
  • 网络brock;brockton;Broke
  1. 17岁的布罗克•沙克尔福(BrokeShackleford)说:因为我年纪小,所以不能带着枪到处走,但打猎的时候我可以佩枪。

    Broke Shackleford , 17 , said : ' Well because of my age I actually can 't carry everywhere but I can carry when I hunt .

  2. 布罗克称,餐厅鼓励顾客用子弹代替小费,有些顾客甚至还会留下他们自己的枪。

    Broke says that customers are encouraged to tip with bullets - some even leave weapons .

  3. 一个布罗克汉普顿农场共有1,700英亩土地退耕闲置,得到了每英亩87英镑的补贴。

    A Brockhampton farm is paid £ 87 per acre for the 1,700 acres it has in set-aside .

  4. 布罗克斯开始是一位房地产开发商,后来创建了一个传奇的企业集团TrafalgarHouse。

    The author started out as a property developer and proceeded to build the legendary conglomerate Trafalgar House .

  5. 纽约布罗克波特州立大学的沃伦•卡曾仁斯克是CBI的主席。

    Warren Kozirenski at the State University of New York-Brockport is chairman of CBI .

  6. 因为命运的安排,地震发生时,布罗克、席格跟NPR的七名工作人员正好在现场。

    By a twist of fate , Block , Siegel and seven NPR staffers were on the scene when the quake struck .

  7. 上周在布罗克顿,三天里每小时就会死一个人”

    In Brockton three days last week there was one every hour "

  8. 维姬.哈周也住在法布罗克社区,她住在拖车活动房里。

    Vicky Harjo lives in a trailer , also in the community of Fallbrook .

  9. 布罗克补充道:我知道有些店员收到了‘弹药小费’,不过我自己还从未遇到过。

    The server added : ' I know some of the waitresses have been tipped in ammo but it has never happened to me .

  10. 诺布罗克-维斯特维克称,老年人对有关年轻人的负面新闻的喜好可以用他们在社会中的地位来解释。

    According to Knobloch-Westerwick , older people 's preference for negative news about their younger counterparts can be explained by their place in society .

  11. 布罗克说她在中国生活很高兴,因为她能感受到经济的迅速发展给这个国家带来的众多变化。

    Brock said she was happy living in China , as she felt the various changes in the country were due to its increasing economic development .

  12. 在过去这几年里,布罗克自己出钱给村里小学建起了一个计算机房,捐献了桌椅和教材。

    In the past few years Brock has built a computer room for the primary school with her own money , and donated desk , chairs and books .

  13. 上月,一群流浪者球迷带着一块纪念碑石专程来到默西塞德,以悼念埃布罗克斯惨案中最年轻的罹难者奈杰尔·皮卡普。

    Last month , a group of Rangers fans travelled to Merseyside to lay a remembrance stone in tribute to Nigel Pickup-the youngest victim of the Ibrox disaster .

  14. 邻居张大婶告诉布罗克说,她第一次得到了政府的医保补助,这属于农村医疗合作制度的一部分。

    One of her neighbors , Aunt Zhang told Brock she received government-issued medical security compensation for the first time in a cooperative medication scheme for people living in rural areas .

  15. 布罗克大胆用兵,加上赫尔害怕被印第安战士屠杀,令英军这一仗赢得非常辉煌,美军则败得非常可耻。

    Fear of slaughter by Indian warriors , coupled with Brock 's bold manoeuvres , resulted in a victory as brilliant for the British as it was ignominious for the Americans .

  16. 在刘庙,每个孩子都在布罗克的家里玩玩具。在圣诞节,她总是用驴车拉着一车糖果送到学校分给孩子们。

    In Liumiao , every child plays with toys in Brock 's home , and at Christmas she always brings a batch of candies and takes them by a donkey cart to schools for students .

  17. 布罗克说,他们想要在北京奥运之前几个月,探索一个多数美国人不熟悉的地区,跳脱一般中国新闻的窠臼。

    The idea , Block says , was to explore a region of China unfamiliar to most Americans and to " get beyond " the usual news stories about China in the months leading up to the Beijing Olympics .