
  • 网络overtime;extra time
  1. 富士康已同意在不减少员工收入的同时,减少加班时间。

    Foxconn has agreed to reduce overtime without cutting workers ' pay .

  2. 工作人员要到加班时间了。

    The crew 's about to go into overtime .

  3. 对富士康(Foxconn)运营进行的检查发现,自2010年发生一连串工人自杀、促使外界关注该公司劳工实践以来,这家苹果(Apple)的供应商已改善了工厂劳动条件,但工人加班时间仍超出中国《劳动法》允许的范围。

    Apple supplier Foxconn has improved factory conditions since a series of worker suicides drew attention to the company 's labour practices in 2010 , but workers still do more overtime than permitted by Chinese labour law , an audit of its operations has found .

  4. 受苹果委托帮助富士康改善劳动条件的监督组织公平劳动协会(FLA)在检查评估后表示,富士康未能遵守中国《劳动法》有关每月累计加班时间不得超过36小时的规定。

    Foxconn is not in compliance with Chinese law allowing only 36 hours of overtime a month , according to an inspection by the Fair Labor Association , a monitoring group brought in by Apple to help the company improve working conditions .

  5. 受苹果委托帮助富士康改善劳动条件的监督组织“公平劳动协会”(FLA)在检查评估后表示,富士康未能遵守中国《劳动法》有关每月累计加班时间不得超过36小时的规定。

    Foxconn is " not in compliance " with Chinese law allowing only 36 hours of overtime a month , according to an inspection by the Fair Labor Association , a monitoring group brought in by Apple to help the company improve working conditions .

  6. 减少加班时间也会吸引更多女性寻找好工作。

    Reducing hours would also entice more women into good jobs .

  7. 什么时间才算是纽约公共工作的加班时间?

    When is payment for overtime required on New York State public work ?

  8. 东京的官员后来表示,这名员工加班时间过长。

    Tokyo officials later said that the staffer had worked excessive amounts of overtime .

  9. 客户的最终期限可能需要安排意想不到的加班时间。

    Client deadlines may unexpectedly require extra hours .

  10. 通过对员工考勤时间、加班时间等的分析,改进员工工作管理。

    By analysis on the staff attendance and overtime , improve the staff work management .

  11. 他计划通过取消加班时间的薪资税和收入税来使得每周35小时工作制得到放松。

    He plans to liberalise the35-hour week by exonerating all overtime from payroll charges and income tax .

  12. 这些中药吸引了需要适度提神的顾客,如加班时间过长的上班族等。

    These herbs attract customers , such as over-worked office staff , in need of a modest pick-me-up .

  13. 对于小时制职员,必须根据他们工作的小时数支付工资,还可能需要计算加班时间。

    Hourly workers must be paid for each hour worked , with the added possibility of an overtime calculation .

  14. 工厂应当采取措施,将加班时间控制在有利于保证生产效率和人性化工作环境的限度之内。

    Factories shall carry out operations in ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures productive and humane working conditions .

  15. 任何超过这个限度的都是工作过度,加班时间工人应该得到更多的工资。

    Anything over these time limits is overtime , and the worker should receive more money per hour for work done during overtime .

  16. 雇主可以在与员工协商后延长工作时间,但加班时间不应超过每天3小时或每月36小时。

    Employers may extend working hours after consultation with an employee , but shall not exceed three hours a day or 36 hours a month .

  17. 我讨厌向你做这个,爱丽丝,但是我不得不要求你增加一点加班时间。

    I hate to do this to you , Alice , but I 'm going to have to ask you to put in some more overtime .

  18. 垃圾箱全都满得溢了出来,公园工作人员加班时间创了纪录,政府用于清污的费用也创了纪录。

    Bins overflowed , park staff worked a record amount of overtime and the government spent a record amount of money to clean up the mess .

  19. 在中国的工厂里,限制加班时间是一件特别具有挑战性的事情,原因是有许多工人愿意加班,视其为提高自己收入的一种手段。这些工人的基本工资往往较低。

    Limiting overtime is a particularly challenging issue in Chinese factories as many workers prefer overtime as a way to improve their often low base pay .

  20. 在东莞多数制鞋企业,平均月工资基本上由工作时间和加班时间决定,而它们的加班时间通常超过法定限制。

    At most shoe factories in Dongguan , the average monthly wage is largely determined by working hours and overtime , often in excess of statutory limits .

  21. 同样,新劳动法同时减少了员工跳槽的动机,这取决于谁给的加班时间最多。

    By the same token , the law also reduces the incentive for workers to jump from factory to factory , depending on which offer the most overtime .

  22. 三分之二的受访者说他们在下班后还要在家工作,10%的人说一周的加班时间在30小时左右。

    Two-thirds of respondents said they had to work at home after office hours , and 10 % said they do roughly 30 hours of overtime a week .

  23. 例如,为了计算小时制职员的工资,需要加班时间信息,而这一信息对于计算周薪制职员的工资是不必要的。

    For example , there 's a piece of information needed for calculating an hourly employee 's pay that isn 't needed for calculating a salaried employee 's pay .

  24. 为解决此问题,该供应商将把工资系统与电子打卡系统联网,自动计算加班时间及加班费。

    To address this issue , the supplier will link the payroll system and electronic badge system , which will automate the recording of hours worked and pay calculations .

  25. 该法案规定,员工每月加班时间不得超过100小时,每年不得超过720小时,并对违规公司制定了惩处措施。

    It limits overtime work to less than 100 hours a month and less than 720 hours a year , and it sets penalties for companies that violate the limits .

  26. 现在我们所面临的铂金业处于滑坡过程中,价格持续走低,成本却在增加,加班时间也在增加。

    The industry has been one where we 've been faced with a tightening process , prices have been coming down , we all have the cost increase , overtime increasing .

  27. 难道这是因为富士康迫于苹果和当地工会组织的压力,把工资提了一倍多,同时缩减了加班时间?

    Could that have anything to do with the fact that Foxconn , pressured by apple and local workers rights groups , has more than doubled wages and cut overtime hours ?

  28. 事实上,在富士康工厂里,工人抱怨加班时间不够多(而不是抱怨自己做得太辛苦)是更普遍的现象。

    In fact , a common complaint of those on the Foxconn shop floor is not that they work too hard but that they are not given sufficient hours of overtime .

  29. 有了这些信息,我们就能了解在某一给定的月份里美国制造业雇用人数的数目、他们的工作时间以及他们的加班时间。

    With it , we would know how many people were employed in the manufacturing sector in a given month , how long they worked , and how much overtime they accrued .

  30. 卖方技术人员的实际工作小时和加班时间应按日记载在“计时卡”一式二份,由双方工地代表签字。

    The actual working hours and overtime hours of the seller 's technical personnel shall be recorded per day in the time sheets in duplicate and signed by the site representatives of both parties .