- 名psychoanalyst;Freudian

A noted American psychoanalyst once wrote a book entitled The Fear of Freedom .
It uses the theory of famous Swiss psychologist , psychoanalyst Carl Jung , which is well-known messianic inferiority complex . It discusses the theme of love .
Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation .
The psychoanalysts have had no trouble in finding empirical confirmation for their theories .
Some psychiatrists have patients who grow almost alarmed at how congenial they suddenly feel .
Manfred Kets de Vries , psychoanalyst and professor at Insead Business School , says :
E.B. Strauss , the Jungian psychoanalyst , whom Robin had known for a long time , A reference to an incident in Robin 's boyhood , when the exiled Emperor of Abyssinia had resided near his home , and had invited Robin and his mother to tea .
Erich Fromm , German born American , social philosopher and psychoanalyst .
The psychoanalyst encouraged him to relive his primal experiences .
This theory is raised by Bowlby and comes from the Theory of Object Relations .
Jacques Lacan , as a post-psychoanalyst , the post-modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable .
Typically , what brings a potential patient to a consultation is the pressure of his immediate suffering .
Balint is a famous psychoanalyst of Budapest School , the outstanding representative of the Independent School of British Object Relation of Psychoanalysis .
Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed the concept of the " animus " to better understand the inner masculine side of women .
So , the answer is both Freud and modern day psychoanalysts would think that medications are substantially overused in the treatment of mental disorders .
The idea we should delve into our sadness became popular under Sigmund Freud , who saw the mind as a pressure cooker that needed to let out steam .
As one of the most important philosophers and psychoanalysts , Jacques Lacan deconstructed the central status of self and the wholeness of " I ", thus leading psychoanalysis study to a brand-new era .
Erich Fromm ( 1900-1980 ) was praised as the most influential and popular psychiatrist in America . At the same time , he also was the principal exponent of the genre of Freudianism Marxism .
The main structure of Lacan 's theory of self identity , psychoanalyst of contemporary postmodernism , is analyzed in the essay . Starting from the famous mirror stage , the source and course of self are revealed .
In China , a new generation of young , Western-trained psychoanalysts is concerned that early childhood separation from parents or primary caregivers , considered normal here for generations , has caused profound , hidden trauma in millions of Chinese .
Inspired by the teachings of Carl Jung , Swiss psychologist Dora Kalff developed the sandplay technique to communicate with patients who might have difficulty sharing their feelings as a result of trauma or abuse .