
qián jìn
  • forward;advance;proceed to;move;progression;march;go forward;forge ahead;go ahead;make progress;ascent;make one's way
前进 [qián jìn]
  • (1) [advance;go forward;go ah-ead]∶上前;向前行进

  • 不敢前进

  • (2) [make progress]∶向前发展进步

  • 靠奋斗前进

前进[qián jìn]
  1. 将军下令前进。

    The general gave the order to advance .

  2. 这些防御工事用于阻止坦克等车辆前进。

    The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles .

  3. 虽然这并非完美无瑕,但我们正朝着目标前进。

    It 's not perfect but we 're getting there .

  4. 他们一个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进。

    They made their way in single file along the cliff path .

  5. 门开了,挡住他前进的路。

    The door opened , blocking his forward movement .

  6. 她三个月前进了这家公司。

    She joined the company three months ago .

  7. 汽车挂了一挡,突突地缓缓前进。

    The car stuttered along in first gear .

  8. 他们匍匐前进。

    They crawled along on their bellies .

  9. 船破浪前进。

    The ship sliced the water .

  10. 船突突地缓慢前进。

    The boat chugged slowly along .

  11. 时间在前进。

    Time is moving on .

  12. 它提供了飞机前进所需的推力。

    It provides the thrust that makes the craft move forward .

  13. 所有国家在友谊的旗帜下团结一致,共同前进。

    All countries march as one nation under the banner of friendship .

  14. 这没有阻止英国海军继续得意扬扬地前进的步伐。

    It hasn 't stopped the British Navy proceeding on its merry way

  15. 这款便携式摄像机可以使录像带快速倒回或前进。

    The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed .

  16. 以每小时60英里的速度前进的车轮很快就会磨出洞来。

    Holes can be worn remarkably quickly by a wheel going round at 60mph

  17. 救护车在人群中缓慢前进。

    An ambulance inched its way through the crowd .

  18. 他们不得不小心谨慎地继续前进。

    They have to proceed at a measured pace .

  19. 我们转向东南方向,朝费拉约港前进。

    We turned south-east , making for Portoferraio .

  20. 他们就是看不到前进的方向。

    They just couldn 't see any way forward

  21. 科学的前进步伐不可阻挡。

    The progress of science is unstoppable .

  22. 难民摸黑前进,试图转移到安全的地方。

    The refugees were groping their way through the dark , trying to reach safety .

  23. 那艘船破浪前进。

    The ship ploughed through the waves .

  24. 我们前进了15英里,来到亚德金河畔。

    We marched fifteen miles to Yadkin River

  25. 有50万人观看了部队在纽约纸带纷飞的欢迎仪式中列队前进。

    A half million people watched the troops march in New York 's ticker tape parade .

  26. 人们齐步前进。

    The people marched en masse .

  27. 士兵们停止前进,稍作休息。

    The soldiers halted and rested from their march .

  28. 士兵们冒着密集的炮火匍匐前进。

    The soldiers crept forward under heavy gunfire .

  29. 士兵们排成一列纵队前进。

    The soldiers were walking in single file .

  30. 部队继续前进。

    The troops moved onwards .