
bù jú
  • layout;design;distribution;configuration;plot;overall arrangement;geographical layout;composition of a picture, essay,etc.;position of pieces on a chessboard
布局 [bù jú]
  • (1) [distribution;layout] 对事物的全面规划和安排

  • 新市区的布局

  • (2) [composition of a picture,essay,etc.]∶[绘画、文学作品的] 设计。文学上为了戏剧效果而引入的方法或人为状态(如超自然的力重)

  • (3) [position of pieces on a chessboard]∶指棋子分布的态势

布局[bù jú]
  1. 航空物流园区设施规划与布局研究

    The Research of Layout and Overall Arrangement of Air Logistics Park

  2. 但不少设计者往往只注重原理设计,而对PCB板的设计布局考虑不多,因此在完成的电路设计中常会出现EMC问题。

    However , some designers pay much attention to the theory designing but little to the overall arrangement of PCB board .

  3. 这本书的故事布局十分严谨。

    The book is well organized in terms of plot .

  4. 金熟悉这栋建筑物的布局,大步流星地走在走廊上。

    Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor .

  5. 古战场的布局从高处清晰可见。

    The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height .

  6. 维多利亚式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。

    Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms .

  7. 他努力回想农舍的布局。

    He tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse

  8. 这艘船的甲板布局合理,使得所有操控都很方便。

    This boat has a good deck layout making everything easy to operate .

  9. 在这本布局恢宏的新小说中,错综复杂的家庭关系与一起谋杀阴谋交织在一起。

    Complex family relationships interweave with a murder plot in this ambitious new novel

  10. 这样的装饰布局原本是想让人们把注意力集中在如何赚钱上。

    The decor was meant to keep the mind concentrated on the making of money

  11. 我画出店的布局草图,拟订了一份商业计划。

    I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan

  12. 任何人想要对18世纪的房间进行粉刷,都需要熟悉房间内色彩的布局。

    Anyone seeking to paint 18th-century rooms needs to be familiar with the way colour was disposed within a room .

  13. 我市的学校[教育]布局受到了批评。

    The distribusion of schools in our city has been criticized .

  14. 那个省的轻工业布局需要调整。

    The arrangement of light industry in the province needs adjustment .

  15. 这个工厂整个布局显得紧凑。

    The factory is compactly laid out as a whole .

  16. 这一片建筑物的布局十分规则。

    The buildings in this area are laid out in an orderly fashion .

  17. 这幅画色彩鲜明,但布局蹩脚。

    This painting has vivid colours but poor composition .

  18. 这张图展示了工厂的布局。

    This map shows the layout of the plant .

  19. 布局新奇。

    The plot is novel .

  20. 我们一定要建成布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。

    We are determined to set up a complete , rationally distributed scientific and technological research system .

  21. 文章谋篇布局过于散漫。

    The article is poorly organized in its structure .

  22. 这个商业区布局紧凑。

    The shopping area has a compact layout .

  23. 要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇,加快5G网络、数据中心等新型基础设施建设,抓紧布局数字经济、生命健康、新材料等战略性新兴产业、未来产业。

    While seizing the opportunities of industrial digitization and digital industrialization , China also needs to expedite the construction of " new infrastructure4 " projects such as 5G networks and data centers , and deploy5 strategic emerging sectors6 and industries of the future including digital economy , life health services and new materials .

  24. 在布局凌乱的大房子里容易迷路。

    It was easy to get lost in the rambling house .

  25. 格林纳达独特的地形布局包括许多手指状的洞穴,使得这个岛屿成为一个受人欢迎的航海地

    Grenada 's unique layout includes many finger-like coves , making the island a popular destination .

  26. 经济结构和区域布局继续优化

    The economic structure continued to improve , and the development priorities of regions are better aligned

  27. 强化国家战略科技力量,推进国家实验室建设,完善科技项目和创新基地布局。

    The building of national laboratories will continue , and the layout of science and technology programs and innovation centers will be improved .

  28. 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于推进对外贸易创新发展的实施意见》,提出创新方式开拓国际市场、优化国内区域布局、增强外贸企业竞争力等九大支持外贸发展新举措。促进外贸创新发展。

    The State Council recently unveiled guidelines on the innovative the domestic layout of foreign trade , and enhancing the competitiveness of foreign trade firms .

  29. 第五十九条乡镇企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业、农村村民住宅等乡(镇)村建设,应当按照村庄和集镇规划,合理布局,综合开发,配套建设;

    Article 59 Construction of township enterprises , public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships ( towns ) and rural villagers ' houses should be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans according to a comprehensive development plan , with good supporting facilities .

  30. 第八条城市人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、消防站、消防供水、消防通信、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城市总体规划,并负责组织有关主管部门实施。

    Article 8 Urban people 's governments shall bring the fire control plan into the overall urban planning , including fire control safety layout , fire control station , fire control communication , fire truck passageway and fire control equipment , etc , and take the charge of organizing relevant departments for its implementation .