
  1. 日本和印度就是近例。如果中国文化的传播速度与它经济的增长速度一样,它将成为一个新的文化重地并且成为美国的有力竞争对手。

    Japan and India are recent examples of that , and if Chinas culture is spreading with the speed of the growth rate of its economy it is about to become a new cultural powerhouse and a serious competitor to the United States of America .

  2. 但由于北洋政府经济立法的历史局限性,它的经济立法活动受到了各种政治力量的张力制约,从而使其经济立法的历史推动作用大打了折扣。

    But owing to the Beiyang government 's historical limitations , its legislative activities had been restricted by the various political force tensions and its historical roles had been reduced .

  3. Panel数据模型是一类具有重要应用的线性统计模型,它在经济、金融、生物、医学等领域都有广泛的应用。

    Panel data model is an important linear model in economics , finance , biology , medicines and other fields .

  4. 创业资本作为一种新型的融资制度,虽然总量占GDP的比重微不足道,但它在经济发展过程中却发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Venture capital is a new financial system and has played an important role in economic growth , even though the gross accounting for GDP is small .

  5. 在数理经济学的领域里有一个分支称为Agent-BasedComputationalEconomics,简称ACE,它把经济系统看作不同的参与经济活动的个体之间的相互作用,从而用数值模拟的方法来研究系统动态。

    There is a branch in economic domain to be called Agent-Based Computational Economics , ACE , it regards the economical system as the participation between the individual economic agent , thus can study the systematic dynamic with the numerical simulation method .

  6. 由此可见,它对经济的发展有一定的积极意义。

    So , it made sense to the economic development positively .

  7. 它是经济发展、各种社会制度共同作用的结果。

    It is economic development , social systems together results .

  8. 排污收费的有效性主要取决于它的经济刺激作用。

    Effectiveness of effluent charge depends upon its economic stimulation .

  9. 战后,东京的扩张将蓧原拉入了它的经济轨道。

    After the war , Tokyo 's expansion pulled Shinohata into its economic orbit .

  10. 文物对旅游业的贡献在于它对经济和社会发展的综合效益。

    The benefits that the relics devote to tourism are the economical and cultural effects .

  11. 我国城镇下岗失业职工不断增加的趋势已经越来越被人们所关注,它事关经济的发展,人民的利益和社会的稳定。

    The trend of township unemployment in China is attracting more and more attention now .

  12. 它和经济全球化有密切的关系,但不是同一个问题。

    And economic globalization , it is closely related to , but not with a problem .

  13. 如果一个国家缺少自然资源,它的经济就不会景气。

    If a country is bare of natural resources , it will have a poor economy .

  14. 更重要的是,它为经济改革和现代化的长期进程铺平了道路。

    More importantly , it set the stage for the long process of economic reform and modernisation .

  15. 在地位上,它隶属经济法律部门中宏观调控法律支系,并在支系中居于中心和统率的地位;

    In terms of status , it is a main branch of the department of law and economy .

  16. 因此,一个国家资本市场的发达程度明确地标志着它的经济发展水平。

    So , the development level of a national capital market definitely indicates the level of this national economic development .

  17. 它在经济、安全、社会保障、刑侦、军事等领域有潜在的巨大应用价值。

    It has great application value in economy , security , social insurance , criminal investigation , and military fields .

  18. 这种方法适用于我国,因为它是经济、可行,有效的。

    It was suggested that this metho be suitable to our country because it was economical , feasible and effective .

  19. 自从大规模定制生产出现以来,它的经济优势成为人们追逐的目标。

    Ever since the appearance of the mass customized production , its economical superiority has become people s chasing target .

  20. 研究中小企业在台湾经济发展中的作用对我们在工业化过程中,如何扶持中小企业,使它促进经济协调发展,有一定的借鉴意义。

    Their experience is useful in the development of medium and small enterprises in the mainland in the industrialization progress .

  21. 竞技体育除能激发爱国热忱、振奋民族精神外,它与经济更具有双向驱动效应。

    Competitive sports have an interactive effect on economic development besides arousing people 's patriotic passion and inspiring national spirit .

  22. 优化社会体育资源配置,提升社会体育管理水平来促进社会体育的发展,发挥它在经济建设中的积极作用。

    Promote the development of social sport by improving its management level ; and exert its positive role in economic construction .

  23. 生态县是一种良性循环的区域形态,它强调经济与环境的协调发展,强调传统技术精华和现代科学技术的结合,强调当地的资源和社会优势。

    The Ecosystem County is a region with benign recycle . It emphasizes the coordination development of the economy and environment .

  24. 制度的重要性已经显明,它与经济绩效之间的关系愈加密切。

    The importance of system has been clear improved . The relationship between economic performance and it has become increasingly close .

  25. 人力资本需要投资来生成。因此它具有经济价值、社会收益递增性和产权上的排他性,等等。

    Human resources need capital in generation , so it owns economic value , social benefit increase and exclusiveness of property right etc.

  26. 它带来经济上的效益,因为它延缓设备的磨损,并由于经常检查而提高了设备的利用率。

    It brings economical benefits , since it decelerates the wear of facilities and raises the availability of facilities upon regular inspection .

  27. 首先,在微观上,要进行价格规制,它是经济规制的一种重要形式。

    Therefore , depending on complete market strength in macro-economic movement will cause economic spasm , it is necessary to effect price administration .

  28. 随着以母子公司为主体的企业集团的迅速发展和它对经济发展的重要意义,母子公司管理的研究成为管理研究中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Along with the rapid development of the Enterprises Group , the research on management of parent-subsidiary corporations of Enterprises Group becomes popular .

  29. 我们现在一般所说的信用主要是就它的经济意义而言的,其本质是一种借贷关系。

    The credit which we are talking about now is mainly on its economic significance , and its nature is a lending relationship .

  30. 如果连中国都无法微调它的经济,那么,危机后各界对官方有能力指引信贷体系的信心也许错置了。

    If even China cannot fine-tune its economy , the widespread post-crisis confidence in the authorities guiding the credit system may be misplaced .
