
  • 网络Policy implementation;policy enforcement;program implementation
  1. 本章认为,以ASD分析模型来看,我国县级政府的政策执行水平和能力比改革开放以前有了长足发展和进步。

    The chapter argues that , depends on the ASD analysis model , the level of policy implementation and capacity of county government in China have made great development and progress .

  2. 街头官僚在公共政策执行中的偏差及矫正

    Deviation and Correction of Public Policy Implementation by the Street Bureaucrats

  3. 方法应用层次分析法(AHP法)综合评判襄樊市血液安全政策执行情况及AIDS流行与控制效果。

    AHP method was applied to evaluate the implementation of blood safety policy and the effect of HIV / AIDS control .

  4. 本文在对有关货币政策执行效果地区差别的文献进行回顾的基础上,利用VAR模型和IRF检验证实我国货币政策存在显著的区域效应。

    Based on the reviewing essays about regional effects of monetary policy , this paper has verified that there exist manifest regional effects of monetary policy in our country , with VAR model and IRF .

  5. 公共政策执行的质量分析与全面管理

    The Analysis and Total Management of Public Policy 's Implementation Quality

  6. 农村政策执行影响因素分析

    An analysis of influential factors in the implementation of rural policy

  7. 论土地政策执行的方法与步骤

    Discussion on the methods and steps of carrying out land policy

  8. 硕士生抵免学费奖学金政策执行状况研究

    The Study of the Implementation of Scholarship Policy for Graduate Students

  9. 国际奥委会妇女体育政策执行的反思

    Reflection on the Implementation of the IOC Women ' Sport Policy

  10. 普通中学体育政策执行力影响因素探析

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors on Policy Execution in School Sports

  11. 我国高等教育投资政策执行的系统分析

    The Systematic Analysis on Higher Education Investment Policy in China

  12. 政策执行机构将从计划生育委员会改革为人口政策委员会;

    The administrative organization from family planning committee to population policy committee ;

  13. 公共政策执行障碍及其对策

    On the Barriers to the Implementation of Public Policies and the Countermeasures

  14. 媒体传播对农业政策执行和科技推广影响的研究

    The Affection of Media & Communication on Agriculture Policy and Technical Extension

  15. 农民工子女教育政策执行的财政博弈与政策建议

    The Implementation and Suggestions of Fiscal Game of Migrant Children Education Policy

  16. 高等教育投资政策执行客体因素包括高等教育投资政策问题以及目标群体。

    Policy objective , including policy problems and policy colony ;

  17. 第四章:公共政策执行力评估指标设计。

    Chapter IV : Evaluation of the implementation of public policy design .

  18. 货币政策执行效果的地区差别分析

    On the Regional Difference in the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  19. 制度监督:提高政策执行效率的关键

    System Supervision : The Key of Improving Policy Enforcement Efficiency

  20. 我国政策执行研究现状的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Situation for Studies in Policy Implementation in China

  21. 政策执行治理结构的选择

    An Analysis of the Selection of Governing Structure of Policy-implementation

  22. 论公共政策执行偏差及其矫正

    On the Uncorrect Exercise of Public Policy and Its Correction

  23. 我国乡镇政府政策执行的阻抑因素分析

    An Analysis on the Hindrance Factors in Policy Implementation of Township Government

  24. 地方政府公共政策执行力评估指标体系构建研究

    Construction of the Index System of Local Government Public Policy Executive Power

  25. 政策执行过程中虚假信息的阻滞及其消解分析

    Analysis of the Arrest and Resolution of False Information in Policy Execution

  26. 公共政策执行系统价值取向的分析

    On Value Orientation in System of Public Policy Implementation

  27. 论政策执行中的人力资源管理

    On of Human Resources Management In Implementation of Policies

  28. 试论政策执行中的政府利益

    On the Interests of the Government in Implementing Policy

  29. 试析公共政策执行失灵

    Analyzing the Failure in the Execution of Public Policy

  30. 我国税收政策执行的问题解析和改进建议

    An Analysis of the Problems in China 's Taxation Policy-Implementation and Their Countermeasures