
  • 网络Bree;bray
  1. 加比:你告诉我朋友布瑞吧!

    Gaby : Well , tell that to my friend bree .

  2. 布瑞:别夸我啦,我很愿意帮忙。

    Bree : Now , stop . I 'm happy to help .

  3. 牧师:谢谢,布瑞,你有时间吗?

    Prist : Thank you , bree.Do you have a moment ?

  4. 布瑞:为什么保罗这么有把握能开中转屋?

    Bree : Why is Paul so sure the house will open ?

  5. 布瑞:你想到了我吗?真是荣幸。

    Bree : And you thought of me ? I 'm flattered .

  6. 布瑞,斯朗,见到多尼了吗?

    Bree , sloan , have you seen donnie ?

  7. “布瑞力克”,我召来狼人指挥官。

    Brellick , I called for the Gnoll commander .

  8. 我们的小儿子布瑞弟正在后车座中小睡。

    Britty was taking a nap , strenched out along the back seat .

  9. 不我说的是真的我相信你我的宝贝布瑞

    No. I 'm telling you the truth.And I believe you.My dear sweet Bree .

  10. 保罗:布瑞想象力也太丰富了。

    Paul : What an imagination she has .

  11. 不管怎么样好啦下一个是谁再来一轮布瑞

    Whatever . All right . Who 's next ? Another round , Bree .

  12. 虽然奇瑞保持着低调姿态,但布瑞科林却对奇瑞赞不绝口。

    While Chery kept a low-profile , Mr Bricklin was less shy about selling its virtues .

  13. 布瑞:昨天和赛克斯牧师谈过了,他跟我说,你近来诸事不顺。

    Bree : Well , I talked to reverend sykes yesterday , and he tells me that you 've been

  14. 当莉莉安-吉布瑞斯获得她心理学博士学位的时候,她已是四个少年的母亲,他们还参加了她的学业典礼。

    When Lillian Gilbreth received her doctorate in psychology , she already had four young children who attended the ceremony .

  15. 我们现在正在游戏展览的大厅里,而最有资格带领我们参观所有展示的莫过于大卫·布瑞拜了。

    We 're at the Game On Exhibition here and who better to dive into it all with than David Braeburn .

  16. 侦探A:布瑞认为是你妻子把枪放在她家的,想栽赃别人。

    Detective A : Bree seems to think your wife planted it there , hoping to some of her friends in your shooting .

  17. 布瑞:侦探先生,我可是神枪手,如果是我瞄准保罗·杨,他必死无疑。

    Bree : Detectives , I 'm an expert . If I 'd been aiming for Paul Young , he 'd be dead .

  18. 布瑞:我知道这不好看,但有时候你得狠心点,他们才有希望盛放得更灿烂。

    Bree : I know it looks bad , but sometimes you have to be if you want something beautiful to keep growing .

  19. 侦探A:我想你妻子肯定告诉过你,在布瑞.范.德.开普家发现了一支枪吧?

    Detective A : I 'm sure your wife told you a gun was recently discovered at bree van de kamp 's house .

  20. 布瑞妈妈早就对布瑞和珍妮弗之间的柏拉图式的精神恋爱犯疑,这次就更加奇怪了。

    Brian 's Mom had long been suspicious of the'platonic'relationship between Brian and Jennifer , and this had only made her more curious .

  21. ..片段选自《绝望的主妇》第七季第12集贝斯:嗨!布瑞:我…很久不见你出来了,所以过来看看你怎么样了。

    Bree : I-I haven 't seen you out in a while , so I thought I 'd stop by and see how you were doing .

  22. 奇瑞与布瑞科林的关系已经降温,同时,通过与克莱斯勒的合作,这家中国公司正以一种更为间接的路线,进入美国市场。

    Relations with Mr Bricklin have cooled and by teaming up with Chrysler , the Chinese company is taking a more indirect route into the US market .

  23. 整个晚上,看到两人眉目传情,妈妈就怀疑布瑞和珍妮弗之间有比眼睛能看到的更多东些。

    Over the course of the evening , while watching the two interact , Mom started to wonder if there was more between Brian and Jennifer than met the eye .

  24. 布瑞:我可能没法说服别人喜欢保罗,但你没必要承受他的罪过。

    Bree : Well , I may not be able to convince people to like paul , but there 's no reason you should suffer for what he 's done .

  25. 布瑞:对不起,但她跟美景镇的疯子结婚了,那家伙打算毁了紫藤巷,她却不阻止。

    Bree : I 'm sorry , but she is married to the biggest in fairview . He tried to destroy our neighborhood , and she did nothing to stop him .