型双极细胞的胞体中[1]。

    It has been shown previously that caffeine sensitive Ca 2 + stores gated by ryanodine receptors ( RyRs ) and the mechanism of Ca 2 + induced Ca 2 + release ( CICR ) exist in the soma of carp retinal ON type bipolar cells [ 1 ] .

  17. 大鼠星形胶质细胞的内质网钙库特征

    Features of endoplasmic reticulum calcium stores in rat astrocytes

  18. 心房特殊颗粒是一种细胞内钙库

    Atrial specific granules are an intracellular calcium store

  19. 内质网钙库离子通道释放和调节机制成为研究热点。

    The study of release mechanism of Endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion channels become a hotspot .

  20. M型受体在大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞内钙库释放和激素分泌中的作用

    Role of M-type receptor in internal calcium release and quantal secretion in rat adrenal chromaffin cells

  21. 大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞的钙库操纵性通道

    Store - operated ca ~ ( 2 + ) channels in rat colonic smooth muscle cells

  22. 此外还发现胞内钙库钙释放是引起其浓度上升的主要原因。

    Moreover , Ca2 + release from intracellular Ca2 + stores was the main cause of Ca2 + elevation .

  23. 大鼠远端结肠平滑肌钙库操纵性通道及其功能的研究

    The Research about Store-operated Ca ~( 2 + ) Channel on Distal Colon Smooth Muscle of Rats and Its Functions

  24. 胞内钙库(内质网系和肌浆网系)对调节细胞内自由钙水平起着重要的作用。

    Calcium stores , endoplasmic reticulum and sarcoplasmic reticulum , play important functions in controlling the level of intracellular calcium .

  25. 背景与目的:国外有研究表明克霉唑可通过持续耗竭细胞内钙库来抑制肿瘤细胞生长。本研究旨在研究克霉唑诱导人结肠癌细胞凋亡的作用。

    Background & Objective : It was reported that clotrimazole could inhibit the growth of tumor cell by exhausting cellular calcium .

  26. 旨在观察钙库和膳食钙引发的胞内钙浓度变化对脂肪代谢的影响。

    So this research aimed to investigate that what changes in intracellular calcium concertration by dietary calcium and calcium stores have on fat metabolism .

  27. 胞内钙库受体抑制剂,尤其是Ca2+内流阻断剂抑制细胞内fluo3荧光强度变化,同时使细胞凋亡率降低;

    Inhibitors for different receptors of intracellular calcium pool , especially inhibitors of calcium influx inhibited both the increase of fluo-3 fluorescence and apoptosis ratio simultaneously .

  28. Ca~(2+)含量在根、茎、叶中的含量变化较小,说明盐胁迫对杨树细胞内钙库基本没有影响。

    The content of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) in roots , stems and leaves changed less than Na ~ + and Ca ~ ( 2 + ), indicating that salt stress hardly affected the calcium pool in poplar cells .

  29. 结果在大部分细胞上,两种钙库中的任何一种被削弱或完全排空后,另一种钙库被激活所诱发的[Ca2+]I的升高幅度不受影响或仅被轻度抑制;

    Results In most cells , when one kind of calcium store was attenuated or exhausted , the magnitude of elevation of [ Ca 2 + ] I , induced by the calcium store activator , was not significantly affected or only slightly inhibited ;

  30. 能使细胞内钙离子库耗竭的药物兰诺丁(ryanodine)对结肠平滑肌的收缩无影响,而肛门内括约肌的收缩则受到显著抑制(P<0.01)。

    Ryanodine , which can exhaust the intracellular calcium , remarkably depressed the contractions of IAS ( P < 0.01 ), but had no effect on the colonic smooth muscles .