
ɡāo dàn bái yǐn shí
  • high-protein diet;protein-rich diet
  1. 长期高蛋白饮食对肥胖大鼠Ghrelin水平及胰岛β细胞功能的影响

    Effects of Long-term High-protein Diet on Ghrelin and Islet β Cell Function in Obesity Rats

  2. 结论生后头4周予高蛋白饮食早期营养干预IUGR幼鼠,可通过促进小肠发育达到满意的体格生长追赶。

    Conclusions The high-protein diet of early nutritional intervention during 4th week of life is helpful for catch-up growth by promoting the intestinal development in rats born with IUGR .

  3. 高蛋白饮食对慢性肾衰模型大鼠NO和NOS的影响

    Effect of High-Protein Diets on No and NOS in Rats of Chronic Renal Failure

  4. 以素食为主的老年人Ⅰ型Hp菌株感染率显著高于以高蛋白饮食为主的老年人(P<0.001)。

    I form H. pylori infection rate in people of low diet was higher than that of high protein diet ( P < 0.001 ) .

  5. 提示,高蛋白饮食能加重肾损伤,加速CRF病程进展,是各种因素的变异综合作用所致。

    These results suggested that high protein diet play an important role in accelerating the progression of chronic renal failure .

  6. 南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)老年医学和生物科学教授、上述人类研究的首席作者瓦尔特12539;D12539;隆戈(ValterD.Longo)说:那些高蛋白饮食的发展伴随着一种短视现象。

    ' Those high-protein diets were developed with a shortsighted vision , ' said Valter D. Longo , a University of Southern California professor of gerontology and biological sciences and the lead author of the human study .

  7. 结论:高蛋白饮食可通过导致5/6肾切除大鼠大量蛋白尿,影响肾脏血管活性物质表达,降低5/6肾切除大鼠抗氧化能力而加速CRF的进展。

    Conclusion : HPD can accelerate the damage of kidney through inducing the high-grade proteinuria in five sixth nephrectomy rats , influencing the expression of kidney vasoactive substance , and reducing the anti-oxidation .

  8. 结论:蒙古族BPH患者饮酒的酒精单位数与高蛋白饮食多于汉族患者,吸烟指数>300者手术率可能高于汉族患者,其前列腺慢性炎症者较多。

    Conclusion : Compared with Han BPH patients , the Mongolian BPH patients had greater alcohol intake , higher protein diet and higher incidence of intraprostatic chronic inflammation , and those with the smoking index greater than 300 were more likely to receive surgical treatment .

  9. 他还指出,生酮饮食的碳水化合物含量很少,但实际上并非高蛋白饮食,太多的动物蛋白会导致类胰岛素一号增长因子(IGF-1)升高,它控制着生长激素,如果它处于高水平,会与癌症产生关联。

    He also points out that , while it might be low in carbohydrates , the ketogenic diet is not actually a high protein diet - too much animal protein can cause a rise in IGF-1 , which controls growth hormone and , at high levels , has been associated with cancer .

  10. 高蛋白饮食对肾病综合征的影响

    Effect of a high protein diet in children with nephrotic syndrome

  11. 高蛋白饮食加重糖尿病大鼠肾损伤

    Renal Damage Aggravated in the Diabetic Rats Fed with High Protein Chow

  12. 新生儿高蛋白饮食所致的高酪氨酸血症

    High protein diet mimics hypertyrosinemia in newborn infants

  13. 高蛋白饮食及大量蛋白尿对慢性肾功能衰竭大鼠的加重损害作用

    High-protein diet and high-grade proteinuria aggravate the progression of chronic renal failure in rats

  14. 长期高蛋白饮食对营养性肥胖大鼠胰岛的影响及发生机制的研究

    Effects and Mechanism of Long-Term High-Protein Diet on the Pancreatic Islet in Diet-Induced Obesity Rats

  15. 但姜黄素对高蛋白饮食果蝇不具有干预效果。

    However , Curcumin had not interfering effect in Drosophila fed diet with high protein proportion .

  16. 制定肾移植术后早期高蛋白饮食治疗方案。

    High protein diet therapy was designed for patients who were in the early period of transplantation ;

  17. 第三步:限制你高蛋白饮食中摄入的碳水化合物的数量

    Step 3 : Limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat by going on a high protein diet

  18. 我们的结果显示,健康老龄化并未体现在那些喂食了高蛋白饮食的老鼠身上。这项研究是由澳大利亚的科研人员完成的。

    ' Our results show that healthy aging is not achieved in mice fed high protein diets . '

  19. 早期高蛋白饮食对肾移植切口愈合的影响

    An observation on the effect of high protein diet to wound healing after renal transplantation at early stage

  20. 高蛋白饮食对腹膜透析病人营养状况影响的初步观察

    The preliminary observation of the effect of high protein diet on the nutritional status of peritoneal dialysis patients

  21. 这一研究比较了高蛋白饮食和低血糖指标饮食,而后者对保持体重效果不显著。

    The study compared a high-protein diet with a low-glycemic-index diet , for which weight maintenance was less marked .

  22. 研究结论:4.1、可能诱发荨麻疹发病的因素虽然复杂,主要是昆虫叮咬、高蛋白饮食。

    Conclusion : Although the complexity of epidemic factors , we found the primary factors were insect bites and high protein diet .

  23. 从素食主义到高蛋白饮食,关于健康饮食所包含的元素有很多不同而冲突的论点。

    From vegetarianism to high protein diets , there are many different and often conflicting ideas of what a healthy diet includes .

  24. 不过,2004年的研究规模太小而且也太初级,不足以让准备怀孕的女性停止高蛋白饮食。

    But the2004 study was too small and preliminary to put the kibosh on protein-packed diets for women trying to get pregnant .

  25. 研究显示,高蛋白饮食可增进正常个体胰岛素分泌,导致骨骼肌胰岛素抵抗,刺激内源性葡萄糖的产生。

    Researches have shown that high-protein diet can enhance insulin secretion , induce insulin resistance in skeletal muscle , and stimulate endogenous glucose production .

  26. 结论:高蛋白饮食增高肝酶水平对药物氧化代谢起重要作用。

    Conclusion : High protein diet enhance the enzyme level of hepatic microsome , it may play an important role in the oxydative drug metabolism .

  27. 尿酸水平受到饮食因素(例如高蛋白饮食)及体内细胞分解的影响。

    Uric acid levels are influenced by dietary factors , such as high levels of protein , and by the breakdown of the body 's cells .

  28. 虽然研究人员主要目的在于研究导致斑块形成的因素,但意外的发现高蛋白饮食可显著缩小模型小鼠大脑。

    Although the researchers were focused on triggers for brain plaque formation , they also found that , unexpectedly , a high protein diet apparently led to a smaller brain .

  29. 梗阻性黄疸可导致淤胆性肝硬变,术前应高蛋白饮食,补充维生素,保肝药物治疗,改善肝功能。

    Jaundice obstructive poses the risk of leading to cholestatic hepatitis , the pre-operative prophylactic measures include high protein diet , supplement of vitamins , liver protectant application , and the improvement of liver function .

  30. 目的探讨高蛋白平衡饮食对结核性胸腔积液患者临床疗效的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of highly balanced protein diet on tubercular chest liquid .