
bù léi
  • lay mines;mine
布雷 [bù léi]
  • [mine;lay mines] 布置水雷或地雷

布雷[bù léi]
  1. 结合某型号布雷弹的特点,详细地研究了弹道任意一点处的射击诸元。

    Based on a certain types mine characteristic , the trajectory wanton the all of shootings in detail is studied .

  2. 最后通过比较同一度大小,对备选方案进行排序,选取最优的布雷作战方案。

    Finally , the optimal mine laying operational plan is chosen after the plan candidates being ranked by comparing the degrees of identities .

  3. 政治和布雷区,杂志报纸和P。

    Politics and minefields , press and P.

  4. 布雷弗曼与政界高层的关系非常密切切尔西•克林顿是他的朋友所以在2013年7月,布雷弗曼加入克林顿基金会(ClintonFoundation)。

    Uber-connected in the highest echelons of politics Chelsea Clinton is a friend Braverman made the jump to the Clinton Foundation in July , 2013 .

  5. 奥利弗?布雷是国际律师事务所RPC的合伙人,他说,这种行为大多是为明星准备的。

    Oliver Bray , a partner at international law firm RPC , said the move was usually reserved for those who were already celebrities .

  6. 该党领导人西夫延森(sivjensen)表示,她对布雷维克曾经是该党的一名党员表示震惊。

    Its leader , SIV Jensen , said she was shocked when Mr Breivik turned out to be a former members .

  7. 我们入住于古达尔-哈瓦尔布雷县的LaTrufaNegra酒店度周末长假,这家酒店推出的“松露旅游套餐”包括了猎狗找寻松露旅行、品尝松露定价餐以及松露spa。

    I have come to the county for a long weekend at La Trufa Negra , a hotel whose pioneering " truffle tourism " package includes a truffle-hunting expedition with dogs , a truffly tasting-menu and truffle-based therapies in the hotel spa .

  8. 这起袭击事件唯一的嫌疑人安德斯•布雷维克(AndersBehringBreivik)已经承认实施了这两起袭击。他称这是必要的,他的目的是唤醒整个国家,面对不断在呢国家的移民带来的威胁。

    The only suspect , Anders Behring Breivik , has admitted to carrying out the attacks , which he says were necessary in order to wake up the country to the threat he claims posed by increased immigration .

  9. 彰显城市没有灾难应对规划后果的一个悲剧性例子是2011年的奥斯陆,当时安德斯•贝林•布雷维克(AndersBehringBreivik)在该市的一栋政府办公楼里引爆了炸弹,随后在于特岛(Utøya)对着人群疯狂射击。

    A tragic example of what can happen when cities have not planned for the worst was Oslo in 2011 , when Anders Behring Breivik bombed a government building in the city and then went on a killing spree on the island of Ut ø ya .

  10. 事发于前天(1月30日)早上9时15分,现场为蒙特利尔一个无人站岗的法布雷(Fabre)车站。

    She was apparently strangled by her scarf.The incident , which has been deemed an accident by Montreal police , occurred at 9:15 a.m. at the station on the corner of Jean Talon Street East and Fabre Street in the Villeray district , said Constable Jean-Pierre Brabant .

  11. 蒙特卡罗法在火箭布雷中的应用

    The Application of Monte Carlo Method in Mine Laughing by Rocket

  12. 布雷说,这是必要和有效的措施。

    Margaret Bray says that is a necessary and effective measure .

  13. 火箭布雷发射系统可靠性试验的综合评判

    Synthetic Classifying Evaluation of System Reliability Testing of Rocket Setting Mine

  14. 常规潜艇攻势布雷效能评估的柔性仿真框架设计

    Framework layout of flexible simulation model on efficacy evaluation in submarine-lay-ing-mine

  15. 在他看来,布雷克朗一向是个相当稳健的人。

    Brecklong had always seemed to him a sound enough person .

  16. 布雷,波尔酒庄等种邻更等酒体酒。

    Bourg produces a better medium-body red wine than its neighbor .

  17. 不如布雷现代,可以这么说吗?

    No more modern than boullee , would you say ?

  18. 布雷维克呼吁人们行动起来,捍卫他心目中的欧洲。

    He calls for a crusade to defend his idea of Europe .

  19. 有巡逻艇、布雷舰、扫雷舰、等等。

    They are patrol boats , mine-layers , mine-sweepers and so on .

  20. 所有的游戏的布雷系列合并为一个!

    All the games of Buble series combined into one !

  21. 他表示祝贺地拍了拍布雷斯洛的手臂。

    He patted breslow 's arm in a congratulatory manner .

  22. 他们住在一个叫布雷的寂静的小村庄里。

    They lived in a sleepy little village called bray .

  23. 在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。

    Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield .

  24. 布雷维克一度就是这个党的一个成员,后来,他觉得这个党太温和了,随即退出。

    Breivik was a member until he decided it was too moderate .

  25. 火箭布雷效率指标计算

    The Efficiency Target Calculation of Laying Mines by Rocket

  26. 我去看布雷在干嘛。

    I 'm gonna see what blake 's doing .

  27. 我不知道你认识凯莉布雷萧。

    I don 't know you know Carrie Bradshaw .

  28. 他异常敏捷地跳离布雷区。

    He sprang from the minefield with surprising agility .

  29. 因此,我们便发明了两种新武器――火箭和空中布雷。

    For this we developed two new devices , rockets and aerial mines .

  30. 布雷博士表示,所有被研究者体重都增加了。

    Dr. Bray says all of them gained weight .