
shǐ shū
  • history;historical records
史书 [shǐ shū]
  • [historical records] 历史书:记录历史的文献

  • 据史书记载

史书[shǐ shū]
  1. 要求我们重写那本史书,要一直写到1980年。

    We have been asked to rewrite the history book , bringing it down to1980 .

  2. 史书记载这个将军如何下令他的部下坑杀降兵。

    The history book recorded how the general ordered his subordinates to bury those surrendered soldiers alive .

  3. 有些画是经典的,收录在艺术史书中。

    Some of the paintings were canonical , included in art-history books .

  4. 我们认为Spectrum是一部正在被书写的史书,在多年以后这系列丛书仍将为艺术家和读者提供参考和灵感。

    We think of Spectrum as an ongoing history book series , collections that can be used as both a reference and as an inspiration to artists and readers for many years to come .

  5. 乔丹在他的慈善史书上提到,16世纪,一位名叫爱德华迪林(edwarddering)的著名清教徒牧师执著地反对英国伊丽莎白女王时代的济贫法律,理由是它们容易削弱富人必须为贫穷承担的道德责任。

    In the 16th century , Jordan records in his history of philanthropy , a noted Puritan divine named Edward dering consistently opposed the poor laws of Elizabethan England on the grounds that they tended to weaken the moral responsibility that wealth must bear for poverty and need .

  6. 其三、中译日文史书的学术价值。

    Third , the academic value of translated Japanese history books .

  7. 事实有史书记载而我是做新闻的

    Facts are for history books . I work in news .

  8. 这些家史类史书在中国学术发展史上具有重要价值。

    Lineage history has important value in the Chinese academic history .

  9. 中国哲学史书写的模式与前提

    The Mode and Premise of Writing the History of Chinese Philosophy

  10. 新时期大型中国史书的编纂与史体创新

    China 's Large-Scale Historiography and Innovation of Styles of Historical Records

  11. 从石油史书的解析到石油与天然气地质学课程的学习

    Analysis of Petroleum Historical Books to Master of Petroleum Geology Course

  12. 500年前葡萄牙史书对郑和下西洋的记载

    The Studies about Zheng He in the West 500 Years Ago

  13. 不过,最令我难忘的还是史书。

    However , the most unforgettable in the history books still .

  14. 朝鲜王朝所编之中国史书

    On the Chinese History Books Compiled by the Choson Historians

  15. 用勤劳的双手捧出一卷惊天动地的史书。

    Peng Chu industrious hands with earth-shattering volume history books .

  16. 这些文献和史书有何用处呢?

    What good are these documents and the history books ?

  17. 甚至是元朝也制作了宋朝的史书。

    Even the Yuan Dynasty commissioned the Book of Song .

  18. 《白话文学史》:文学史书写的政治

    " A History of Vernacular Literature ": Politics of Writing Literary History

  19. 日文独立史书的翻译激发促进了中国人独立精神高涨;

    The translation to Japanese independent history books inspires the independent spirit ofChinese ;

  20. 《清史稿》是民国初期历时十余年编写而成的一部有关清代的纪传体史书。

    The draft of Qing History is written for years about Qing history .

  21. 贵州苗族服饰&穿在身上的史书

    Miao People 's Costume & A Dressed History Book

  22. 第五,关于历史文学、史书文字写作方面的问题。

    Fifth , it includes the history of literature and historical writing problems .

  23. 关于孔子的生辰,史书的记载存在着分歧。

    There are different opinions on Confucious exact birthday in the historical records .

  24. 论发展交通史学及交通史书编写工作中的几个问题

    Several Problems on Development of Communications Historiography and Compilation Work of Communications Historiography

  25. 钱穆论史体与史书

    Qian mu 's View on the Forms of History

  26. 所有的希腊史书将被焚毁。

    Every piece of Greek parchment shall be burned .

  27. 在文化上,日文史书的中译推动了中日文化交流的进一步发展。

    In culture , Japanese history books promote the development ofChinese-Japanese culture communication .

  28. 史书似乎常被赋予几分不真实的色彩。

    History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality .

  29. 对于中东路事件起因与肇衅者问题,史书记载有着不同的说法。

    Historical records disagree over the cause of the Zhongdonglu Incident and the provocateurs .

  30. 《资治通鉴》:编年体史书历史叙事发展的高峰

    The Zizhitongjian : The Pinnacle of Development of Historical Narration in Chronological History Writing