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  • 网络traditional chinese medicine;health cultivation
  1. 中医养生顺口溜:常吃一点蒜,消毒又保健;

    Traditional Chinese medicine health doggerel : eat a little garlic , disinfection and health ;

  2. 学术界对于《黄帝内经》养生的研究,多倾向于中医养生学领域,而从哲学角度探讨,则相对薄弱。

    The academic society has been studying health preservation concepts in " HuangdiNeijing " more from the perspectives of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) rather than philosophy .

  3. 中医养生防病之系统观

    System standpoint of TCM on keeping in good health and preventing diseases

  4. 从医道相通透视道教文化对中医养生思想的影响

    Discuss Taoist Culture Influencing TCM Health-keeping from Medicine and Taoism in Harmony

  5. 内科门诊病人对中医养生的认知需求调查

    A Survey of Medical Outpatients ' Cognitive Needs for Health Preserving of TCM

  6. 中医养生理论的形成及其现代系统工程探微

    Formation of TCM Theory of Health Preserving and the Study of Its Modern System

  7. 我院开设中医养生学课程的探索及反馈调查

    Exploration and Feedback Investigation of Offering Traditional Chinese Health Protection Course in My College

  8. 中医养生流派述略

    Introduction to regimen Schools of Traditional Chinese medicine

  9. 研究性专题学习网站:中医养生学的设计与开发

    Design and Construction of " Health-preserving of Traditional Chinese Medicine " Subject-the Website of Research-based Learning

  10. 抑郁症之文献研究及中医养生防治探讨

    Study on Documents about Melancholia and Discussion on Its Health Prophylaxis and Treatment by Chinese Medicine

  11. 天气气候与健康&兼论中国气候与中医养生文化

    Weather , Climate and Health

  12. 医道相通启示我们道教文化对中医养生思想有一定影响。

    Medicine and Taoism in Harmony indicates us that Taoism culture has some effects on TCM health-keeping .

  13. 中医养生学应提出自已的核心学科理论,进一步总结中医养生的学科特点。

    Health preserving science should be put forward their own core theory and summed up its academic characteristics .

  14. 加强中医养生特色研究提升研究水平

    To Strengthen the Study for Healthy Characteristics of TCM and Promote the Level of Research on TCM Health Preserving

  15. 从《内经》与道家静以养神的关系看中医养生特色

    On Characteristics of TCM Health Promotion from the " Static to Keep Spirit " Relation between Neijing and in Taoism

  16. 古代传统文化思想对中医养生思想的产生也起到了不可忽视的作用。

    The effect of the ancient traditional culture on the production of the preserve one 's health idea of TCM can not be ignored .

  17. 中医养生学是中医关于人体生命养护的理论原则及经验方法的知识体系。

    Science of health preserving of TCM is knowledge hierarchy of traditional Chinese medicine 's theory principle and experience method about human body life curing .

  18. 四时五味养生观(简称时味养生观)是中医养生学四时饮食领域里的一种常见理论。

    The four seasons-five flavors theory ( referred to as " the season flavor theory ") is a common one in the area of TCM season diet regimen .

  19. 目的在常规治疗基础上,通过运用膳食养生、七情调节、太极拳锻炼等中医养生方法的干预,观察其对冠心病心绞痛发生的防治作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of TCM dietary health preserving , seven emotions regulation , shadowboxing exercise combined with regular treatment in intervention on coronary heart disease .

  20. 中医养生属于预防医学的范畴,其历史悠久,具有系统的理论,丰富的养生方法和简便廉验的特色,相对于其它预防医学,具有较大的优势。

    Health Preservation of TCM is the scope of preventive medicine . Compared with other preventive medicine , it has a long history with systematic theory and various ways .

  21. 结论:大学生对健康养生信息的了解与掌握具有较大片面性和不均衡性,尤其对传统中医养生方面的信息较为欠缺。

    The conclusion of the paper is that the health regimen information which University students have gotten are unilateral and imbalance , specially the information of tradition Chinese medicine regimen .

  22. 问卷调查结果表明:中医养生学教育对高校医学生的身心健康教育、加强其健康观念、提高其健康认识具有重要意义;

    The investigation shows that health preservation education of Chinese medicine is of great importance in improving students ' psychological health , strengthening their health concepts , and arousing their awareness of health care .

  23. 通过对医学院校学生开展中医养生学教育,探讨养生的意义,强调养生是一种日常的综合性的强身益寿活动,提示养生应该引起医学生的高度重视。

    Health preservation education of Chinese medicine is offered in medical schools to explore the significance of health care and stress that health preservation is a daily activity to build body and prolong life so as to give hints that medical students should attach importance to health preservation .

  24. 谈中医药养生保健

    About the Health Care by TCM

  25. 中医综合养生干预对围绝经期、绝经后妇女骨骼健康的促进作用

    The promotion on skeletal health of perimenopausal and postmenopausal women using general health cultivation of TCM

  26. 老年性痴呆的危险因素和保护因素以及中医保健养生方法的可能作用

    Risk and Protective Factors for Alzheimer 's Disease and Potential Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Health Care Regimen

  27. 基于中医睡眠养生理论的睡眠模式的文献研究及内视法对睡眠的影响

    Literature Research Based on the Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Preserving and the Clinical Studies on Meditation 's Effect on Sleep

  28. 中医心理养生植根于中国传统文化的沃土,不间断地吸收传统文化的知识营养,有着极其丰富的文化内涵,它与传统文化互相依存、互相促进。

    There is a relationship of interdependence and mutual promotion between the traditional Chinese mental health and traditional culture . And the former has profuse connotation in the reason of absorbing the knowledge of traditional culture .

  29. 这个部分分别从饮食养生防病和饮食调养改善疾病两个方面进行论述,以阐明现代文明病在历代中医饮食养生防病理论指导下可达到预防及改善的目的。

    This section discusses in two segment , that how to reacquired health by diet and regimen , it could be illuminate the Civilization diseases can be prevented and improved under the guidance from theory of ancient Chinese regimen .

  30. 当今,发展中医心理养生学,应该在挖掘传统医学宝藏的同时,对相关传统文化多加关注,才有益于中医心理养生文化研究的深化。

    Nowadays , in order to promote the development of Health-preserving of TCM Psychology science , we should excavate traditional medicine treasures as well as pay more attention to some traditional culture . Only in this way can we deepen the research of traditional Health-preserving of TCM Psychology culture .