
xīn pī pínɡ
  • the new criticism
  1. 它们能否被解决关系到新批评在中国未来的命运。

    Their solutions related to The New Criticism in the future destiny of China .

  2. 新批评派成员维姆萨特、比尔兹利提出了意图谬见这一批评理论。

    The New Criticism members Wimsatt and Beardsles analysed and criticized the intentional theory .

  3. 新批评派的对立调和思想及其来源

    New Criticism : Thought of Opposites in Harmony and its Origin

  4. 新批评自律性文学观源流探

    Origin and Development of Concept of Literary Autonomy in New Criticism

  5. 语义多重与符号自指&英美新批评与结构主义文论的比较研究

    Ambiguity and Self-reflexivity : Comparative Study Between New Criticism and Structuralism

  6. 新批评派对于西方文学理论与批评的影响

    The Influence of New Criticism on Western Literary Theory and Criticism

  7. 新批评派有机形式观溯源

    Origin of the Outlook on Organic form in New Criticism

  8. 科学还是信仰?&从新批评到德里达

    " Science " or " Belief "? From New Criticism to Derrida

  9. 新批评文学研究并非完全抛弃历史、局限于文本之内。

    New Criticism is not diametrically limited within the text .

  10. 简析新批评派的文学本质观

    An Initial Analysis of View of Literature Nature of New Criticism School

  11. T·S·艾略特新批评文学观及其意义

    On T.S.Eliot 's Literary Outlooks of the New Criticism and their Significance

  12. 新批评派的理论与实践之间的诸种悖论

    Some Paradoxes between the Theory and Practice of New Criticism

  13. 艾略特文学与神学的双重标准以及英国新批评派代表人物I。

    Eliot 's double criteria of literature and theology and I.

  14. 复义&新批评的核心术语支宇

    Ambiguity & the Core Term of The New Criticism

  15. 文学新批评派对麦克卢汉传播研究的影响

    The influence of Neo-Criticism on McLuhan ' communication studies

  16. 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》之新批评解读

    A New Critical Reading of A Rose for Emily

  17. 第一章对新批评理论在中国传播的背景进行了分析。

    The first chapter of the new critical theory spread in China background .

  18. 新批评派与美国汉学界的中国现当代文学研究

    New Criticism and American Research on Modern Chinese Literature

  19. 新批评理论是二十世纪三四十年代兴起的一个在西方理论史上影响重大的流派之一。

    New Criticism is a very important genre in the western literature history .

  20. 本章主要阐述英美新批评的语言意识。

    This chapter is designed to investigate the language awareness of Anglo-American New Criticism .

  21. 第四章运用新批评以及余光中的译诗理论研究了余光中的诗歌翻译,包括英译汉与汉译英。

    Chapter Four studies Yu Kwang-chung 's theoretical thoughts on and practice of poetry translation .

  22. 试论形式主义与新批评学派的当代性渊源

    On the School of Thought . On the Contemporary Significance of Formalism and New Criticism

  23. 新批评是英美文学批评中最有影响力的流派之一。

    New Criticism is one of the most famous schools in British and American literary criticism .

  24. 新批评与大学英语精读课教学

    New criticism and Intensive English Teaching

  25. 传统是推动文学发展的根本动力&论新批评的文学史观

    The Literature Development is Rooted in Tradition & On historical view on the new literature criticism

  26. 新批评与诗歌解读

    New Criticism and Poem Reading

  27. 新批评派的历史性剖析

    Towards a Historical Aspect of the New Criticism The Aesthetics Observation of Criticism of School of Thought

  28. 张力论在新批评派内部得到广泛引申,后又受到阿恩海姆的创造性发展。

    It had been used widely in New Criticism School , and was then developed creatively by Arnheim .

  29. 新批评的兴起,是继浪漫主义批评之后,西方文学理论的又一次转折。

    The rise of new criticism is a new turning point in western literature theory after romanticist criticism .

  30. 结论指出:小说《纠正》是一部有着典型的新批评理论特征的小说。

    In the conclusion , it is argued The Corrections is a novel with meaningful New Critical features .