
  • 网络Prince of Dai
  1. 代王在此方面的影响是非常负面的,尤其是代王宗室犯罪更对地方产生了恶劣影响。

    We believe that the effect on this aspect is very negative . Especially the crime of the royal family had a terrible effect on the local place .

  2. 同时,明朝代王家族在大同的行为,对当时大同的政治、经济、军事以及整个社会生活有着重大的影响。

    Meanwhile , the deeds of the family of Prince Dai in Datong had an significant influence on the politics , economic , military affairs and the whole society .

  3. 通过分析,可以发现代王对中央和地方政局的影响更多的是消极方面的,当然并不能抹杀其在军事方面发挥的应有的作用。

    By analyzing we believe that the effect of Prince Dai on the local and central political situation is mainly negative . But we can never neglect the positive effect on the military affairs .

  4. 由于大同代王的史料极少及自身水平的局限,对一些问题未敢妄下断言,留待考证。

    Because of the extremely little historical data about Prince Dai of Datong and the limitation of the personal level , I dare not draw a conclusion for some questions and those wait for the further research .

  5. 因此,对代王的研究,不仅可以折射出明代藩王政策的得失教训,而且也对大同地方史的研究提供启示。

    Therefore , the study on King Dai not only directly proves the lessons of success and failure of the policy of suzerain in the Ming Dynasty but also provides the enlightenments for the local history of Datong .

  6. 公元386年(魏登国元年),拓跋娃乘前秦瓦解之际,在盛乐称代王,重建代国。同年,改国号为魏,史称北魏。

    In 386 , Tuoba Gui set up the state of Dai at Cheng Yue when the Former Qin collapsed and changed Dai into Wei in the same year , which was known as the Northern Wei in history .

  7. 新一代节油王&99新款嘉陵70

    The New Generation of Jialing 70

  8. 他是八世纪的一位大主教和两代英王的大臣,以慈善行为和建造教堂而闻名。

    He was an eighth-century bishop , chancellor to two Eng1ish kings , and famous for charitable deeds and building churches .

  9. 他是首代凤凰王的后裔,也有些精灵吟游诗人说他事实上就是阿纳瑞欧的转世,因为那样的勇气和技巧只属于他。

    He is a descendant of the first Phoenix king , and some Elven bards say that he is in fact Aenarion reborn , so valiant and skilled is he .

  10. 后来,从第一代诸王统治时期起,由于河洲过于狭窄,再也没有回旋的余地,巴黎遂跨过了塞纳河。

    Then , from the date of the kings of the first race , paris , being too cribbed and confined in its island , and unable to return thither , crossed the water .

  11. 陵墓的主人是第二代南越王赵眜,他是南越开国之君、秦朝大将赵佗的孙子。

    The mausoleum houses the tomb of Zhao Mo , second king of Nanyue and grandson of the fabled Qin general Zhao Tuo , whom the emperor sent to the south in214 BC to quell unrest .

  12. 代下9:27王在耶路撒冷使银子多如石头、柏木多如高原的桑树。

    The king made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem , and he made cedars as plentiful as sycamore trees that are in the lowland .

  13. 代下36:6巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒上来攻击他、铜炼锁著他、将他带到巴比伦去。

    Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against him and bound him with bronze chains to take him to Babylon .

  14. 电子证据是新一代的证据之王,这既是网络时代的必然结果,也是世界各国证据立法面临的新的挑战。

    Electronic evidence is the king of the latest generation of evidence , with which is a new challenge the worldwide evidence legislation is confronted as well as an inevitable result in internet age .

  15. 梁代以王筠、王规、王训等后起之秀为代表,他们紧随潮流,与主流文体发展的步调保持一致,其作品具有鲜明的时代特征,体现出当时流行之体制与风格。

    In the Liang Dynasty , such as Wang Jun , Wang Gui , Wang Xun , followed the trend closely , keeping the steps with the development of the main style . Their works embodied the prevalent system and style of that period .