
  • 网络Singapore economy;Economy of Singapore
  1. 新加坡经济发展模式浅析

    Simple Analysis of the Economic Development Mode of Singapore

  2. 2008年第四季度新加坡经济收缩4.2%。

    The economy contracted 4.2 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2008 .

  3. 当时的新加坡经济蒸蒸日上,媒体上的招聘广告很多。

    Its economy was thriving and there were numerous recruitment advertisements in the media .

  4. 新加坡经济波动透视

    Insight into the Economic fluctuation in Singapore

  5. 新加坡经济成功的启示

    The Implications of Singapore Economic Success

  6. 战后新加坡经济能够迅速发展,离不开它发达的教育事业,尤其是富有特色的精英教育。

    Singapore owes its postwar rapid economic development to its education , especially its education on elite .

  7. 这些年来,与新加坡经济发展,家庭的平均收入也有所增加。

    The years , with Singapore 's economic development , the average household income has also increased .

  8. 2003年的新加坡经济

    Singaporean Economy in 2003

  9. 以下哪一位政治人物享有“新加坡经济发展之父”的美誉?

    Which of the following political figures was hailed as the " Father of Singapore 's economic development "?

  10. 2014年香港经济增长率是2.3%,而新加坡经济则增长了2.9%。

    Hong Kong 's economy grew 2.3 per cent in 2014 , while Singapore 's expanded 2.9 per cent .

  11. 新加坡经济发展中的政府效率&亚太国家和地区政府作用个案探讨

    The governments efficiency in the development of Singaporean economy & An sample of governments role in Asian-Pacific countries and areas

  12. 新加坡经济现代化过程中,由于物质资源的贫乏,软国力发挥了巨大作用。

    Due to lack of material resources , the softpower has fulfilled great function in the process of Singapore economy modernization .

  13. 新加坡经济依赖出口,被视为亚洲经济的风向标、全球需求的重要指示器,因此受到密切关注。

    The export-dependent economy is closely watched as it is seen as a bellwether for Asia and an important indicator of global demand .

  14. 新加坡经济去年萎缩了2%(幅度比最初担心的要小),今年将增长6%以上。

    Singapore , which shrank 2 per cent last year – less than originally feared – will grow above 6 per cent in 2010 .

  15. 但新加坡经济增长对低收入移民工人以及外国人的依赖度正变得越来越高。新加坡需要前者帮助修建基础设施,需要后者在商品贸易等领域为其工作。

    But Singapore is increasingly dependent for growth on lower-income immigrant workers to help build infrastructure and foreigners working in areas , such as commodity trading .

  16. 在新加坡经济发展过程中,都面对不同的新问题与挑战必须解决,应付世变的适应能力也非常强。

    There have always been new challenges to deal with during the economic development in Singapore , which results in the strong ability to adapt to changes .

  17. 印度和印尼等亚洲主要经济体今年维持了相当稳定的增长势头,甚至依赖出口的香港和新加坡经济也在第二季度实现了回升。

    The large economies of India and Indonesia have maintained relatively steady growth this year , but even export-dependent Hong Kong and Singapore rebounded in the second quarter .

  18. 新加坡经济在今年上半年呈现出迅猛增长的态势。这一事实进一步表明,亚洲正引领全球经济走向复苏,与此同时,该地区对通胀的担忧正在加剧。

    Singapore recorded blistering economic growth in the first half of the year , further evidence that Asia is leading the world economic recovery amid growing regional concerns about inflation .

  19. 例如,泛北部湾经济合作区、南宁-新加坡经济走廊、中国新加坡自由贸易区等相继拉开序幕,中国东盟经济一体化进程迈出了实质性的步伐。

    For example , the Pan-Beibu Gulf Rim Economic Zone , Nanning-Singapore Economy Corridor , and China-Singapore Free Trade Zone , est . China-ASEAN made a substantive step in economic integration .

  20. 2012年11月下旬的两天时间内发生的事情,动摇了新加坡经济成就的基础&亲商政治与劳资和谐,并引发政府的强烈反应。

    What happened over two days in late November 2012 rattled the foundations of Singapore 's economic success its business-friendly governance and industrial harmony - and prompted a robust response from the government .

  21. 新加坡经济智囊团已提出一个长期建设性议题,将当今港口运营重新规划为以大士为基地的新整齐统一设施的西部。

    SINGAPORE 's economic think tank has suggested a possible long term relocation of existing port operations to a new " consolidated facility " at Tuas , to the west of the island state .

  22. 亚洲以更多糟糕的经济数据迎来了2009年:新加坡经济可能萎缩2%;在截至去年12月的一年里,韩国出口下降了17%;印度和中国的工厂都在削减产出。

    Asia ushered in 2009 with more ghastly economic data . Singapore 's economy may shrink by 2 per cent . South Korean exports tumbled 17 per cent in the year to December . Indian and Chinese factories are scything output .

  23. 跨国公司对新加坡经济发展的影响主要是积极的,如促进新加坡现有资源与潜在资源的有效利用,解决发展初期资金不足,等等。

    The impact on Singaporean economic development of the transnational corporations was positive mainly such as promoting the effective use of existing resource and potential resource of Singapore , solving the difficult problem with insufficient fund on the initial stage of development , etc.

  24. 考虑到新加坡的经济情况,反对党取得的这些成绩更加不同寻常。

    The gains are more remarkable still given the economic background .

  25. 下列岛屿中哪个对新加坡没有经济价值?

    Which of these islands is of no economic value to Singapore ?

  26. 新加坡对外经济关系的新格局

    New Pattern of Singapores Foreign Economic Relationship

  27. 贸易网络与新加坡的经济发展

    Trade Net and Development of Singapore Economy

  28. 今年第三季度,新加坡的经济增长率更是攀升到9.4%。

    Yet in the year to the third quarter , its economy grew by9.4 % .

  29. 巴淡岛非常接近新加坡是经济急剧增长的动力。

    Isla Batam very close proximately to Singapore is a very strong economic growth drive .

  30. 本文对2010年新加坡国内经济、政治和外交做简单回顾。

    This annual paper briefly reviews the Singapore 's domestic economic , political and diplomatic development in2010 .