
  • 网络canadian economy
  1. 这两个因素都在危害加拿大经济。

    Both factors are taking their toll on the Canadian economy .

  2. 最近10年间帝国石油公司为加拿大经济投入了10亿美元资金。

    In the last ten years Imperial Oil had ploughed a billion dollars into the Canadian economy .

  3. 在以后的30年中,布赖斯一直是加拿大经济政策方面的杰出人物。

    For the next thirty years Bryce was the pre-eminent figure in Canadian economic policy .

  4. 本文概述了淡水资源及其产业在加拿大经济中的重要性、酸沉降对加拿大渔业资源造成的损失。

    This paper is a summary of Canada 's freshwater resource and the importance of its freshwater industry .

  5. 兴趣级别率和交换率确定加拿大经济经营的金钱环境。

    The level of interest rates and the exchange rate determine the monetary environment in which the Canadian economy operates .

  6. 税收、财源与权限分离的问题导致加拿大经济运行不畅;

    Thirdly , separation of finances , revenues and jurisdiction did not make Canadian economy develop in a steady and smooth way ;

  7. 随着油砂石油开发生产技术水平的不断提高,油砂石油已经成为加拿大经济发展计划中的一项重要组成部分。

    The oil sands industry has benefited from investments in technology and improved processes , is a big part of Canada 's economic map as well .

  8. 其任务是通过对人、对发现和改革的投资建立一个强大的加拿大经济并改善所有加拿大人的生活质量。

    NSERC 's role is to make investments in people , discovery and innovation to build a strong Canadian economy and to improve the quality of life of all Canadians .

  9. 提高个人资产净值的标准意味着程序现在能够更好地吸引有价值的商业联系和资源的投资者在加拿大经济二次投资。

    Higher personal net worth criteria mean the program is now better positioned to attract investors with valuable business links and the resources to make secondary investments in the Canadian economy .

  10. 中国属于过渡型经济,或者说处于转轨期;韩国也正处于产业升级的特殊时期,东南亚金融风暴后,韩国的经济贸易体制的更新换代进展神速,相反加拿大经济不存在重大的结构性问题。

    China is in the transitional stage , or in other words a changing lane period . Korea is in the period of upgrading its status . After the South Asian financial crisis , Korea has sustained a rapid growth due to the rapid change of its economic structure .

  11. 在21世纪,加拿大的经济情况是多元化的。

    The Canadian economy of the twenty-first century is diversified .

  12. 加拿大在经济上依赖美国很深,美国是其最大的贸易伙伴。

    It is deeply dependent on America , and America is its biggest trade partner .

  13. 加拿大的经济一直都令盟国羡慕。

    Here at home , our economy continues to be the envy of our allies .

  14. 对加拿大出口经济起推动作用的所有工业当中,采矿业名列前茅。

    Of all the industries that drive canada 's export economy , mining is the champion .

  15. 但即使是美国和加拿大,经济增长率预计也将略微超过2%。

    But even the US and Canada are shown with growth rates just above 2 per cent .

  16. 2010年加拿大的经济增长将会位居世界第二,仅次于日本。

    For2010 , they project that we are on track to the second largest growth , behind only Japan .

  17. 尽管美国和加拿大的经济遇到困难,但全球自动化和制造业的前景依然光明。

    Despite troubles in the US and Canadian economies , the global outlook for automation and manufacturing remains bright .

  18. 加拿大的经济发展与资源开发&兼论加拿大资源开发对我国西部开发的启示

    The Economic Development and Resources Exploitation in Canada-The Enlightenment of the Canadian Resourses Exploitation on the Development of Western China

  19. 两次世界大战期间,英美在加拿大的经济竞争是两国争夺世界经济霸权的缩影。

    That the UK-US economic competition in Canada between the two world wars is the epitome of contending for the world economic hegemony .

  20. 首先谈第一个支柱。中国在加拿大促进经济繁荣,增加就业机会方面所起的重要作用不必过多解释。

    Beginning with the first pillar , the importance of China in Canada 's effort to promote prosperity and employment probably needs the least explanation .

  21. 本文分三个阶段对这一时期英美在加拿大的经济竞争进行考察:第一阶段为1919&1928年。

    This paper intends to investigate the economic competition in Canada between UK and US in three stages : the first stage is 1919 - 1928 .

  22. 预测加拿大今年经济将增长3.7%(但2011年和2012年下降)该行认为现在是开始降低货币刺激程度的合适时间。

    Forecasting that Canada 's economy will grow by3.7 % this year ( but by less in2011 and2012 ) the bank thinks it is now " appropriate to begin to lessen the degree of monetary stimulus " .

  23. 英国的帝国特惠制、美国的高关税以及睦邻政策使得这一阶段英美在加拿大的经济竞争呈现拉锯态势,但美强英弱的形势依然存在。

    The imperial preferential system , the high tariffs and the policy of good relations of neighbourhood make the economic competition of Canada between UK and US present see-saw situation , but that US is better than UK still existed .

  24. 同时,借鉴了加拿大的国民经济核算产业部门分类&标准产业分类(StandardIndustriesClassification),对林业相关上市公司进行重新分类,得到了27家林业上市公司,以此界定为实证分析的对象。

    Meanwhile , this article has reclassified Chinese related forestry listed company by referring Canadian national accounting industrial sectors classification-Standard Industrial Classification ( Standard Industries Classification ( SIC ), and has chosen 27 forestry listed companies for the objects of positive analysis .

  25. 加拿大与中国经济诈欺犯罪比较

    Comparative Study on Economic Fraudulent Crime between Canada and China

  26. 北美大型建筑企业和北美国际工程承包市场(续)&中国大型建筑企业家赴加拿大、美国经济合作考察团考察报告

    Large Construction Enterprises and International Contractors in North America

  27. 加拿大和美国经济紧密相联。

    Canada is tightly tied into the American economy .

  28. 加拿大雇主的经济能力证明,证明其有能力雇用全职住家保姆。

    Proof of Canadian employer 's financial ability to hire a full-time live-in caregiver .

  29. 如果它是一个国家,那么加利福尼亚州将是一个人口超过加拿大,而经济规模与中国相当的强国。

    If it were a country , California would be one with more people than Canada and an economy the size of China 's.

  30. 这项调查是在10月份和11月初进行的。受访者认为,英国、美国和加拿大等发达经济体的政府对企业更加友好了。

    Governments in advanced economies such as the UK , US and Canada were judged by participants polled in October and early November to have become more friendly .