
  1. 带可调电感的一匝绕组。可指定可调变压器。

    Top of slot belt One winding with adjustable inductance . Adjustable mutual inductor can be specified .

  2. 那市镇的四周就象布着一匝沉默的哨兵似的,成千上万的人都站在那儿盯着海洋出神。

    Posted like silent sentinels all around the town , stand thousands upon thousands of mortal men fixed in ocean reveries .

  3. 带可调电感的一匝绕组。右击指定可调变压器。高速公路入口匝道与路段协调控制研究

    One winding with adjustable inductance . Right-click for adjustable mutual inductor . Research on Coordinate Control between Freeway On-ramp and Mainline Section

  4. 一次发电机匝间短路保护动作的分析

    Analysis of a Protection Operation for Interturn Short Circuit of Generator

  5. 这种电动机的定子绕组由一个多匝绕组和一个少匝绕组串联而成。

    The stator winding of the motor is made up of a multi-circle winding and a minor-circle winding in series .

  6. 一种高效的输出电压可升可降的交流调压电路带可调电感的一匝绕组。右击指定可调变压器。

    An Efficient AC Voltage Regulator with Voltage Step-up and Step-down Capability One winding with adjustable inductance . Right-click for adjustable mutual inductor .