
jīnɡ shén fēn xī xué jiā
  • psychoanalyst;Freudian
  1. 美国一位著名的精神分析学家曾经写过一本名为《逃避自由》(TheFearofFreedom)的书。

    A noted American psychoanalyst once wrote a book entitled The Fear of Freedom .

  2. 运用瑞士著名心理学家、精神分析学家荣格的著名救世主式自卑感的理论论述了赵宝刚电视剧里的爱情主题。

    It uses the theory of famous Swiss psychologist , psychoanalyst Carl Jung , which is well-known messianic inferiority complex . It discusses the theme of love .

  3. 精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。

    Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation .

  4. 精神分析学家们已经不难找到证明其理论的事实根据。

    The psychoanalysts have had no trouble in finding empirical confirmation for their theories .

  5. 有些精神分析学家发现,他们的某些病人在突然感到惬意的时候几乎会兴奋起来

    Some psychiatrists have patients who grow almost alarmed at how congenial they suddenly feel .

  6. 精神分析学家和欧洲工商管理学院(InseadBusinessSchool)教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德弗里斯(ManfredKetsdeVries)称:

    Manfred Kets de Vries , psychoanalyst and professor at Insead Business School , says :

  7. E·B·施特劳斯,一位荣格派精神分析学家,与罗宾是老相识。这里要提到罗宾小时候的一件事,当时正在逃亡的阿比西尼亚皇帝就住在罗宾家附近,还请他们母子喝过下午茶。

    E.B. Strauss , the Jungian psychoanalyst , whom Robin had known for a long time , A reference to an incident in Robin 's boyhood , when the exiled Emperor of Abyssinia had resided near his home , and had invited Robin and his mother to tea .

  8. 弗罗姆,德裔美籍社会哲学家,精神分析学家。

    Erich Fromm , German born American , social philosopher and psychoanalyst .

  9. 精神分析学家鼓励他回想最初的经历。

    The psychoanalyst encouraged him to relive his primal experiences .

  10. 依恋理论是由对象关系学派精神分析学家鲍尔比提出的。

    This theory is raised by Bowlby and comes from the Theory of Object Relations .

  11. 拉康作为后精神分析学家,其理论的后现代指向性是显而易见的。

    Jacques Lacan , as a post-psychoanalyst , the post-modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable .

  12. 通常来说,潜在的病人来找精神分析学家是因为自己直接感到痛苦。

    Typically , what brings a potential patient to a consultation is the pressure of his immediate suffering .

  13. 巴林特是布达佩斯学派著名的精神分析学家,也是英国客体关系理论独立学派的杰出代表。

    Balint is a famous psychoanalyst of Budapest School , the outstanding representative of the Independent School of British Object Relation of Psychoanalysis .

  14. 瑞士著名精神分析学家卡尔·荣格提出了“男性意向”这个概念,以让人们更好地理解女性内心男性化的一面。

    Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed the concept of the " animus " to better understand the inner masculine side of women .

  15. 所以问题的答案就是,弗洛伊德和当代精神分析学家们都认为,药物治疗在心理障碍的治疗中,被广泛滥用了。

    So , the answer is both Freud and modern day psychoanalysts would think that medications are substantially overused in the treatment of mental disorders .

  16. 精神分析学家西格蒙德·佛洛伊德,将心灵看做一个需要释放压力的高压锅,在他的提倡下,深入探究我们的悲伤情绪这种理念得以普及。

    The idea we should delve into our sadness became popular under Sigmund Freud , who saw the mind as a pressure cooker that needed to let out steam .

  17. 作为法国当代重要的精神分析学家和哲学家,拉康解构了自我的中心地位,解构了主体,把精神分析学派带入一个新的领域。

    As one of the most important philosophers and psychoanalysts , Jacques Lacan deconstructed the central status of self and the wholeness of " I ", thus leading psychoanalysis study to a brand-new era .

  18. 埃里希·弗洛姆(1900&1980)曾经被称誉为美国最具影响力和最受欢迎的精神分析学家,同时也是西方弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义流派的主要代表人物。

    Erich Fromm ( 1900-1980 ) was praised as the most influential and popular psychiatrist in America . At the same time , he also was the principal exponent of the genre of Freudianism Marxism .

  19. 文章全面分析了西方当代后现代主义精神分析学家拉康主体认证理论的主要构成,并从著名的镜象阶段入手,揭示了拉康主体理论的来源与过程;

    The main structure of Lacan 's theory of self identity , psychoanalyst of contemporary postmodernism , is analyzed in the essay . Starting from the famous mirror stage , the source and course of self are revealed .

  20. 在中国,新一代受过西方教育的年轻精神分析学家担心,幼年与父母或主要看护人分开的做法,给数百万中国人造成了深刻而隐秘的创伤。在这里,一代又一代人都认为,这样做是正常的。

    In China , a new generation of young , Western-trained psychoanalysts is concerned that early childhood separation from parents or primary caregivers , considered normal here for generations , has caused profound , hidden trauma in millions of Chinese .

  21. 箱庭疗法,用于治疗那些因精神创伤或者虐待而有情感表达障碍的患者,是瑞士精神分析学家卡尔夫基于荣格的思想而发展的一项心理疗法。

    Inspired by the teachings of Carl Jung , Swiss psychologist Dora Kalff developed the sandplay technique to communicate with patients who might have difficulty sharing their feelings as a result of trauma or abuse .