
  • 网络Political Party Act
  1. 制定“政党法”的必要性和可能性分析

    On the necessity and possibility of the enactment of " party law "

  2. 第二部分论述了俄罗斯政党法的几个主要特点,简要介绍了政党法的主要内容;

    The second part expounds the main features of the law , giving a brief account of the law .

  3. 在条件成熟时,制定专门的《政党法》加以保障。

    In the ripe conditions , we can formulate the special law of political party to protect the resumption of the democratic parties .

  4. 文章认为,俄德两国《政党法》颁布的历史背景很不相同,但都反映出各自国家政党政治发展的内在要求。

    This context hold , The Party Law differently reflect the inner demands of countries ' development , though great difference in issuing background .

  5. 德国的《政党法》作为历史上第一部专门立法,其内容具有开创性和典范性,俄《政党法》在很大程度上借鉴了德国的政党法。

    Germen The Party Law shows initiatives and typicality in content as the first specialized law in history , to which to a great extent Russia referred .

  6. 文章从《政党法》颁布的历史背景、主要内容,以及对政党制度的影响等三个方面,对俄德两国的政党制度进行了较为系统的比较研究。

    This text made a systematical comparing research into the party system of Russia and Germany , on the three aspects of The Party Law : its historical background , chief content , as well as its influence on the party system .

  7. 上个月,在法院发现支持他信的政党违反选举法后,他信的政治盟友转而支持民主党领袖阿披实。

    Last month , after a court found that the pro-Thaksin party had violated electoral laws , coalition partners gave their support to Mr. Abhisit - leader of the Democrat Party .

  8. 规范政党活动的法制是一个包括宪法、政党法以及其他法律规范的体系。

    Legality to regulate the activities of parties is one system including constitution , political party law and other laws and regulations .

  9. 德国在西方国家中素有政党国家之称,1967年颁布的《政党法》是历史上第一部关于政党的专门立法,对其他国家的政党立法影响较大;

    Germany is long since honored as " Party country ", the first specialized law in history , The Party Law issued in 1967 , cast a great light on party statutes of other countries ;