
  • 网络Double-dip Recession;double dip;double-dip;double dip recession
  1. 调查负责人、杜克大学福库商学院(Duke'sFuquaSchoolofBusiness)金融学教授约翰•格雷厄姆(JohnR.Graham)表示,目前可能是美国经济自1979-81年出现二次衰退以来最长时间的经济疲软。

    ' This could be the longest slowdown since the double-dip recession of1979-81 , 'said survey director John R.Graham , who is a finance professor at Duke 's Fuqua School of Business .

  2. 在失业率居高不下且经济面临二次衰退的艰难局面下,据专业汽车杂志WardsAutomotive报道,各大汽车厂商的轿车和卡车总销量只有大约1250万台,比预计少了100万辆之多。

    With high unemployment and the threat of a double-dip recession hanging over the market , they sold only about 12.5 million cars and trucks , according to wards automotive & as many as one million units less than forecast .

  3. 在本周五发布半年度经济预测时,日本央行(bankofjapan)应该会证实,二次衰退的风险几乎已完全消失。

    The Bank of Japan should confirm this Friday , in its semi-annual economic forecast , that the risk of another recession has almost entirely passed .

  4. 他表示,Tankan调查表明日本正进入二次衰退。他预测,在今年最后一个季度国内生产总值(GDP)较上一季度出现小幅增长后,明年的GDP增速将再次收缩。

    The Tankan survey suggests that Japan is going into a double dip , he said , predicting a small quarterly increase in gross domestic product during the final quarter of this year followed by a renewed contraction next year .

  5. 摩根(jpmorgan)全球并购主管吉米艾略特(jimmyelliott)表示,越来越多的经济企稳迹象、二次衰退风险降低、廉价融资以及低增长环境,这一切都支撑了交易活动。

    Jimmy Elliott , global head of M & A at JPMorgan , said deal activity had been underpinned by increasing signs of economic stability , lower risk of a double dip , cheap financing and the low growth environment .

  6. 绝大多数预测者仍然认为二次衰退不太可能。

    Most forecasters still maintain that a second recession is unlikely .

  7. 宏观经济趋势将继续保持入市反弹的态势,还是将陷入二次衰退?

    Will macro trends have continued their anemic recovery , or double-dipped back down ?

  8. 当务之急是避免新一轮金融危机和经济二次衰退。

    The immediate priority is to avoid renewed financial stress and a second economic downturn .

  9. 更糟糕的是,在这15个国家中,有7个国家在危机后的十年间,又陷入了二次衰退。

    Worse , seven out of those 15 suffered a second recession during the post-crisis decade .

  10. 最近的数据显示,由于担心经济可能陷入二次衰退,美国经济创造就业的步伐停滞不前。

    Recent figures showed job creation at a standstill , as concerns grow over the possibility of a second recession .

  11. 还想再说下,可能是由于它听起来就是这样,可怕的二次衰退。

    William : And again , I think that 's because of the way it sounds : dreaded double dip .

  12. 如果经济继续停滞,或出现二次衰退,可能迅速导致债务状况进一步恶化,并可能在债券投资者中引发自我实现的恐惧。

    Continued stagnation or a second recession could quickly worsen the debt dynamics further and trigger self-fulfilling fears among bond investors .

  13. 当然,如果美国陷入二次衰退,或者利率大幅上涨,所有反弹都会成为镜花水月。

    Of course , all rebound bets are off though if the country heads into a double-dip recession or interest rates surge .

  14. 这组词很有韵律,听起来悦耳,有点像孩子的诗歌,可怕的二次衰退。

    The words have a rhythm and they sound quite nice , a bit like children 's poetry : dreaded double dip .

  15. 同时要加强国际经济合作,抵制贸易保护主义,避免经济陷入二次衰退。

    Meanwhile , strengthening international economic corporation would be helpful to resist trade protectionism and to prevent the economy from a second recession .

  16. 令人鼓舞的是,逾四分之三受调查投资者认为全球不会坠入“二次衰退”。

    Encouragingly , more than three-quarters of those surveyed did not expect the world to slip back into a " double-dip " recession .

  17. 而且,这种预测没有考虑到超常规财政及货币刺激政策退出之后、全球经济二次衰退的危险。

    Such forecasts take no account of the danger of a second global downturn as governments withdraw extraordinary fiscal and monetary stimulus policies .

  18. 鉴于美国有二次衰退之势,很难想象德国如何能够保持其最近的增长率。

    As the US is heading for another downturn , it is hard to see how Germany can maintain its recent rates of growth .

  19. 此外,较大的下行风险仍然存在,包括可能出现二次衰退或该地区银行的资金困难增大。

    Moreover , significant downside risks persist , including the possibility of a double-dip recession or increased financial difficulties for banks in the region .

  20. 去年夏季,在西班牙出现的五年来第二次衰退导致消费受到冲击之际,该公司开始在每周日也提供Euromania餐。

    Last summer , as consumption collapsed amid Spain 's second recession in five years , the company began offering Euromania on Sundays as well .

  21. 但同时,国内的失业率飙升至23%,经济出现了近三年来的第二次衰退。

    At the same time , unemployment has soared to a staggering 23 percent and the economy is heading into its second recession in three years .

  22. 共和党想尽快且最大限度地削减支出(这加大了二次衰退的风险),于是将所有其它选择排除在外。

    To the exclusion of every other consideration , Republicans want to cut spending as deeply and quickly as possible , adding to the risk of a second recession .

  23. 嗯,约翰·刘易斯的总经理,安迪·斯特里特说他不会预知二次衰退并且他说不管怎么样,现在他的店面销售不畅是个不争的事实。

    Well , the managing director of John Lewis , Andy Street , says he doesn 't foresee a double-dip recession and indeed he says sales are holding up in his stores , for the moment anyway .

  24. 全球金融危机过后,大多数发达经济体仍在遭受增长率低迷、债务负担迅速加重、以及经济陷入“二次衰退”风险的折磨。

    In the wake of the global financial crisis , most developed economies are still suffering from low growth rates , rapidly expanding debt loads and the threat of a " double dip " back into recession .

  25. 就我个人而言,以上表明我们不会进入二次衰退或者重新衰退,我们将经历低速增长期。

    What that all means , as far as I am concerned , is not that we are heading for a double dip or going back to a recession , but that what we are facing is a period of slow growth .

  26. 假设新兴经济体的政策不会发生重大改变,那么只有在私人部门支出同时也出现激增的情况下,发达国家的财政紧缩政策才不会造成经济放缓,乃至第二次衰退。

    Suppose there is no significant change in policy in emerging economies . Then if a fiscal contraction in advanced countries is not to cause a slowdown , even a second recession , it must be accompanied by an upsurge in private spending .

  27. 英国利率早已降到300多年以来的最低点,英国央行选择了第三次量化宽松举措,并将最近英国经济陷入二次衰退归咎于“欧元区紧张加剧,造成更大拖累”。

    With interest rates in London already at their lowest in more than 300 years , the Bank of England opted for a third-wave of quantitative easing , blaming " the increased drag from the heightened tensions within the euro area " for the recent descent of Britain 's economy into a double-dip recession .

  28. 这些数字把欧元区推到了三年内第二次陷入经济衰退的边缘。

    The figures put the euro bloc on the cusp of its second recession in three years .

  29. 一些分析人士认为,美国在第二季度偏弱的GDP增长率(折年率2.4%)可能代表经济二次衰退的开始。

    Some forecasters believe that America 's disappointing GDP growth in the second quarter , 2.4 % at an annualised rate , could be the start of a slide towards a second recession .